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Posts: 8,205
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Mar 4 2012 06:28pm
what do you think of clams, i just had clams today, and read the label and said that 9 of those little suckers had 67 g of protein!?!
Posts: 47,400
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Mar 4 2012 08:03pm
hey raynor. is there anything i can do about fixing form or something when doing bb preacher curls? its putting alot of stress on my right wrist and creating soreness. left wrist is fine though so was curious what is going wrong or what to do to fix this issue. thanks
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Mar 4 2012 09:36pm
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Mar 4 2012 07:14pm)
YO MAN, sup. can you give me a general diet for a bulk for someone 175lbs / 5'11 clean as possible with small fat gains with the following foods just when should eat them and what not.

Brown rice /quinoa , fruits, vegetables  (can you name which ones are generally good to eat everyday or the ones i should stick too) , salmon, tuna, chicken , whole wheat bread and wraps , nuts, cottage cheese, and I'm sure I'm missing some shit oatmeal eggs blah, just give me a general diet for a bulkier at those stats.

also for sups, when should i be taking them, incorporate that into the diet plan as well please. The ones I'm taking are. Orange Triad multi, fish oil, cal/mag , zinc, glutamine, kre alk, citrulline malate.

also any sups you recommend i should get for health . gaining strength and size ? protein powder to ofc i didn't list that tho.

also i work from 7 am - 330 pm , then after work i workout, then have boxing class after working out so like 4 o'clock workout then 6 ish boxing 3x a week boxing and  workout on same day.

if you could incorporate the diet to my times thanks !

E: also I'm doing 5x5 SL workout what are some exercises that would assist someone in boxing specifically do you know ? neck ones maybe or traps or shitttt

This is the guide you will need. It covers everything you ask for.

Regarding times that you workout and eat, just plug the eating times to however benefits you. Just make sure to down a protein shake immediately after strength training.

As far as boxing goes, you definitely do need stronger neck/traps, but you also will need fast-twitch improvement in the triceps, chest, lats, calves, and a lot of good core-work.

I would make a conscious effort to throw in 10 sets of fast-twitch of EACH muscle group above 1x per week.

ie: if you want to hit lats on back day with fast twitch considered, you would do 10 sets of fast-reps of 2 exercises - lat pulldowns and bent over BB or DB rows. You will go very fast on the positive, and go really slow on the negative. Same for the other routines, except for abs which need general strengthening 3x per week.

Abs Workout Routine
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Mar 4 2012 09:37pm
Quote (TempoONE @ Mar 4 2012 08:28pm)
what do you think of clams, i just had clams today, and read the label and said that 9 of those little suckers had 67 g of protein!?!

They are quite healthy, however uncooked they can give you parasites and other foodborne illness. Be careful eating raw shellfish.

30g of protein per cup and around 3g of good fat. maybe around 5g carbs.
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Mar 4 2012 09:38pm
Quote (DOM_innate @ Mar 4 2012 10:03pm)
hey raynor. is there anything i can do about fixing form or something when doing bb preacher curls? its putting alot of stress on my right wrist and creating soreness. left wrist is fine though so was curious what is going wrong or what to do to fix this issue. thanks

use an E-Z bar instead of a straight-bar. If that doesn't help, use dumbbells instead of a barbell to make the grip more neutral.
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Mar 4 2012 10:00pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Mar 4 2012 09:38pm)
use an E-Z bar instead of a straight-bar. If that doesn't help, use dumbbells instead of a barbell to make the grip more neutral.

well ive been informed the bb works the bicep more than an ez bar, so would like to use it instead. however if i keep having issues ill have to go bb i suppose. there is nothing else i can do to keep using the bb?
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Mar 5 2012 01:54am

Hey Raynor, In the past 2 weeks I've lost 17 pounds . I've read some places that tells me that it is unhealthy to do so. I have been workign out fairly regularly for the past couple months but didn't loose weight until I changed my diet. To something that pretty much resembles the Keto diet. I'm wondering should I change something up? Or continue on how I am. I don't feel exauhsted or anything like that. The main reason I started working out and dieting is for fat loss. But I want to keep healthy.
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Mar 5 2012 03:15pm
Also, my shoulder has deep pop when i do things like lateral raises or any sort of lift with my palm down really. There isn't any pain, just that gross feeling of hearing my shoulder grind a bit and pop. Should I be worried? I've tried twisting my palm over to face up at the top of my lift and it seems to help a bit. But, I'd like to know if i should just stop with those sort of excersizes all together.
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Mar 5 2012 04:42pm
Revamping my diet again due to not making enough progress with my previous run. Could you throw me a quick one together?

Preferred Foods :
Black Beans
Brown Rice
Those thin wheat sandwich 100 cal things w/ some turkey
Ground beef 87/13 I believe they are

Stats 5"11
Wt: 192ish

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Mar 5 2012 05:56pm
First day of your anabolic diet... Going with your diet plan and 5 day routine......

Question, it says I should be seeing a 1 pound a week loss, but when I look at it.. 2200 calories with cardio twice a day, I feel like I will be losing weight much faster than this...
Or is 1 pound a week pretty consistent..

I am 6'0 208 pounds probably 15% bf.. Looking to get towards 9-10% in 2 months

Question 2
I get a cheat meal every 21 days... Is this beneficial towards weight loss or is it just to keep the dieter sane? Because if it is better to eliminate the cheat meal, I would rather do that

This post was edited by MrBobMarley on Mar 5 2012 05:57pm
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