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Mar 4 2012 01:55am
Raynor, another question! Im cutting for a cruise in late May by cutting calories -1k a day (minimum). Should I be doing hypertrophy this entire next 2.5 months? Or should I continue with 5x5? Or do a mix of both?

Also, biceps have forever been my curse. My biceps just DO NOT grow, they are weak in terms of endurance, and weak in general. They die out at the gym and are never sore the next day. Any suggestions?

Last question, is it a waste to take creatine during my cut?

Also, my work schedule sucks, so my diet looks mostly like this. I am also super picky.

Breakfast - 2 full eggs, 3 egg whites.
3-4 hours later - protein shake
Lunch - usually grilled chicken with buff sauce, sprinkle of cheese, sometimes wrapped in a 100cal tortilla
3-4 hours later -protein shake (usually time this for after the gym)
Dinner - Eggs, grilled chicken again, sometimes lean ground beef
before bed - protein shake

Supplements im using are 1 multi a day (finishing off a random target brand multi), 4 fish oil pills. Creatine is in the mail! I am going to be picking up some snacks to diversify what I eat a little more, such as peanuts. Sometimes I also eat 1cup of cereal with skim milk. Any advice on changing this/adding to it? My Maintenance cals from bb.com BMR calc is 3100. I have been cutting this down by more than 1k each day. Im usually taking in around 1500 a day TOPS.

This post was edited by exonerated on Mar 4 2012 02:02am
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Mar 4 2012 07:28am
Quote (exonerated @ Mar 4 2012 03:55am)
Raynor, another question! Im cutting for a cruise in late May by cutting calories -1k a day (minimum).  Should I be doing hypertrophy this entire next 2.5 months? Or should I continue with 5x5? Or do a mix of both?

Also, biceps have forever been my curse.  My biceps just DO NOT grow, they are weak in terms of endurance, and weak in general.  They die out at the gym and are never sore the next day.  Any suggestions?

Last question, is it a waste to take creatine during my cut?

Also, my work schedule sucks, so my diet looks mostly like this. I am also super picky.

Breakfast - 2 full eggs, 3 egg whites.
3-4 hours later - protein shake
Lunch - usually grilled chicken with buff sauce, sprinkle of cheese, sometimes wrapped in a 100cal tortilla
3-4 hours later -protein shake (usually time this for after the gym)
Dinner - Eggs, grilled chicken again, sometimes lean ground beef
before bed - protein shake

Supplements im using are 1 multi a day (finishing off a random target brand multi), 4 fish oil pills. Creatine is in the mail! I am going to be picking up some snacks to diversify what I eat a little more, such as peanuts. Sometimes I also eat 1cup of cereal with skim milk. Any advice on changing this/adding to it? My Maintenance cals from bb.com BMR calc is 3100. I have been cutting this down by more than 1k each day. Im usually taking in around 1500 a day TOPS.

heres the workout routine you want:

Cutting Workout Routine (6 day all equipment)

Abs Workout Routine

you don't want to take 1,500 a day if maintenance is 3,100. The lowest you should go is 2,100. If you go lower, you risk metabolic shutdown and a reduced rate of fat loss.

In regard to diet, increase good fats and increase fiber. Everything else is fine.
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Mar 4 2012 10:19am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Feb 28 2012 06:15pm)
Hey there. You need to go on a proper cutting cycle.

To do this, first of all you need to calculate your BMR. Google a BMR calculator and find your resting BMR. Let's say your resting BMR is 2,000 calories a day. That means you would want to take in 1,500 calories per day on NON-WORKOUT days. On workout days, you would take in 2,000 calories.

You want to cut the carbs down somewhat, but don't get rid of them unless you want to try cyclical keto. Because you exhibited no interest for this, I will give you my standard 2,000 calorie cutting diet. Remember, on NON-WORKOUT days it will be 1,500 cals...but 2,000 cals on WORKOUT days.

sample cutting diet (non-keto) 2,000 cals

In regards to your training, follow my cutting routine here:

Abs Workout Routine

Cutting Workout Routine (6 day all equipment)

In regard to general fat loss tips...

Fat loss 15 tips

lastly, if you need protein shakes, I would advise sticking with Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Natural. Mix it with water. It tastes OK and has lower calories and virtually no carbs.

I dont have the time for a 6 day routine between work and school at best i can do 4 days a week and cardio on the other 3 or something quick. :( also i know beggers cant be choosers but im kind of a stickler for good tasting shakes.. if i get that protein is there anything i can mix with it via blender to make the taste better? or perhaps a different protein that tastes really good? i was taking cytogainer which tastes pretty good, and before that syntha-6 which is amazing taste
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Mar 4 2012 11:50am
Quote (Bean` @ Mar 4 2012 12:19pm)
I dont have the time for a 6 day routine between work and school at best i can do 4 days a week and cardio on the other 3 or something quick. :( also i know beggers cant be choosers but im kind of a stickler for good tasting shakes.. if i get that protein is there anything i can mix with it via blender to make the taste better? or perhaps a different protein that tastes really good? i was taking cytogainer which tastes pretty good, and before that syntha-6 which is amazing taste

Just do the first 4 days of the routine, follow with cardio over the next day or two, take a rest day, and pick back up on day 5 and so forth.

I personally think that optimum nutrition pro complex natural tastes pretty good mixed with water. tastes like chocolate water. light and no weird flavors. it's decent. To increase sweetness, use stevia. To increase chocolate taste, use cocoa powder.

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Mar 4 2012 12:50pm
hey for kre alk 1500 it says take 2 in the morning and then 2 PRIOR to working out, prior meaning before right ? , also do i only take kre alk ON my workout days ? or everyday.... i workout 3 times a week

E: also, why is there so much debate on cycling creatine and not cycling ? do you cycle or not....and if you come off of it, do you lose your gains and gain weight ?

This post was edited by EverNineAfter on Mar 4 2012 01:12pm
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Mar 4 2012 01:28pm
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Mar 4 2012 02:50pm)
hey for kre alk 1500 it says take 2 in the morning and then 2 PRIOR to working out, prior meaning before right ? , also do i only take kre alk ON my workout days ? or everyday.... i workout 3 times a week

E: also, why is there so much debate on cycling creatine and not cycling ? do you cycle or not....and if you come off of it, do you lose your gains and gain weight ?

yes that's what it means.

you take it EVERY day. On non-workout days, you take it in the morning and at night (2 pills each time)

drink about 20 oz of water with each dose of 2 pills.

You dont need to cycle kre alkalyn.
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Mar 4 2012 01:37pm
Quick questions

Why would you want to do abs every day?
How can I work my abs so they will get bigger? situps with weight behind my neck?
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Mar 4 2012 01:58pm
Quote (W4rrior @ Mar 4 2012 03:37pm)
Quick questions

Why would you want to do abs every day?
How can I work my abs so they will get bigger? situps with weight behind my neck?

Abs Workout Routine

do not train abs every day. that will prevent you from making considerable ab strength gains.
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Mar 4 2012 04:14pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Mar 4 2012 08:58pm)
Abs Workout Routine

do not train abs every day. that will prevent you from making considerable ab strength gains.

thank you bretheren.
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Mar 4 2012 05:14pm
YO MAN, sup. can you give me a general diet for a bulk for someone 175lbs / 5'11 clean as possible with small fat gains with the following foods just when should eat them and what not.

Brown rice /quinoa , fruits, vegetables (can you name which ones are generally good to eat everyday or the ones i should stick too) , salmon, tuna, chicken , whole wheat bread and wraps , nuts, cottage cheese, and I'm sure I'm missing some shit oatmeal eggs blah, just give me a general diet for a bulkier at those stats.

also for sups, when should i be taking them, incorporate that into the diet plan as well please. The ones I'm taking are. Orange Triad multi, fish oil, cal/mag , zinc, glutamine, kre alk, citrulline malate.

also any sups you recommend i should get for health . gaining strength and size ? protein powder to ofc i didn't list that tho.

also i work from 7 am - 330 pm , then after work i workout, then have boxing class after working out so like 4 o'clock workout then 6 ish boxing 3x a week boxing and workout on same day.

if you could incorporate the diet to my times thanks !

E: also I'm doing 5x5 SL workout what are some exercises that would assist someone in boxing specifically do you know ? neck ones maybe or traps or shitttt

This post was edited by EverNineAfter on Mar 4 2012 05:15pm
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