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Posts: 38,038
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Mar 9 2012 10:09am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Mar 8 2012 05:09pm)
6'2 215 wanting to cut fat would require around 2,000 for non-workout days, and 2,500 for workout days.

macros somewhere around 40/30/30  (% of calories - not grams) Meaning, 40% calories from protein, 30% calories from carbs, and 30% calories from fat.  (200g protein, 150g carbs, and 70g fat ----- non-workout days)  and (250g protein, 190g carbs, 80g fat ------workout days)

Quote (SKCRaynor @ Mar 8 2012 05:09pm)
6'2 215 wanting to cut fat would require around 2,000 for non-workout days, and 2,500 for workout days.

macros somewhere around 40/30/30  (% of calories - not grams) Meaning, 40% calories from protein, 30% calories from carbs, and 30% calories from fat.  (200g protein, 150g carbs, and 70g fat ----- non-workout days)  and (250g protein, 190g carbs, 80g fat ------workout days)

Hm, I'm still very unsure of the math behind calculating macros. Have any good links that might help me? :)
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Mar 9 2012 10:49am
Quote (TheOak @ Mar 8 2012 10:56pm)
sup sup sup

alright so I bought some knee wraps just for funzies and im curious of negative aspects of using them.

I would ofc wrap properly, and use during heavy sets (85%+ 1rm) ... but could this hinder my bodybuilding gains?

also at this point I dont have any knee injuries or even feel pain in my knees, this is purely precaution as I want to see how far i can go with my squats.

lmk thoughts/opinions/suggestions

thanks brother

Wraps will NOT hinder any bodybuilding gains. The only thing it will cause is a dependency on them in regard to powerlifting. If you are not trying to set powerlifting records (most of the time knee wraps are allowed anyway), it's perfectly fine. I personally wrap my knees when heavy squatting.

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Mar 9 2012 10:50am
Quote (xXCrAzYsHoT @ Mar 9 2012 05:20am)
Did you happen to know the macros for the workout days or is it 40/40/20?

40/40/20 would be fine
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Mar 9 2012 10:51am
Quote (XanTriX @ Mar 9 2012 08:31am)
Hi Raynor, quick general question:

Does it matter the time of day for lifting?  Right now I work out in the mornings, about 15 mins after I wake up, but I want to change my schedule around which means I would have to work out at night after dinner, a few hours before I go to bed.

Does it matter when you work out, morning vs. night?

Thank man

Nope, it doesn't matter as long as you still eat properly and get enough sleep. Listen to your body, if it reacts negatively to training at any part of the day vs. another part of the day - then try to train at other times. If you react positively to training at night, go right ahead with it.
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Mar 9 2012 10:55am
Quote (Rickor @ Mar 9 2012 12:09pm)
Hm, I'm still very unsure of the math behind calculating macros. Have any good links that might help me? :)

Not really.

here is the bottom line.

in a 40/40/20 diet, you are getting 40% calories from protein, 40% calories from carbs, and 20% calories from fat.

1g of protein = 4 cal
1g of carbs = 4cal
1g of fat = 9 cal

take your total calories needed for the day...ie: 2,000

then open a calculator and do:

2,000 x .4 which will = 800 calories.

800 calories / 4 cals (for carbs and protein) = 200g of each.

then the remaining calories which is 2,000 - 800+800 (1600) = 400 cals / 9 cals (9 per gram of fat) = 45g fat.

As far as how to select macro percentages here is the rule of thumb:

Bulking - 40/40/20
Cutting (non-keto) - 40/30/30
Cutting (keto) - 40/0/60

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Mar 9 2012 02:29pm
So... my co-workers invited me out yesterday.... I ended up having like 3-4 beers and 2-3 shots, at 7am we made our way to a coney island and I had a huge breakfast with some hashbrowns :*(

Is this the death of me? anything I should do to get back on track
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Mar 9 2012 03:04pm
Quote (MrBobMarley @ Mar 9 2012 04:29pm)
So... my co-workers invited me out yesterday.... I ended up having like 3-4 beers and 2-3 shots, at 7am we made our way to a coney island and I had a huge breakfast with some hashbrowns :*(

Is this the death of me? anything I should do to get back on track

A bad day certainly.

However you'd be best to just get right back on track. Perhaps an extra 2 hours of exercise today. Also make sure to drink more water than usual...perhaps 1.5-2 gallons today.
Posts: 61
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Mar 9 2012 05:59pm
What is the main purpose of taking a multivitamin tablet? to recover faster? help repair muscle? or to help balance out the huge ammounts of food your eating?
also how importing is it for me to be taking them? (im doing a strength program and i dont think my diet is very vitamin rich really)

tl;dr how would taking/not taking a multi vitamin tablet affect my strength training?
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Mar 9 2012 06:10pm
Quote (Jay_92 @ Mar 9 2012 07:59pm)
What is the main purpose of taking a multivitamin tablet? to recover faster? help repair muscle? or to help balance out the huge ammounts of food your eating?
also how importing is it for me to be taking them? (im doing a strength program and i dont think my diet is very vitamin rich really)

tl;dr  how would taking/not taking a multi vitamin tablet affect my strength training?

It affects everything.

Without proper vitamins, your body will not build muscle as rapidly, recovery as quickly, have a proper immune system, or be able to balance itself hormonally and chemically.

Vitamins are extremely important. I recommend Controlled Labs Orange Triad or NOW! Adam
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Mar 9 2012 08:01pm
During a cut, is it alright to eat some complex carbs for dinner?

31g of carbs from brown rice would prob be it at around 7pm

e/ cut ratio is

50% prot
30% carb
20% fats

Sound good?

This post was edited by dgkblack on Mar 9 2012 08:02pm
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