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Mar 5 2012 07:59pm
Hey raynor is lactose intollerence something you can get over time or are you born with it?

For the past month my usual breakfast has given me an upset stomach and a lot of... Liquified toilet sessions
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Mar 5 2012 10:05pm

Why is it better to go up in weights as you progress through your sets as opposed to going down in weights?

i.e. Starting off at 60% 1RM, then 70%, 85%, 85%, 90%?

as opposed to

Starting at 90% 1RM, then 85%, 85%, 70%, 60%?
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Mar 5 2012 10:25pm
My girlfriend was on the rag and we ended up having sex (disgusting, but I had like a huge urge)

Anyway, I ended up shooting inside her, Plan B necessary?

She started on the 1st and today is the 5th.
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Mar 6 2012 01:16am
Hey raynor, i was doing some incline bench press today (barbell) and my arms felt like they were going to rip off from the shoulder. Not sure how else to put it but there was pain so i stopped doing incline. No more problems on decline or flat bench. Curious if you have any ideas as to whats going on here.
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Mar 6 2012 10:42am
Raynor, should I apply reverse pyramid training to the 5x5 program or should I just keep it the same.
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Mar 6 2012 03:17pm
Quote (DOM_innate @ Mar 5 2012 12:00am)
well ive been informed the bb works the bicep more than an ez bar, so would like to use it instead. however if i keep having issues ill have to go bb i suppose. there is nothing else i can do to keep using the bb?

There is no validity that says using a straight bar vs an ez bar has any benefit to bicep growth. Put your hands in a position of comfort, thus you are able to lift more weight and focus on the pump - assisting in microtears which ultimately build more muscle.
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Mar 6 2012 03:18pm
Quote (MarkorGather @ Mar 5 2012 03:54am)
Hey Raynor, In the past 2 weeks I've lost 17 pounds . I've read some places that tells me that it is unhealthy to do so. I have been workign out fairly regularly for the past couple months but didn't loose weight until I changed my diet. To something that pretty much resembles the Keto diet. I'm wondering should I change something up? Or continue on how I am. I don't feel exauhsted or anything like that. The main reason I started working out and dieting is for fat loss. But I want to keep healthy.

This is not a problem, most of it is from water weight. Don't worry, continue as you are.

Quote (MarkorGather @ Mar 5 2012 05:15pm)
Also, my shoulder has deep pop when i do things like lateral raises or any sort of lift with my palm down really. There isn't any pain, just that gross feeling of hearing my shoulder grind a bit and pop. Should I be worried? I've tried twisting my palm over to face up at the top of my lift and it seems to help a bit. But, I'd like to know if i should just stop with those sort of excersizes all together.

Don't be worried, just change the angle of your hands/wrists when performing these exercises to a more neutral position. Bend your elbows more if you have to. Just do what you need to do to work the muscles without feeling joint discomfort.
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Mar 6 2012 03:19pm
Quote (xXCrAzYsHoT @ Mar 5 2012 06:42pm)
Revamping my diet again due to not making enough progress with my previous run. Could you throw me a quick one together?

Preferred Foods :
Black Beans
Brown Rice
Those thin wheat sandwich 100 cal things w/ some turkey
Ground beef 87/13 I believe they are

Stats 5"11
Wt: 192ish

Your goals??? Fat loss or muscle gain?
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Mar 6 2012 03:21pm
Quote (MrBobMarley @ Mar 5 2012 07:56pm)
First day of your anabolic diet... Going with your diet plan and 5 day routine......

Question, it says I should be seeing a 1 pound a week loss, but when I look at it.. 2200 calories with cardio twice a day, I feel like I will be losing weight much faster than this...
Or is 1 pound a week pretty consistent..

I am 6'0 208 pounds probably 15% bf.. Looking to get towards 9-10% in 2 months

Question 2
I get a cheat meal every 21 days... Is this beneficial towards weight loss or is it just to keep the dieter sane? Because if it is better to eliminate the cheat meal, I would rather do that

1. You will lose about 1 lb of FAT per week and another 1 lb of water. If you end up losing more fat than that, it's perfectly fine. If you start feeling sick or fatigued, you need to reduce the exercise a bit....but that probably won't be the case.

2. The cheat meal actually does help you. I would recommend ONE cheat meal every 14 days instead of 21. You can lose fat faster by incorporating these into your diet.
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Mar 6 2012 03:22pm
Quote (Ladsy @ Mar 5 2012 09:59pm)
Hey raynor is lactose intollerence something you can get over time or are you born with it?

For the past month my usual breakfast has given me an upset stomach and a lot of... Liquified toilet sessions

The bolded part above made me lol because of your excellent description.

Anyway, in order to help you out here, I would recommend switching to lactose free milk, or taking lactase whenever you consume dairy. It's a fairly easy fix.
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