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Apr 28 2014 07:17am
Quote (Hboy @ Apr 27 2014 04:12pm)
I been having minor pain below my knees when squatting, like @ my knee cap and go down 1-2 inches is where i feel it. Is this shin splints? or could it be something else. (I still feel good enough to do 3 miles of jogging + 30 mins stairmaster)

also on my sundays (cardio only) do I need to take my protein shake after my cardio? or should i only use it when I do weight training?

also green tea or coffee, is it ok to drink it cold? like if i make a week supply and just serve it in the morning and drink cold or maybe microwave it for a bit?

If it's only 1-2 inches below the kneecap...it COULD be shin splints, but it also could be Osgood-Schlatter Disease or even stress fractures.

Have you been to a doctor yet? Sports Medicine or Orthopedist preferred.

Either way, you should be wearing good quality knee braces when doing anything high-impact to stabilize the knees and reduce any damage. Also, stretching and icing the area will greatly help.

Protein shakes are best taken PWO. As far as cardio goes, you COULD, but it isn't necessary.

Yes, green tea and/or coffee are fine to drink cold.
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Apr 28 2014 07:24am
Quote (HotHamAndCarl @ Apr 28 2014 08:55am)
Yo raynlads, this is a little different to the usual questions but here goes

Theres this legit asshole at my gym and mostly just lurks around the drink fountain and the squat rack, (atleast he squats right?)

Wrong. This guy smells so bad its like he eats rotten eggs preworkout and stinks the place up so bad

Im looking to fight fire with fire, looking for the stinkiest concoction of foods and drinks to make my farts smell like theyve been brewed by satan himself. Imagine a necromancer summoning corpse explosion then the corpse turning round n saying now that stinks and i hardly even have a nose - im a decaying corpse.

So far ive thought of this routine -

Night before:
Mcdonalds burgers n soft serve ice cream. Lots of jack daniels n coke

That morning;
Mexican. Extra beans

Dickloads of beef jerky, like 100gs of protein concentrate

Insane amounts of fiborous cereal and heaps of coffee, to really stoke the fire

I dont want to be shitting my pants, i just wanna be able to summon mind numbing farts on demand, or with maybe a 20 second warning so i can time my trips to the water fountain or free weights where he is, also incase girls walk past im not fsrting 24/7,

Anything ud add?


Regardless of this post being real or fake...I gotta tell you, this is top quality, truly.

I haven't laughed this hard in a while, and just to be a good sport and go along with the humor, I'll give you a plan specifically for achieving your goals of deathly flatulence.

Begin 12 hours before the reckoning, get as much of the below in as you possibly can:

2 lbs of mixed broccoli + cauliflower
6 glasses of milk
12 hard boiled eggs
1/2 a cabbage
2 tins of sardines
1 lb ground hamburger (80/20)
1 lb of cheese (full fat)
AS MANY BEANS as you can eat.

Immediately before you go there, a large serving of beans, broccoli/cauliflower, and eggs is required. A tall glass of milk to wash it down would be recommended.

The end results, MIGHT be spontaneous defecation upon release of the turbo flatulence, but at the end of the day, if you cover him in feces, more power to you.

Good luck on your quest.
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Apr 28 2014 07:28am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 28 2014 10:24pm)

Regardless of this post being real or fake...I gotta tell you, this is top quality, truly.

I haven't laughed this hard in a while, and just to be a good sport and go along with the humor, I'll give you a plan specifically for achieving your goals of deathly flatulence.

Begin 12 hours before the reckoning, get as much of the below in as you possibly can:

2 lbs of mixed broccoli + cauliflower
6 glasses of milk
12 hard boiled eggs
1/2 a cabbage
2 tins of sardines
1 lb ground hamburger (80/20)
1 lb of cheese (full fat)
AS MANY BEANS as you can eat.

Immediately before you go there, a large serving of beans, broccoli/cauliflower, and eggs is required. A tall glass of milk to wash it down would be recommended.

The end results, MIGHT be spontaneous defecation upon release of the turbo flatulence, but at the end of the day, if you cover him in feces, more power to you.

Good luck on your quest.

thanks for the speedy reply, 1 lb of cheese. oh lawd.

alright ill give your routine a shot, and mine in a controlled experiment at home / with my dog and gauge reactions
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Apr 28 2014 07:33am
Quote (HotHamAndCarl @ Apr 28 2014 09:28am)
thanks for the speedy reply, 1 lb of cheese. oh lawd.

alright ill give your routine a shot, and mine in a controlled experiment at home / with my dog and gauge reactions

In addition, some very dark beer - such as Guinness or Sam Adams, etc. will probably destroy the paint from your walls.
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Apr 28 2014 07:52am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 28 2014 10:33pm)
In addition, some very dark beer - such as Guinness or Sam Adams, etc. will probably destroy the paint from your walls.

youre a pretty sick guy, man

but thanks a lot :)

ill report with results, i often keep a few of the regulars up to date with toilet time on snapchat, do you have snapchat? (no screenshots pls)
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Apr 28 2014 04:17pm
Good day Raynor,

Would you know of any accurate way to calculate body fat% without too many tools?

I took some measurements and used some calculators I found online and results really vary (from 9% - which seems ridiculously low - to 17...)

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Apr 28 2014 04:52pm
Quote (Jaypee @ Apr 28 2014 06:17pm)
Good day Raynor,

Would you know of any accurate way to calculate body fat% without too many tools?

I took some measurements and used some calculators I found online and results really vary (from 9% - which seems ridiculously low - to 17...)


The easiest way is to get a pair of calipers and measure it that way.
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Apr 30 2014 03:13pm
Hey Ray,
Are there cons to soy protein?
Ive googled it and some say it lows test and some say it has no effect.
I would like your in put,
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Apr 30 2014 04:03pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 28 2014 05:33am)
In addition, some very dark beer - such as Guinness or Sam Adams, etc. will probably destroy the paint from your walls.

Holy lord I lost it reading this page of the thread, ahahahaha
How's med school going Raynor? Aren't you close to finishing or have you already finished? o.O

This post was edited by Mesonychid on Apr 30 2014 04:03pm
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May 1 2014 12:11am
Hey again,

Is it better to consume your carbs before (like an hour) or after your lifting session (how much time)

Also, starting this summer, I'll be doing Abs probably everyday or every other day.

Can you give me a good ab workout? I'm getting my body fat calculated in 2 weeks.
Started at 300 lb 14 months ago
I'm at 200 now 5"11
If you need to wait for my body fat % that's fine, I'm hitting up the doctor's before I'm back home.

Also, when I am home, I'll be able to do my own grocery shopping. Could you also give me a meal plan?
Information below:

Main goal: fat loss. Plain and simple bring my body fat % down
I lift for an hour usually and do cardio and abs after. If the meal plan is made where cardio isn't needed then I won't do it.
I take ON Whey, ON Fiber, ON Creatine.

What I can eat, I also DO NOT mind eating the same foods everyday for the meal plan:
Just listing the foods I see on most plans
Chicken breasts
Chicken Cold Cuts, lettuce, tomato (can use wheat bread for sandwich)
Turkey Cold Cuts
Mixed Veggies (I love broccoli so I can just eat broccoli everyday)
Brown Rice
Wheat Pasta
Jar Sauce
Peanuts (what kind should I get)
I drink 1-2 gallons of water a day
2% milk (never tried skim but I can)
Bananas, apples, peanut butter
I've never tried greek yogurt or mixed berries but I can.
I'll have a blender I can also make shakes with ON Whey and other items

I do not eat
Fish, eggs

As for the time that I will be exercising I do not know this yet. I won't know until I get my work schedules.

This post was edited by ArtofApocalypse on May 1 2014 12:32am
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