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May 21 2014 07:09am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 21 2014 12:32pm)
Good Morning.

Given your current circumstances, if you are between 10-15% BF, the only way you are going to cure the loose skin problem (without surgery) is by adding large amount of muscle to the general area, thus taking up more area, and filling out the skin properly. Focus on a lot of core work, as well as lower back and oblique work, in order to maximize muscle growth in the area. Continue your regular weight lifting routine, but keep yourself on a clean bulk to prohibit future fat loss.

Quite frankly, if you have a tendency to gain fat, especially when on a bulk, you MIGHT have to try to vastly reduce sugar and simple carbohydrates from your diet to prevent insulin spiking. The only time this is acceptable is immediately after a workout. You also  might want to try throwing in 30-45 minutes of fasted cardio in the morning, with around 5g bcaa prior, and then have a shake or traditional breakfast about 10-15 minutes after finishing. This will help keep fat gains to a minimum, as you are effectively burning excess through the overnight fasting, plus the morning cardio. Just make SURE to take the BCAA's prior, at least 5g.

Also, when I say core work, I mean HARD core work. You really need to train abs/obliques/lower back approximately 3x per week, and train them with heavy weights, none of this high rep BS. You want those areas to GROW with muscle.


i like this guy
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May 21 2014 08:02am
Since you're practising in med I wanted your opinion on this.

Do you really think 1 kidney is as efficient as 2?

Ppl say your kidney grows and compensates if you only have 1 and there will be no change in your future at all... I kind of find this hard to believe.. I will always believe 2 will be more efficient than 1.. even if that one grows bigger.

I'de rather have 2 working at 90-100% efficiency, than 1 working at 120-130% efficiency.
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May 21 2014 11:35am
Quote (ForbiddenOath606 @ May 21 2014 10:02am)
Since you're practising in med I wanted your opinion on this.

Do you really think 1 kidney is as efficient as 2?

Ppl say your kidney grows and compensates if you only have 1 and there will be no change in your future at all... I kind of find this hard to believe.. I will always believe 2 will be more efficient than 1.. even if that one grows bigger.

I'de rather have 2 working at 90-100% efficiency, than 1 working at 120-130% efficiency.

The human kidneys are actually fairly "overpowered" for the human body in terms of pure efficiency. The human body can live with ONE kidney at 50% efficiency, without any noticeable issues.

HOWEVER, why does the body have 2 kidneys? The reason isn't efficiency, the reason is the nature of the kidneys and the possibility of failure, disease, and even immune support.

Two kidneys means that if ONE kidney fails, is damaged, or contracts disease, the second one will continue supporting life without any issue. However, if only one kidney exists, regardless of the size, you have no backup plan in the event that the kidney becomes compromised.

Also, new studies are showing that people with 2 kidneys vs 1 have more sturdy immune systems, which leads me to believe that the kidneys play a larger role in immune health than previous thought. The studies on this are not complete yet, however.
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May 21 2014 01:24pm
hey raynor, i was wondering what the "optimum" kcal increase over maintenance during bulking to minimize fat?

like what the best lean bulk? 300cal? 500? depend on the person?
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May 21 2014 04:19pm
Quote (Clicquot @ May 21 2014 03:24pm)
hey raynor, i was wondering what the "optimum" kcal increase over maintenance during bulking to minimize fat?

like what the best lean bulk? 300cal? 500? depend on the person?

Generally 500 cals is the gold standard. You can figure up or down depending on your individual body type.0
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May 21 2014 05:00pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 21 2014 10:19pm)
Generally 500 cals is the gold standard. You can figure up or down depending on your individual body type.0

My TDEE comes out at 3.400 kcal

If I bulk, that means I need to eat basically 3.700 or so calories a day at least. Won't I get fat?

I have been on ethiopian diet (1.200-1.500 cals/day) for 2 years now.
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May 21 2014 05:51pm
Quote (Cher @ May 21 2014 07:00pm)
My TDEE comes out at 3.400 kcal

If I bulk, that means I need to eat basically 3.700 or so calories a day at least. Won't I get fat?

I have been on ethiopian diet (1.200-1.500 cals/day) for 2 years now.

What is your age/height/weight? I know you're around 15% BF you told me
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May 21 2014 05:51pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 21 2014 11:51pm)
What is your age/height/weight? I know you're around 15% BF you told me

24 y
192 cm
90 kg

e: come calculators say 3200 some 3600 so i rounded

This post was edited by Cher on May 21 2014 05:52pm
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May 21 2014 05:53pm

I don't normally post this sort of thing, but I figured given the circumstances, I couldn't sit idly by. Forward it if you'd like, or ignore it if you disagree. No comments/flaming necessary for this.

Thank you.


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May 21 2014 05:59pm
Quote (Cher @ May 21 2014 07:51pm)
24 y
192 cm
90 kg

e: come calculators say 3200 some 3600 so i rounded

OK so at 6'2 - 200 lbs (approx), assuming you are on bulking, here is how you could do it absolutely lean:


3,000 calories (keep sugar to no more than 20g per day, and that's immediately PWO). Start the day with 30 minutes of fasted cardio. Drink at least 1-1.5 gal of water per day, and sleep at least 8 hours. At least 300g protein is required.


2,600 calories (keep sugar as low as possible), Start the day with fasted cardio (again, if possible). Drink at least 1 gal of water and sleep at least 8 hours. Try to stay as "active" as possible, don't be sedentary if you can avoid it. At least 250g protein is required.

Start with these numbers. Gradually INCREASE the calories by around 200 per day on workout days, if you feel that you aren't growing sufficiently. If you feel that you are gaining too much fat, you can reduce the calories by 200, and increase cardio in the morning on a fast. (This is very unlikely, you will most likely need to increase calories - but start low in case).

Assuming your workouts are brutal enough, you may find yourself in the 4,000 calorie area on workout days, without gaining an ounce of fat.

Remember, for each HOUR of brutal physical training, you will need around 400-500 calories to compensate. Keyword here is BRUTAL, not moderate.

Pay attention to your body, once a week do a re-evaluation, and make adjustments as necessary. It's better to start lower than higher, especially if fat gain is a major concern.
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