Quote (LordSinfriends @ Jul 12 2016 01:12pm)
Not economically, sorry. Just the way BPD (and most of us without that label) act to "get through life", as bitchy as it is. Some kind of psychopatic way, like using ppl without being aware and then send them to crap.
The suicidal ideation looks like a tough pill to swallow. Just try to get as much help as you can
1# and 4# but guess they're the same ones
mmm ye
i have some psycho tendencies but if i send people its not for crap per se and sake of it but because of social anxiety (and dependant personality disorder stuff maybe)
empirically id say taking it easy, not multitasking too much or do stuff fast (for a long time) - no nicotine and caffeine if possible - at least not all the time
chill exercisising within limits and remembering breath
nutrition and noticing how crap food/drinks affect too
social stuff is harder but at least its important to try not to do anything bad to others - that will burden
probably obvious stuff but
cheers for book / therapy method rec
This post was edited by BebebBurns on Jul 12 2016 06:03am