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Oct 31 2011 07:02pm
Quote (abcboyz @ Oct 31 2011 01:17pm)
when people say theres a widow of time where protein is effective
if you dont take it at that time does your body use
fat/muscle for energy?

No not exactly. if you do not take fast-acting protein (whey isolate particularly) post workout, you will lose SOME of the muscle building effects set forth by rapid amino allocation and peptide distribution after the trauma to the muscle is done
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Oct 31 2011 07:07pm
Quote (serennia @ Oct 31 2011 01:21pm)
Hey Raynor, I need your help.

My situation : During the last year, I have been going on and off to the gym. Everytime I was getting back to the gym, I was starting to hard on my body and my motivation would drop to zero and I would leave the gym after 2-3 weeks. Every time I was starting back, I was doing your cutting program 6day on 1 day off with 40 mins hiit / day but it is too much for my body.

I want to get back into the gym slowly so my motivation stays high. I need a 'training plan' to get back to gym in a 3 months span. I need a workout with cardio ( cutting) on a 4-5days split or even full body split. I want to get back to my old volume :(.

I hope you can help with my problem!
Thank you very much

Try this:

4 day upper/lower split for maintenance and moderation

In addition to that, you can do 20-30 mins of HIIT cardio post-workout or in the morning every day.

as far as diet goes...

sample cutting diet (non-keto) 2,000 cals

let me know if you need anything else!
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Oct 31 2011 07:08pm
Quote (xVanished @ Oct 31 2011 03:05pm)
When is the best time to take BCAA's & Arginine-Ornithine?
Edit: Also, do I need to cycle A&O as well?

take BCAA pre workout, every 45 mins during workout, and immediately post workout. You can also take it first thing in the morning and right before bed. I would recommend around 2-3 g every 45 mins during training, and 5g pre/post workout as well as 5g pre-bedtime and approx 10g upon waking. These are IDEAL numbers, but not required.
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Oct 31 2011 07:11pm
Quote (Whitebeard @ Oct 31 2011 04:34pm)
This isn't normal, i did my first serious cardio in a while.

I weighted myself @ 142Lbs before training.

I did 30 minutes of cycling and 30 minutes of lifting / exercises.

I weighted myself @ 137Lbs after training.

The same day.

Wtf is wrong?

Dehydration in a nut shell.

You need to drink enough water pre-workout and even intra-workout.

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Oct 31 2011 07:12pm
Quote (imboxxybrah @ Oct 31 2011 05:34pm)
You weren't drinking enough water.

Please do not answer questions on the sticky no matter how obvious they are.

The only 2 people on here to answers questions are myself and 7ds.

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Oct 31 2011 09:49pm
Hey Ray

I have noticed lately that my tale bone gets sore after a day of heavy squats...

Pretty sure my forms pretty good, although I do go ATG, but thats the way I've always done it.

Just wondering if you've ever heard of this happening before.

Its not unbearable but just weird.
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Oct 31 2011 10:14pm
hey raynor would you happen to have any pure powerlifting workouts?
base stats:

5'8 - 5'9
18 yrs old
155 lbs

last comp :

squat - 297
bench- 181
dead 391

hoping to increase these numbers dramatically with a good program. thanks in advance!
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Nov 1 2011 08:34am
Quote (TheOak @ Oct 31 2011 11:49pm)
Hey Ray

I have noticed lately that my tale bone gets sore after a day of heavy squats...

Pretty sure my forms pretty good, although I do go ATG, but thats the way I've always done it.

Just wondering if you've ever heard of this happening before.

Its not unbearable but just weird.

Yes this CAN happen from prolonged use of ATG movements with heavy weight. This is a nerve issue typically made worse by musculoskeletal trauma from repetitive movement against considerable resistance.

I would ice it and stick to 90 degrees for a week or two and see if the pain completely goes away. If so, get rid of the ATG, replace with 90 degrees, and use leg press or lunges to take care of the deeper contractions.
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Nov 1 2011 08:35am
Quote (Michael12 @ Nov 1 2011 12:14am)
hey raynor would you happen to have any pure powerlifting workouts?
base stats:

5'8 - 5'9
18 yrs old
155 lbs

last comp :

squat - 297
bench- 181
dead 391

hoping to increase these numbers dramatically with a good program. thanks in advance!

I absolutely do!

Powerlifting Guide
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Nov 1 2011 08:36am
I had a question. How good are these weight gainers? I've been training since a few months, not quite seeing the result I want. Im a very skinny guy and I can hardly put weight. I try to eat alot( ~5k calorie a day) but its pretty hard since I do long shift at job/school etc..

And is creatine gonna improve strenght too? I have only been taking protein, my bench sure improved but my numbers are still too bad to be posted in public.. I have a good routine/diet, just looking for something to boost my results.. Thanks alot
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