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Posts: 41,749
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Mar 11 2012 04:24pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Mar 11 2012 02:30pm)
I actually do have a moderate knowledge regarding psychology and dream interpretation. Go ahead with your question.

youre incredible :D

i have had repeated dreams where im running either toward something or away from something and my feet wont budge, or feel really heavy/etc... any thoughts?

im only concerned because theyre repeated, thanks!

This post was edited by SC_Leader on Mar 11 2012 04:25pm
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Mar 11 2012 04:45pm
Whatd you think about a really low carb diet, without it being a keto, see
Meal1 : Eggs + cheese + EVOO
Meal2 : eggs +Cottage cheese (16g carbs) + greens
Meal3 : 2cans tuna and fat mayo
Meal4 : PWO- 2scoop whey and a banana (carbs)
Meal5: casein+ nuts or cheese

What do you think about that?
And what if i dont actually stay in keto? Is it totally useless or the fatburn is just slower ?
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Mar 11 2012 05:00pm
Quote (wanteddead2 @ Mar 11 2012 05:57pm)
Hey I know you might not know what is going on with this but after parallel back squats and sometimes lunges I get a soreness where the pelvis connects to the leg, usually they are even more sore than my legs themselves, sometimes it's even there for my next leg workout and I feel like it might be preventing me from making good leg gains, someone told me it might be tight hip flexors or something but I'm not too sure. Do you know?

It could be a number of things, although I would venture to guess your anatomy is to blame vs a recurring injury.

However I'd like you to test something....when you are fresh and no longer feeling the discomfort....I want you to do lunges with NO weight and parallel squats with NO weight. Do a normal routine as you would do with simply no weight. If you feel the pain/discomfort afterwards and/or during....let me know.

If you do NOT feel the pain during, that really narrows things down.

get back to me.
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Mar 11 2012 05:02pm
So, i'm a skinny 18 year old, about 6 foot in hieght and weigh around 65kg.

I go to the gym once or twice a week, if i'm honest i haven't noticed any change, i take a protien shakes after each session.

How can i maximise gains?
i want to stay in proportion, what are the best multi-muscular techniques? I've heard dead lifts are good?

Everything i find online is for people who are "fat" and want to gain muscle, nothing for us skinny guys. :-(
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Mar 11 2012 05:02pm
Quote (SC_Leader @ Mar 11 2012 06:24pm)
youre incredible :D

i have had repeated dreams where im running either toward something or away from something and my feet wont budge, or feel really heavy/etc... any thoughts?

im only concerned because theyre repeated, thanks!

Thankfully my limited knowledge of dreams encompasses this a lot about this type of dream. To dream that you are stuck, stopped, heavy, unable to get away from something always shows fear. Usually a fear of the unknown, and you trying to escape your fears. Example would be, say you're afraid of losing your job. You are afraid of it, but psychologically you are trying to run away from it. As a result, your legs get stuck because psychologically you are telling yourself that you need to face your problems head on.

Is there something significant going on in your life now? Do you tend to run away from problems in real life without facing them? Do you try to avoid conflict even if something really bothers you?

If none of these apply, there is a possibility of something else that we will discuss later. Let me know.
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Mar 11 2012 05:04pm
Quote (ScottAd @ Mar 11 2012 07:02pm)
So, i'm a skinny 18 year old, about 6 foot in hieght and weigh around 65kg.

I go to the gym once or twice a week, if i'm honest i haven't noticed any change, i take a protien shakes after each session.

How can i maximise gains?
i want to stay in proportion, what are the best multi-muscular techniques? I've heard dead lifts are good?

Everything i find online is for people who are "fat" and want to gain muscle, nothing for us skinny guys. :-(

First of all, going to the gym once or twice a week isn't going to magically make you get bigger and stronger. There is a LOT online for people who are trying to gain weight. Your body type is called a hardgainer or ectomorph.

Here is my guide for that:

Hardgainer Diet and Exercise Guide
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Mar 11 2012 05:05pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Mar 11 2012 11:04pm)
First of all, going to the gym once or twice a week isn't going to magically make you get bigger and stronger. There is a LOT online for people who are trying to gain weight. Your body type is called a hardgainer or ectomorph.

Here is my guide for that:

Hardgainer Diet and Exercise Guide

Thanks man! i'll have a look. :-)
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Mar 11 2012 06:10pm
I'm 16, 5'9, weight 220 pounds (talk about a big man, huh?)
and I was wondering if you guys could tell me like an "order" of exercises to do at the gym.
I go to a gym, but I also play hockey so I rarely frequent the gym, but now that the Hockey season is over, I want to get in shape before next season starts.
thank you so much.

This post was edited by SwaggedOut on Mar 11 2012 06:26pm
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Mar 11 2012 07:08pm
Quote (SwaggedOut @ Mar 11 2012 08:10pm)
I'm 16, 5'9, weight 220 pounds (talk about a big man, huh?)
and I was wondering if you guys could tell me like an "order" of exercises to do at the gym.
I go to a gym, but I also play hockey so I rarely frequent the gym, but now that the Hockey season is over, I want to get in shape before next season starts.
thank you so much.

Cutting Workout Routine (6 day all equipment)

Abs Workout Routine
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Mar 11 2012 10:41pm
Quote (wanteddead2 @ Mar 11 2012 10:49am)
Alright, I think it'll be tough to hit those macronutrients exactly each day but I'll give it one hell of a try each day.
So technically on off workout days I could lose body fat and on the lifting days I can gain muscle? Is this correct assuming I'm burning 400-500 calories a day on off days?

I burned about 900 calories today and consumed 2000, is this too much burned or not?
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