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Aug 6 2023 09:34pm
Quote (Henchman21 @ 23 Jul 2023 20:56)
Justyn Vicky killed by 460lbs squat with a spotter. Horrible :cry:

Worse than hardcore tabata?
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Aug 9 2023 10:16am
Quote (babun1024 @ Aug 4 2023 05:21pm)
The standard squat is dangerous in multiple ways. It has only became famous because you can load bigger numbers. Most of the people develop back problems even with perfect backsquats. The real good exercise is frontsquat. You can't load as much because balancing is harder but the movement itself forces you to have proper form at all times otherwise the barbell falls down. In case of an emergency you drop the weights in front. Strict military press and front squats are far superior exercises to bench press and backsquats.

?????? Most people do not develop back problems because they back squat, the fuck, citation needed. Just because there's more risk to a movement does not mean the majority of people develop back problems. Most gym goers can't even do what I would call novice power lifting numbers at 2x body weight. Not that many people are actually loading their spine with heavy weght, likley the average male gym goer is 1x - 1.25x body weight squats and female 1x body weight, if that. You're looking at a range of up to 265 pounds probably on the max side of a male squat which is obviously not that much load.

There's just as many poor front squatters in the gym as back squatters,i'd say. You absolutely can round out your back, and i'd say its the most common error, dropping the elbows and rounding out the upper back. There's just less overall front squatters because the average gym goer is intimidated by it, and have poor wrist mobility and an underdeveloped shelf to put the bar on to even get in a comfortable starting position.

If you took the same group who are doing heavy bench and ego lifting to pump numbers but sacrificing their shoulders, that's probably the same group who is going to round their back from excessive backward lean on the strict press to pump numbers. While you undoubtedly put your shoulders in a compromised position during bench, especially when doing it poorly, you do can do the same thing with strict press when doing it poorly and also compromise your lower back significantly with excessive backward lean of the upper body.

Poor form and bad decisions lead to injury. The average gym goer can bench and squat just fine. Its going to be you're ego lifter, or people pushing heavy PR's that suffer the worst of it but they're doing it intentionally.

This post was edited by SBD on Aug 9 2023 10:43am
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Aug 9 2023 02:11pm
Quote (SBD @ 9 Aug 2023 11:16)
You're looking at a range of up to 265 pounds probably on the max side of a male squat which is obviously not that much load.

I feel personally attacked :lol:
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Aug 9 2023 02:14pm
Quote (Henchman21 @ Aug 9 2023 02:11pm)
I feel personally attacked :lol:

Depends on your weight! If you're a 200lb man and not a beginner lifter, well that's not great. If you're in that 59Kg, 130ish lbs weight class area, then you're doing just fine.

This post was edited by SBD on Aug 9 2023 02:15pm
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