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May 28 2010 05:11pm
Quote (DALTONG @ May 28 2010 07:04pm)
Quote (tagged4nothing @ May 28 2010 04:03pm)
Quote (DALTONG @ May 28 2010 07:02pm)
Quote (tagged4nothing @ May 28 2010 02:36pm)
Quote (DALTONG @ May 28 2010 01:56pm)
Quote (tagged4nothing @ May 20 2010 12:22am)
Quote (DALTONG @ May 19 2010 01:37pm)
Quote (tagged4nothing @ May 18 2010 10:19pm)
Quote (DALTONG @ May 18 2010 07:09pm)
cannabis can cure cancer

youtube rick simpson for more info.... dont let the government run healthcare system kill you or your family because you had cancer that could of been fixed with a plant and instead they give you chemo.... poison

i already know of this guy, there is no solid proof.
he just says he gives out free weed to cancer patients and these patients told HIM they were cured.
there is no current record to my knowledge of any "patient" even having cancer before they received treatment.
It is all here-say from this one guy.
I won't say it can't cure some types of cancer, but I won't say it will.

man... i dont need proof.... its the most medicinal plant on the planet... there is proof that THC shrinks tumors and it can cure cancer... and the way to cure it is ingesting cannabis oil extract with all the cannabinoids and stuff that your body is meant to take in... humans are meant to ingest this we have cannabinoid receptors

believe what you want but the people running the world dont want us to know the truth and they would rather have the doctors give us poison so we are more likely to die... they dont want north america to be like china... the population in america is allready insane... they keep the population down by stuff like treating cancer with chemo and radiation

they do a lot worse things also

you don't need proof?
the world doesn't know the truth?
you have no proof, you have no truth.
I said I would not say it does not cure types of cancer, but once again, you can't prove it does.
you are blindly following something you wish to believe in like depressed people turning to a god following only by faith cause it is just easier to give up your search and settle than it is to find the proof.
find me proof. solid proof, if you want to reply to me again.

why would this old man do all this and be a criminal and lie about this

i believe that this plant can cure cancer... its the most medicinal plant on the earth

if you dont think so.... i really couldnt give a fuck

let the doctors give you poison instead of real medicine

why would a man lie about an illegal drug?
to justify giving it out for free. that was simple.
once again. I don't know I'm just saying don't believe it because you hear it.

i believe it because ive researched it... and its a very good medicine and they used it throughout history but now this century the government is saying its bad.... i think its about keeping the poulation down

THC cures cancer

what research...
I've told you to provide proof multiple times.
You can only state cause why not.
This is not research, this is a claim to knowing what your talking about when clearly you don't.
prove me wrong.

im not providing you with shit...

just look it up for yourself and you will see

weed makes you think your smart when your just very opinionated without reason to be.

This post was edited by tagged4nothing on May 28 2010 05:14pm
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May 28 2010 05:12pm
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May 28 2010 05:12pm
In the words of Katt Williams - "Weed makes you smart."

Just remember though, ain't nothin worse then a smart dumb nigga.
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May 28 2010 05:14pm
You seriously thought I'd read that wall of text ?
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May 28 2010 05:15pm
Quote (Rockstopper12 @ May 28 2010 04:14pm)
You seriously thought I'd read that wall of text ?

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May 28 2010 05:15pm
ME> you don't know shit, you smoke weed and say this guy is your idol.
To reply to me this many times saying your not trying to convince me, is the most ludicrous thing I have heard.
Quit smoking pot and look up the word research. I garuantee it does not say experience of being a couch potato, and believing everything you hear.[/QUOTE]

Smart guy> you dont have a clue man

i dont care about people like you.... so why would i waste my time to get you information i allready know...

get it yourself....

and your a dick so dont reply
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May 28 2010 05:15pm
tl:dr version?
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May 28 2010 05:18pm
Quote (VereorNusquam @ May 28 2010 06:15pm)
tl:dr version?

weed kid uses memorized arguments vs guy who is butthurt about weed.

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May 28 2010 05:18pm
tl;dr version

kid trying to be cool by saying hes high online.
Posts: 25,864
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May 28 2010 05:18pm
Quote (VereorNusquam @ May 28 2010 07:15pm)
tl:dr version?


HIM> weed cures cancer! I saw something on it on youtube and I fully believe now cause it justifies me smoking it.
I don't need proof but I am going to say later that I have proof.

ME> bullshit, it is just hearsay cause I have actually researched this.
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