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Mar 10 2012 11:07pm
I'm trying to cut down on my whey protein usage as my budget is getting pretty tight lately. So let's say my diet looks like this.

Meal 1 Whey protein
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6

Can I just eat some chicken and brown rice(or whatever my meal 6 is) instead of whey and be alright or would it be optimal to skip the whey in the morning and save it post workout
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Mar 11 2012 10:34am
Quote (wanteddead2 @ Mar 10 2012 11:20pm)
I have a quick question, I'm weighing in at 183 pounds at the moment, I'd like to gain around 10ish pounds of muscle, right now I'm consuming around 2750 calories a day, I'm lifting 3 days a week, mostly compound lifts and doing cardio two days a week, should I be eating more or less per day if I'm trying to gain the muscle? I'm trying to do it cleanly without too much fat gain, I'm getting about 170 g of protein a day, complex carbs in the morning and most of the fats I get are towards the end of the day.

2,750 calories and only 170g of protein???? Sounds like your macros are terribly off.

I would recommend about 2,800 calories on WORKOUT-DAYS and 2,200 calories on NON-WORKOUT days if you want to minimize fat gains. If you eat 2,800 every day, even non-workout days, you will definitely gain fat.

So it should be like this:

Workout days -

2,800 calories - 280g protein/280g carbs/60-65g fats

40/40/20 (40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fats - % of calories)

Non-Workout days -

2,200 calories - 220g protein/165g carbs/70-75g fats

40/30/30 (40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fats - % of calories)

just remember to drink enough water (about 1-1.5 gals per day)

and also make sure you are getting at least 2x unsaturated fats to every 1g saturated fats. Olive oil is your best fat friend ;)
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Mar 11 2012 10:44am
Quote (IDUTCIH @ Mar 11 2012 01:07am)
I'm trying to cut down on my whey protein usage as my budget is getting pretty tight lately. So let's say my diet looks like this.

Meal 1 Whey protein
Meal 2
Meal 3
Meal 4
Meal 5
Meal 6

Can I just eat some chicken and brown rice(or whatever my meal 6 is) instead of whey and be alright or would it be optimal to skip the whey in the morning and save it post workout

I would prefer you take the shake post-workout and in the morning eat regular food. The immediate protein after a workout has been shown to moderately aid the body in coming out of the catabolic state caused by the workout. I would prefer PWO anabolism vs morning anabolism any day.
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Mar 11 2012 11:49am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Mar 11 2012 09:34am)
2,750 calories and only 170g of protein???? Sounds like your macros are terribly off.

I would recommend about 2,800 calories on WORKOUT-DAYS and 2,200 calories on NON-WORKOUT days if you want to minimize fat gains.  If you eat 2,800 every day, even non-workout days, you will definitely gain fat.

So it should be like this:

Workout days -

2,800 calories -  280g protein/280g carbs/60-65g fats

40/40/20  (40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fats - % of calories) 

Non-Workout days -

2,200 calories - 220g protein/165g carbs/70-75g fats

40/30/30 (40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fats - % of calories)

just remember to drink enough water (about 1-1.5 gals per day)

and also make sure you are getting at least 2x unsaturated fats to every 1g saturated fats. Olive oil is your best fat friend ;)

Alright, I think it'll be tough to hit those macronutrients exactly each day but I'll give it one hell of a try each day.
So technically on off workout days I could lose body fat and on the lifting days I can gain muscle? Is this correct assuming I'm burning 400-500 calories a day on off days?
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Mar 11 2012 02:38pm
how can i do a colon, parasite, and liver cleanse ?

E ; also, during my squats i think, i fucked up my back I'm not sure, but on the upper towards the middle (right side) whenever i twist and turn sometimes it fuckin hurts not to the point where i can't voluntarily try to do the movement to feel the pain but I'm not sure...do you know what it could be ? or how i can go about fixing it maybe stretching or something ?

This post was edited by EverNineAfter on Mar 11 2012 02:50pm
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Mar 11 2012 02:58pm
I know you're more into physiology and body mechanics..but do you know anything about dreams? (taking a shot in the dark here :p )
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Mar 11 2012 03:11pm
Quote (wanteddead2 @ Mar 11 2012 01:49pm)
Alright, I think it'll be tough to hit those macronutrients exactly each day but I'll give it one hell of a try each day.
So technically on off workout days I could lose body fat and on the lifting days I can gain muscle? Is this correct assuming I'm burning 400-500 calories a day on off days?

Yes correct.
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Mar 11 2012 03:26pm
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Mar 11 2012 04:38pm)
how can i do a colon, parasite, and liver cleanse ?

E ; also, during my squats  i think, i fucked up my back I'm not sure, but on the upper towards the middle (right side) whenever i twist and turn sometimes it fuckin hurts not to the point where i can't voluntarily try to do the movement to feel the pain but I'm not sure...do you know what it could be ? or how i can go about fixing it maybe stretching or something ?

For parasites, you require medical attention.

For colon cleansing, you will want to find local places in your area that do colon cleansing or colonics. As far as a dietary supplement goes, the best thing is a combination of a good amount of probiotics (40 billion or more twice a day), lots of water (1.5 gals a day) and a full fast for 24 hours. On the second day, you will have to take in about 2x as much fiber as usual with another 1.5 gals of water. The fiber should be from psyllium husks.

For liver detoxifying, try this product:


I thoroughly recommend seeing a doctor for any problems you might be having.

In regard to your injury - just take 3-7 days off of working out, take ibuprofen as needed, and rest. Make sure to drink enough water. Keep the area mobile, and make sure to stretch only to the point that you feel a stretch and NOT pain. If you feel pain, stop. As far as the type of stretches to do, I would advise hanging from a pull-up bar and doing the cobra yoga pose.
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Mar 11 2012 03:30pm
Quote (SC_Leader @ Mar 11 2012 04:58pm)
I know you're more into physiology and body mechanics..but do you know anything about dreams? (taking a shot in the dark here :p )

I actually do have a moderate knowledge regarding psychology and dream interpretation. Go ahead with your question.
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Mar 11 2012 03:57pm
Hey I know you might not know what is going on with this but after parallel back squats and sometimes lunges I get a soreness where the pelvis connects to the leg, usually they are even more sore than my legs themselves, sometimes it's even there for my next leg workout and I feel like it might be preventing me from making good leg gains, someone told me it might be tight hip flexors or something but I'm not too sure. Do you know?
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