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Dec 6 2013 02:23am
Hello Raynor

Do you know of any snacks i could eat during the day? I don't care if i put on some weight because of it, but i don't want it to be unhealthy.. which is the problem i have now, i eat to much candy and drink waaaay to much soda.. seems like i eat/drink when i'm bored or something..

Currently training 3 times per week, no cardio but squats/deadlift, which seems to have an effect on my cardio.

06.30: Taking a protein shake
11.00: eating 2-3 slices of bread
17.00: eating dinner (whatever is served at home)
22.00: eating 2-3 slices of bread

as you see, i don't really got my meal plan really well set up

i don't have any goals, but to look well trained and getting stronger

oh, and i'm using crea-bolic and taking some multi-vitamine pills, don't know exactly what's in them atm here is the label: http://i.imgur.com/P1DcOm5.png

This post was edited by GameBox on Dec 6 2013 02:36am
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Dec 6 2013 07:26am
Quote (juicetoocool17 @ Nov 19 2013 10:20pm)
Hi Raynor,

Still on the 5x5 plan.  I've got a few more questions for you.

I've been messing back and forth with my diet to try to figure out what the problem is.
Tried cutting milk and eggs and this was not the problem.

It seems that if I eat 2,500 cals or below, I have NO digestive issues.  But once I eat 3k, I get crazy issues.  I will eat the exact same thing 2 days.  One day I will eat 2.5k cal, the next 3k cal.  First day is not a problem, second day I have digestive issues.
I don't normally care that much but it's very hard to workout when I have gas.

Q) Is it possible that my body simply cannot digestive food past a certain threshold?

I had to switch to a new gym this Monday which does not have a bench, squat rack or machine for Seated Cable Rows.
I had to improvise and I did the following so far this week:

Dumbbell Bench Press
Bumbbell Incline Press
Cable Crossovers
Chest Dips
Incline Pushups

Lat pulldowns
Replaced Seated Cable Rows with Barbell Rows - Don't think this was correct. Q) What's a good exercise to replace Seated Cable Rows?
1 handed Dumbbell Rows

I'm trying to keep my Tuesday Thursday workouts short as I don't have a lot of time on those days.
Q) Am I missing anything for back? 
Q) How is chest looking?

There will probably be more equipment missing and I'll make another post.
What can I replace squats with? I'd prefer to keep stabilization in play and not use the smith machine.

Thanks in advance!

Hey there.

Do you currently take digestive enzyme tablets with your meals? If not, you might want to try that out and see how it works for you. A ~500 cal threshold seems odd that it would be causing any type of GI problems. However, it would probably be in your best interest to consider the other foods you are eating as well. What do you usually eat with those remaining 500 cals?

As for the digestive enzymes, you can try NOW! or any other reputable brand. Take one with every meal and see if your condition improves.

The two routines you posted are fine for the sake of a temporary plan.

In terms of the seated cable rows, I would do bent over smith machine rows (if a smith machine is available).

The only thing you can replace BB squats with, without using a smith machine, would be DB squats, or leg press
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Dec 6 2013 07:38am
Quote (Adrian_mx @ Nov 19 2013 10:55pm)
I used this diet and workout routine from this


Used it for 4 months and I dont think it helps at all.
Anyways -

I'm trying to be lean for Modelling/Acting I want my abs to show.
I weight 166lbs 5'10
I see my fat on my gut out of everywhere on my body.

Someone told me too that my routine was horrendous because of the legs and such, I'm not familiar at all with working out or dieting
My sister is going to go on a diet too. I want a diet for i guess staying lean? if there's such a thing.

If anyone here can help me figure out a routine & a diet plan then please do so !
If there's any other information I need to give for a diet or anything Ill post whatever :)

Hey there.

Before we go any further, I need to know the following:

Current Diet, Age, Activity level (just the plan you posted, or more?), Gym access (full gym?), Time per day you can dedicate to exercise, and any medical conditions/food allergies.

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Dec 6 2013 07:42am
Quote (GameBox @ Nov 20 2013 05:32am)
I need help quitting drinking so much soda and eating shitty food!

Been drinking like 1 liters of soda every day! and i always eat chips, or chocolate or other unhealthy stuff..

How do i quit?

This is a question for yourself, but I will attempt to assist you regardless.

The key in breaking a bad habit, is to remove yourself from the habit and prevent yourself from going back to it before your body can adjust.

If you are capable of doing cold-turkey, then you should do it. Remove all of the junk from your diet, put your mind into focus and perpetuate an attitude of alpha male dominance over the beta male junk-food cravings.

If you are unable to go this route, try baby-steps, such as the following:

1. Switch out diet soda for the regular soda.
2. Switch out veggie chips for the regular ones.

Over time, gradually reduce consumption of both and increase consumption of water and raw veggies place of the above items.

After a while, your body will NOT want regular soda, and will also probably not crave regular junk food items nearly as frequently.

Make sure to eat GOOD food regularly and avoid yourself getting too hungry before eating. Also, stay hydrated and drink plenty of water throughout the day, even when you aren't thirsty. This will prevent the urges for soda drinking.

Good luck!
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Dec 6 2013 07:44am
Quote (tommyd323 @ Nov 20 2013 10:54pm)
How do you decide when to raise your max in your 5x5 program? Is it when you finally get all the 5 reps even at 90% of your (what used to be) max weight?

The optimal goal of 5x5 is to increase ALL of your weights by something each week. Even if it's just 5 (or even 2.5) lbs per week on each exercise. There should be SOME type of increase each week, which will force the body to continue growing and getting stronger at a faster pace than if you leave the same weights on and shoot for more reps. Just don't just too high in weight each week or you will hit a plateau much faster.

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Dec 6 2013 07:48am
Quote (A1R @ Nov 21 2013 09:36am)
What do you think of this meal plan?


2x Sausage and Egg McMuffin = 880 calories (52g fat, 64 carbs, 40g protein)

1x chocolate milk = 170 cal (2.5g fat, 26g carb, 9g protein)

1x hashbrown = 160 cal (10g fat, 16 carb, 1g protein)


Big Mac Sanwich - 540 cal ( 29g fat, 44g carb, 24g protein)
6 chicken nuggets - 290 cal (18g fat, 16g carb, 15g protein)

Medium French Fries - 360 cal (17g fat, 47g carb, 4g protein)

Protein Shake (assuming ON Whey Protein chocolate flavor, 125 calories, 1g fat, 4g carbs, 24g protein)


Angus Third Pounder - Deluxe = 780 calories ( 44g fat, 51g carbs, 42g protein)

Total calories is around 3,300.

First of all, protein is too low. Also, SATURATED fats are going to be way too high. Sodium is also going to be EXTREMELY high.

Carbs are mostly simple carbs with no fiber. Your micronutrients are going to be rock bottom as well. Raw foods near zero.

Assuming you are a hardgainer looking to do a cheap dirty bulk, this plan still lacks sufficient protein.

I would not advise eating this diet for longer than a few weeks, as you will definitely go down a path of possible hypertension and high cholesterol levels (from elevated saturated fats and lack of polyunsaturated fat).

I would highly recommend you rethink your diet strategy. What are your goals? Why the McDonalds 3x per day? Convenience? Taste?
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Dec 6 2013 07:51am
Quote (Tear @ Nov 21 2013 12:11pm)
hay raynor
old hnf'er here. never posted here tho.

looking to increase my bench
mainly flat, as i just increased it and my chest grew, now im plateau'd even hindering a little and going less weight.

also, i usually do like a set of 5, for 3 sets. with a good TUT (time under tension)
i want something to improve strength but i also want to make sure im growing at the same time (hypertrophy type workouts)

sorry if this is confusing to explaining what i mean.

Hey there.

Start here:

Stubborn Chest Guide

Then consider this:

Hypertrophy Plan 3-on-1-off (regular)
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Dec 6 2013 07:52am
Quote (orpimpin1201 @ Nov 22 2013 06:07am)
Tore my acl and have meniscus damage, this was about 3 months ago and I have to wait until January to get insurance so I can get surgery. Make me less depressed about the situation and the fact that it's ruining my life and impeding on my love for the weights and the gym :(

I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Keep a positive attitude, and in time, all will be well.

What can I assist you with??
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Dec 6 2013 07:56am
Quote (technique @ Nov 23 2013 01:37pm)
Hey man I need the best (in your opinion) 12 week bulking routine, to put as much mass as possible. I am willing to work out 4 days a week.

You need to attempt the hardgainer guide then. Remember, all bodies are NOT created equal, so it may not work for you if you are NOT a hardgainer. To adjust, just modify the calories by lowering them to fit your body's needs. However, this will DEFINITELY give you maximum mass in a 12 week period.

As for the exercise routine, you can try this

Hypertrophy Plan 3-on-1-off (regular)

then do a 4th day of your lacking muscle groups (if you are struggling with chest and biceps for example, you would train that a second time on the 4th day - with the same hypertrophy routine).

Then take your 3 days off, and repeat the plan again.

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Dec 6 2013 09:29am
Quote (Jam @ Nov 23 2013 10:09pm)
Hey Raynor!

I broke my right's hand knuckle (you don't want to know how:p), therefore my whole forearm and hand are in a cast for a month, which stops me from working out my upper body. I can't do any ''push'' movements, I can pull a few, but that's pretty much it. I still keep on going to the gym four times a week to train legs and little bit of back. Right now it's been two weeks, so I will have my cast for another two weeks. Do you have any advice  so I don't lose too much weight/muscle that I could start applying now and after I take my cast off?

One last thing! I plan on starting creatine after, so if you could link me interesting articles about it, I would greatly appreciate.

Thanks a lot :santa:

Hey there.

I'm sorry to hear about your hand.

As far as the gym goes, stick to ONLY lower-body for now. There is no reason to potentially exacerbate the problem. You will not immediately lose mass in such a short period of time, especially if you have your diet in order. Just make sure to eat properly and keep hitting the legs hard.

Go back into it slowly once the cast comes off. After a few weeks of that you will be back to your normal routine.
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