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Jan 30 2014 10:10am
I wondered if you were willing to look through my post, where I'm writing about my progress the last 2 months of exercising.
I started working out with a PT, and I would like your honest opinion on my gains since I started working out again (consider if I were your client, and how happy you were with my results, if I pushed it pretty hard).

Other than that, I'd like your opinion as to how much kcal I should be aiming at, considering my situation and goals.

Also, I have 0.17kg more minerals in my skeleton than I did 2 months ago. Does this mean that my skeleton has "grown" and gotten thicker/stronger?

post: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=70067639&f=60

Greetings from Norway,
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Jan 30 2014 12:10pm
Quote (GameBox @ Jan 30 2014 10:17am)
okay, but if i want to keep this setup:

Day x: Legs, Shoulders and Abs 
Day x: Chest, Triceps
Day x: Back, Biceps

What day should i train first/last?

Train the muscle group that you lease enjoy training, first. Put your favorite muscle group at the end of the cycle.
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Jan 30 2014 12:15pm
Quote (Dragon_Reborn @ Jan 30 2014 12:10pm)
I wondered if you were willing to look through my post, where I'm writing about my progress the last 2 months of exercising.
I started working out with a PT, and I would like your honest opinion on my gains since I started working out again (consider if I were your client, and how happy you were with my results, if I pushed it pretty hard).

Other than that, I'd like your opinion as to how much kcal I should be aiming at, considering my situation and goals.

Also, I have 0.17kg more minerals in my skeleton than I did 2 months ago. Does this mean that my skeleton has "grown" and gotten thicker/stronger?

post: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=70067639&f=60

Greetings from Norway,

Hey there.

You weigh 82.2kg which is about 181 lbs. Given that you want to still lose some of that body fat, you are going to want to be eating in the 2,000 kcal range. The exact specifics should be 2,000 kcals on non-workout days, and 2,300 kcals on workout days.

You should try and keep the carb intake fairly low, and get the fat/protein intake higher. Please post me a sample of your current diet.

Lastly, the extra minerals in your skeletal tissue could mean a lot...but most likely it means you've adjusted your diet to contain more nutrients than before.


Just to clarify, I know you want to gain more muscle right now - however, it would be best to get down to the 10-12% BF area before we focus on bulking you up, or else we will potentially give you a LOT of fain gains, which will aesthetically look terrible.

cut first, bulk second.

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on Jan 30 2014 12:17pm
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Jan 30 2014 12:35pm
Regarding diet I got some alternatives from my PT to switch some of the meals up, so it doesn't stay the same each day.

But this is what I eat during in 1 day:

breakfast: 3 eggs, 4dl extra low fat milk, salad w/tomato onions, 2ts (tablespoon) walnuts
lunch 1: 2ts walnuts, 1 carrot
lunch 2: ~250g salmon filet, salad w/tomato/asparges?/carrot, 2 fruits
dinner 1: salad of beans, and "linser?", as much as I feel like eating, sometimes I switch this out with spaghetti/low fat meat stuff or something similar, because I don't like the taste
dinner 2: 200g potatoes, 100g broccoli, 100g "white" broccoli, ~250g chicken filet

I've not been that good at following the diet 100% each day, but a lot better than I've ever done before, and following it pretty nicely I'd say. Sometimes I've skipped the last meal and eaten 2-300g potatoes and 300g "kesam" - closest thing is cottage cheese, pretty much the same
Biggest difference is I pretty much make all the food myself now.
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Jan 30 2014 01:50pm
Hey, Raynor!

(Sorry; I was going to send this via. PM, but it wouldn't send as the inbox is full)

I was just following up with you, with regard to the cutting routine I had started over winter break, and my diet and exercise.
I am now down from 6-7 days a week to about 5 days a week, just continuing where I left off in a 3 day cycle of lifts, and if I go for 6 days in a row, the 7th is HIIT only.
My diet calories are at the goal we talked about, with 2 days out of range since the 14th (once a week) (1800 on off days, 2200 on exercise days), and I am having a bit of trouble keeping my sodium intake down, but that's because I was having a cup of cottage cheese a day, which had about a gram of sodium in it. . . so I'm thinking of removing that from my evening snack, and trying to find something more suitable to replace it (My sodium has been in the 2800mg range daily)

Rather than take my weight weekly, I've been taking it every time I remember at the gym, and adding a trendline to it; here is my recorded data:

I have a food log, too, if it'd help, but I'd have to look up how to export it from my app.

Otherwise, I guess I have been having issues keeping track of my heart rate throughout lifting; I bought an Omron Strap-free heart monitor, but it won't register once I start exercising. http://www.amazon.com/Omron-HR-210-Strap-Heart-Monitor/dp/B005DKJIVE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1391111037&sr=8-2&keywords=omron+two+finger

I'm debating about getting one with a chest strap, but it seems that might be cumbersome to work out with--any thoughts?

Anyways, it was primarily as a checkup; it seems like this rate is pretty reasonable considering what I've read, but depending how much water weight I've lost, it might not be.

Thanks as always!
~Steven Wesbur (Sven00100)

Quote (sven00100 @ Jan 10 2014 10:09am)
Hey, Raynor,

Long time, no talk!  I just got back into going to the gym regularly (my attendance was atrocious this last semester with pharmacy school).  Anyways, I also was eating as though I was bulking. . . but without the exercise, so I decided to go straight into cutting (25 Ht: 6'6, Wt: 231; I'm guessing I'm at 12-14%ish body fat, and I was roughly looking (considering water loss) at cutting to the ~200 range by about May before bulking (which I think will put me around 8%, though I am not sure; clearly I'm assuming significant water weight loss here).  Admittedly, my stabilization muscles need some work yet, but I've just gone into a lifting routine (should I work on stabilization first?).  I was trying to figure out my 3 day split, and I know you have some workouts that you hotlink, which would be awesome; I scanned a few pages, and I'm pretty exhausted, but I can always come back and look for them later. 

I was also curious of the goals of lifting during the cutting period--I have still been doing very controlled elongation movements with more explosive contraction movements. . . but I was curious if I should just be doing faster reps in cutting to keep my heart rate up during lifting as well?

Here is my present (roughly) routine. (Assume 5 sets of each exercise; Warmup, 80% 1RM, 60% 1RM, 40%1RM, 20%1RM, unless otherwise stated, with 15-20 second breaks between sets; roughly 30-40 seconds between exercises)

Day 1-6: 5 minute cardio warmup before lifting; shoulder warmup before lifting; 20 minute HIIT cardio after lifting; 5 minute cooldown & stretch.
Day 1, 4: Chest/Triceps (3 exercises each; starting with chest, typically 2 types of bench (usually dumbbells) and a fly or machine workout; Dips (3-4 sets to muscle failure, hold at muscle failure, 20 second break between), {2 of Dumbbell triceps extension, cable triceps, skull-crushers})
Day 2, 5: Back/Biceps (3 exercises each; back--usually: Deadlift first (I try to do RDLs, very controlled), Rows, pull-downs or pullups (if pullups, 3-4 sets to failure with short breaks or varied grips; my back is weak, so I often will do counter-balanced pullups to get more reps); Single arm, full-supination curls-3-4 sets per arm, no rest between sets (12 reps one arm, then the other arm), bar curls, cable curls)
Day 3, 6: Legs/Shoulders (4 leg exercises, 2 shoulders; Legs--squat first, often leg press next; otherwise 2 of: (Leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises, weighted lunges, etc); 2 of: shoulder dumbbell fly (various angles-neutral, front, or back), cable fly, shrugs)
Day 7: Rest or 60 min cardio (some HIIT with some regular cardio)

Anyways. . . I'm sure my routine needs work.  Oh. . . how accurate are machine-calculated calorie counts?  Typically in my 20 mins HIIT my average heart rate is about 170, with max at 190-195 (I've been doing 30 sprint 1 min jog, 1 min sprint 2 min jog, or some combination), and it usually claims something like 300 calories burned, but I'm trying to figure out my caloric intake (BMR: 2300[-500+exercise] kcal), and I'm not really sure how to account for everything, so I've been considering my HIIT ~300, and guessing on the lifting. 

I can give you an idea of my diet, if it would help, but I've been trying to keep carbs low & split the remaining calories about 60% fat, 40% protein.

I didn't really ask a question, huh?  I guess I was just wondering what I can do to improve my workout routine?  Are there specific exercises I should always do, and is my number of sets appropriate?  If I have to shorten my workouts during school (gym opens at 5:45; class starts at 8:00, so given changing, showering, and walking, that leaves me about 1:30 total to work out), would it serve me to drop sets, exercises, HIIT, stretching, or just focus less on slow extension and pump out reps (other suggestions are surely welcome!)?

As always, my post has gone from something reasonable to something excessive. . . sorry for the wall of text!
Thanks again, Raynor,

Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 10 2014 04:15pm)
Hey there.

Given your current goals of cutting, you need to do the following:

1. With respect to exercise, if at all possible, you need to be doing at least 45-60 minutes of intense exercise, 6 days a week. That being said, the 3 days of weight training along with HIIT is excellent, but you really need to throw at least 2-3 more days in there of a minimum of HIIT cardio, but preferably weights as well. I know you must be very busy, but in order to maximize the fat loss, this is essential.

Secondly, after you calculate your proper resting BMR, you can assume that your body will burn around 500 cals per hour of INTENSE exercise. That being said, HIIT will actually burn MORE calories per hour than standard intense exercise. 300 cals for 20 minutes does seem high, but it could be possible with your height and weight. A good rule of thumb is 750-1000 cals per hour for HIIT depending on your height/weight (bigger means more cals burned).

For eating purposes, you need to make sure you are around 500 cals UNDER your BMR on non-workout days, and about 100 cals below BMR on workout days. This means you will have a greater deficit on workout days (due to the exercise), but eat more food in total.

Keep up the good work and let's re-evaluate in 2-3 weeks.
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Jan 30 2014 04:09pm
Quote (sven00100 @ Jan 30 2014 03:50pm)
Hey, Raynor!

(Sorry; I was going to send this via. PM, but it wouldn't send as the inbox is full)

I was just following up with you, with regard to the cutting routine I had started over winter break, and my diet and exercise.
I am now down from 6-7 days a week to about 5 days a week, just continuing where I left off in a 3 day cycle of lifts, and if I go for 6 days in a row, the 7th is HIIT only. 
My diet calories are at the goal we talked about, with 2 days out of range since the 14th (once a week) (1800 on off days, 2200 on exercise days), and I am having a bit of trouble keeping my sodium intake down, but that's because I was having a cup of cottage cheese a day, which had about a gram of sodium in it. . . so I'm thinking of removing that from my evening snack, and trying to find something more suitable to replace it (My sodium has been in the 2800mg range daily)

Rather than take my weight weekly, I've been taking it every time I remember at the gym, and adding a trendline to it; here is my recorded data:
I have a food log, too, if it'd help, but I'd have to look up how to export it from my app.

Otherwise, I guess I have been having issues keeping track of my heart rate throughout lifting; I bought an Omron Strap-free heart monitor, but it won't register once I start exercising.  http://www.amazon.com/Omron-HR-210-Strap-Heart-Monitor/dp/B005DKJIVE/ref=sr%5F1%5F2?ie=UTF8&qid=1391111037&sr=8-2&keywords=omron+two+finger

I'm debating about getting one with a chest strap, but it seems that might be cumbersome to work out with--any thoughts?

Anyways, it was primarily as a checkup; it seems like this rate is pretty reasonable considering what I've read, but depending how much water weight I've lost, it might not be.

Thanks as always!
~Steven Wesbur (Sven00100)

Hey there.

So far, your progress is reasonable, as you've lost almost 10 lbs in one month.

As far as the sodium goes, 2,800 is a bit high, however if you balance it out with 5,600 mg of potassium, it wouldn't be an issue.

Lastly, a chest strap is the ONLY effective way to monitor heartrate during exercise.
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Jan 30 2014 04:17pm
Quote (Dragon_Reborn @ Jan 30 2014 02:35pm)
Regarding diet I got some alternatives from my PT to switch some of the meals up, so it doesn't stay the same each day.

But this is what I eat during in 1 day:

breakfast: 3 eggs, 4dl extra low fat milk, salad w/tomato onions, 2ts (tablespoon) walnuts
lunch 1: 2ts walnuts, 1 carrot
lunch 2: ~250g salmon filet, salad w/tomato/asparges?/carrot, 2 fruits
dinner 1: salad of beans, and "linser?", as much as I feel like eating, sometimes I switch this out with spaghetti/low fat meat stuff or something similar, because I don't like the taste
dinner 2: 200g potatoes, 100g broccoli, 100g "white" broccoli, ~250g chicken filet

I've not been that good at following the diet 100% each day, but a lot better than I've ever done before, and following it pretty nicely I'd say. Sometimes I've skipped the last meal and eaten 2-300g potatoes and 300g "kesam" - closest thing is cottage cheese, pretty much the same
Biggest difference is I pretty much make all the food myself now.

I have no idea what Linser is...could you show me a picture or explain it?

Secondly, the diet doesn't look bad.

The goal here should be for you to get in the gym and train at least 1-1.5 hrs a day, 6 days a week, with at least 30 mins of cardio per day in addition to weight lifting.

Good luck!
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Jan 30 2014 11:46pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 23 2014 08:11pm)
Hey there.

Please explain the nature of the injury - as in, what caused it?

Also, the bump - is it hard? Does it move? Does it hurt to the touch? How large is the bump?

Can you take a picture?

I fell forward and my palm went straight into the ground absorbing all the force.

The bump itself is hard kinda like a bone. It doesn't move, it's like a big rock in my wrist. Doesn't hurt to the touch.
The bump makes it so the wrist doesn't overlap itself when i flex, you can see the differences between my left and right wrist.

Here's a picture of my wrists flexed, you can see the bump on my right wrist.

Left Wrist

Right Wrist
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Jan 31 2014 01:16am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ 30 Jan 2014 19:10)
Train the muscle group that you lease enjoy training, first. Put your favorite muscle group at the end of the cycle.

okay, so:

Monday: Back, Biceps <-- hate it (mainly deadlift, i love the other exercises)
Tuesday: Legs, Shoulders and Abs (i like squats more than deadlifts, the other exercises on the other hand, i don't really like that much.. LOVE shoulders and abs tho)
Wednesday: Chest, Triceps (i LOOOOOVE chest! don't like triceps too much)

as you can see, there's some of the muscle groups that i enjoy more than the others, but they are splitted out on the different days.. but i believe that above is how i like it.. unsure about the back and leg day..

Wouldn't training shoulders on the day before chest/tric make the chest/tric day harder? Doesn't shoulder exercises target triceps as well? ex overhead press?

This post was edited by GameBox on Jan 31 2014 01:19am
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Jan 31 2014 05:03pm
Quote (Massage @ Jan 31 2014 01:46am)
I fell forward and my palm went straight into the ground absorbing all the force.

The bump itself is hard kinda like a bone. It doesn't move, it's like a big rock in my wrist. Doesn't hurt to the touch.
The bump makes it so the wrist doesn't overlap itself when i flex, you can see the differences between my left and right wrist.

Here's a picture of my wrists flexed, you can see the bump on my right wrist.

Left Wrist

Right Wrist

That looks a lot lot a calcified and improperly set fracture.

What medical treatment did you receive for that fall?
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