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Posts: 122,786
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Aug 2 2016 04:18am
I would save most of it ($75,000 at least) like wraps would.

I'd probably spend $25,000 on a gambling trip to Las Vegas. Taking in some sports bets mostly.
I want to stay there a full week in a luxurious hotel. Taking in the sites, shows and great restaurants.

But $25k is enough to do what I want. If I won a big sports bet or two while there it would pay for the trip. LOL

In fact, I was actually pretending I had all this nice money and was googling some hot spots in Vegas.
It wouldn't cost anymore than that. I can make it all work and probably still come back home "ahead of the game."

A very fun thread you made, Eric021. It actually made me daydream for a couple minutes. Keep up the good work.

This post was edited by Madmartigan on Aug 2 2016 04:22am
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Aug 2 2016 04:32am
My answers pretty boring and obvious, im much more interested in what my dealer is going to do with it.
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Aug 2 2016 06:58am
cocaine untill I die
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Aug 2 2016 07:13am
Invest it, majority of it in a S&P500 index fund

This post was edited by cialda on Aug 2 2016 07:13am
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Aug 2 2016 07:51am
Quote (wheniwassevenishotacheetah @ Aug 2 2016 12:28am)

Lmao, best movie ever

Quote (AiNedeSpelCzech @ Aug 2 2016 12:33am)
Holy fuck, time to call the insurance adjustor, this thread just got rekt

Respek. B)

This post was edited by CenturyLink on Aug 2 2016 07:52am
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Aug 2 2016 01:12pm
Invest in waffles

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Aug 2 2016 01:13pm
live my junkie love fantasies with xyzamp irl
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Aug 2 2016 01:14pm
I would move to Canada.
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Aug 2 2016 01:18pm
Quote (NatureNames @ Aug 2 2016 11:14am)
I would move to Canada.

Yay :hug:
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Aug 2 2016 01:21pm
Pay off my student loans.

Get a new car.

Put rest into a bank and see what I have, if I have enough I'd rent an apartment.

Quote (wraps @ 2 Aug 2016 02:52)
it's a good thing that i'd start a charity or donate to hospitals then cuz you might need the help if you go that path! :P

Start a charity on 100k lmao, it takes millions.

This post was edited by ChrisKz on Aug 2 2016 01:21pm
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