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Mar 2 2012 03:52pm
Quote (dgkblack @ Mar 2 2012 01:41pm)
My girlfriend recently has been feeling what she describes as depressed.  She says she always feels guilty all the time and has that whole 'knot' feeling in the stomach and it's when she thinks about me.  She says it happens when she's at home, but when she's with me it goes away.

Uhmm i'm fairly sure she hasn't cheated, but she believes herself that I can do better than her.  Back when we first started dating she told me about her sexual past with other men.  I couldn't help but get irritated and she'd feel ashamed (I don't want her to feel that way).  I decided it'd be best to not even talk about it.

She's not even close to ugly, but she lacks confidence.

At one point, over an argument, I broke up with her and she literally walked to my house in the cold (mother had her car), cried, and begged me not too.  I flipped shit when she walked in and gave her a blanket and just talked to her about the entire thing. 

I really like her, but this whole guilt feeling is changing the way she acts and is ruining shit for us.

Any idea what could be wrong?

She is suffering from severe psychological issues probably tied to early age mental trauma. The root of these problems is unknown to me, and only a good psychological profession - ie: psychiatrist, will be able to help her.

I would highly advise that she start going for psychiatric analysis on a weekly basis. It is necessary for her long-term health and to prevent further degeneration.
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Mar 2 2012 03:57pm
Quote (Jay_92 @ Mar 2 2012 03:04pm)
when i squat, around parallel my knees make a popping sound, it happens for the first 2-3 reps on my first 2-3 sets.
its usually stopped by the time i have finished my warmups but is this common or should i worry about it etc?

It's not common and usually reflects one of a few things.

1. improper form
2. ligament/tendon issues
3. weak joints.

I would advise trying to squat with NO weight and see if the problem happens still. If it does, it sounds like ligament/tendon issues. If you only get it at high weight, reduce the weight and work up to it.

Also try to wrap your knees with some good knee wraps to prevent further issue.
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Mar 2 2012 06:09pm
how long should i be on the 5x5 for, ? and when is a good time to proceed onto a different program?

what should that next program be?
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Mar 2 2012 06:31pm
Quote (DOM_innate @ Feb 29 2012 06:44pm)
hey raynor, can you give me a 5 day cutting workout with diet? non-keto. got a buddy looking to lose about 15lbs etc. and really wants to cut down his waist as well.

thanks man

can you get me another program like this for someone 5'5" 190lbs and 26 years old? or would it be the same as the other program you suggested?
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Mar 2 2012 11:57pm
Why do you have the splits as Chest / Bi instead of Chest / Tri's? Is this more efficient?


This post was edited by TempoONE on Mar 2 2012 11:58pm
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Mar 3 2012 06:49am
Quote (TempoONE @ Mar 2 2012 08:09pm)
how long should i be on the 5x5 for, ? and when is a good time to proceed onto a different program?

what should that next program be?

on your first year of lifting, anywhere from 6-10 months.
after your first year, anywhere from 4-6 months each year.

after 5x5 you can jump over to hypertrophy for another 4-6 months (cutting cycle may be necessary as well)

Hypertrophy Plan 3-on-1-off (regular)

Hypertrophy 5 day split (modified)
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Mar 3 2012 06:50am
Quote (DOM_innate @ Mar 2 2012 08:31pm)
can you get me another program like this for someone 5'5" 190lbs and 26 years old? or would it be the same as the other program you suggested?

For a person of that height and weight, it would be the same, assuming they want to get down to around 160 lbs. If they want to cut more at that point, they would need to reduce calories further. But for now, a good 30 lbs can be lost with that previous plan.
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Mar 3 2012 06:53am
Quote (TempoONE @ Mar 3 2012 01:57am)
Why do you have the splits as Chest / Bi instead of Chest / Tri's? Is this more efficient?


Training chest with bis, back with tris, and so forth is training antagonistic muscle groups for the sake of building STRENGTH.

You can definitely reverse the muscle groups and make it chest/tris, back/bis, and so forth. However, when you are looking to build pure power and really focus on those accessories, you need to train antagonistically.

Here's why. When you train chest, it uses triceps. By the time you get to your triceps routine, your triceps are half fatigued and thus can not do the same kind of volume with isolated exercises. You will thus have good volume, but bad strength in the triceps.

If your goal is pure volume, it can be interchanged. If your goal is strength, it must be antagonistic groups. If your goal is both, I would stay with antagonistic groups.
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Mar 3 2012 11:26am
^understood, thanks man
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Mar 3 2012 02:58pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Mar 3 2012 06:50am)
For a person of that height and weight, it would be the same, assuming they want to get down to around 160 lbs. If they want to cut more at that point, they would need to reduce calories further. But for now, a good 30 lbs can be lost with that previous plan.

sounds good. and thanks again.
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