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> Melee Stuff For Sale > Non-Ladder
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Mar 2 2024 09:46am
List Update :

Packprice discounts are the following :

Purchase over 5k = 5% discount
Purchase over 10k = 10% discount
Purchase over 20k = 15% discount
Purchase over 50k = 20% discount

May be interested in swap deals vs other good bvb or zvz items if they fit my build
Could take perm 3/20/20 scs instead of fg


Magic 6/20 maiden javelin - 200fg
Magic 6/40 maiden javelin - 400fg
Rare 2/2/40 matri javelin with increase stack and rep 1/20 - 1200fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/HG8YFdy/Screenshot745.jpg
Rare 2/2/40 matri javelin with kb and rep 1/20 - 1200fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/sCLN6pT/Screenshot744.jpg
Unique Perfect Eth Titan's revenge upgraded named Ga - 400fg (Matriarch)
Unique Perfect Eth Lacerator - 800fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/xhXRCcw/Screenshot742.jpg
Unique Perfect Eth Warshrike - 800fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/k15HftC/Screenshot743.jpg
Unique Perfect Eth Death's Cleaver named Supermen's - 800fg
Unique Perfect Eth upgraded Bartuc's - 800fg (GzWeapons-II) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/VCvjv7J/Screenshot761.jpg
Magic 2x Giant swords 3wc/2sock/red when worn - 1200fg / pack (char Mean)
Cruel Crusader bow 5%chance to cast amplify dmg/50ias/359ed/2s(2x40/15ias) - 1000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/D9XjBDs/Screenshot762.jpg
Cruel Spider bow 20ias/438ed/13max dmg/1-2cold dmg/169ar/12psn dmg/1free sock lvl 48req - 1500fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/fqkwFyK/Screenshot760.jpg
Cruel Matriarchal bow 2bow/30ias/499ed/2sock(2x 40/15ias green) - 2000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/1RGJjF9/Screenshot758.jpg
Cruel Blade bow casts amplify dmg on striking/15ias/441ed/14max/361ar/5ml/1s (40/15ias) (lvl 48req) - 3000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/TcDzGCZ/Screenshot759.jpg
Cruel Eth Mythical sword 40ias/434ed/4min dmg/11max dmg/241ar 1sock (Zod) (Damage = 324-411) - 1000 fg (GzWeapons-II)
Cruel Eth Rep Scourge 2offensive sks 459ed/11min dmg/6max dmg/193ar 1sock(Ohm) (Damage = 33-676 one hand) - 2500fg (GzWeapons-I) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/mRkvkdz/Zvz-Weapons.png
Cruel Eth Rep Berserker Axe 426ed 196ar 5str (Lo) - 2000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/WHYcdpc/Screenshot734.jpg
Cruel Eth Hydra Edge 2sock 439ed 18max dmg/221ar 20%deadly strike (Zod Lo) (Dmg = 226-567 one hand) - 3000 fg (Mythical) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/mRkvkdz/Zvz-Weapons.png
Cruel Eth Rep Scourge 2sock 435ed/199ar/1-3fire dmg/40%deadly strike/self rep/2sock (2xLo) (1hand dmg = 21-642) - 8000fg (Invulnerable) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/mRkvkdz/Zvz-Weapons.png
Cruel Eth Rep 2sock Legend Sword blue when worn 30ias (hits last ww bp with legend) - 20k fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/Ph1RmBR/Screenshot737.jpg
Fools Feral claw of quickness 2sock 3ls - 1200fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/1GvQTYm/Screenshot741.jpg
Fools Eth 2sock Hydra Edge 20ias/297ed/5max/fools mod/20%deadly strike (Zod Lo) - 5000fg (Dmg = 166-458 on lvl 98 (Mythical) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/DfSML8F/Screenshot735.jpg
Fools Ba 40ias 293ed 2min 8%ml 2sok (2xLo) - 3000fg (char druid) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/4FM2kPF/Screenshot732.jpg
Fools Eth Champion sword black when worn 20max/193ar/8-28cold dmg base - 3500fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/f1Bqr3W/Screenshot740.jpg
Fools Eth Rep Champion sword black when worn 14max/361ar base - 5000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/PznCPPv/Screenshot739.jpg
Fools Eth Rep Highland Blade 30ias 336ed 15max dmg fools mod 36ar self rep 1sock (40ed/15max blue) (light blue color when worn , mld capable lvl 48req) - 15k fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/CPHWRJR/Screenshot736.jpg


Magic Hellforge Plate 100life 4s - 700fg
Magic Kraken Shell 100life 4s - 700fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/NYpXbpC/Screenshot747.jpg
Magic Dusk Shroud 100life 4s 160/60ias - 1000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/gSg3LjL/Screenshot748.jpg
Magic Sacred Armor 4sock/100life sock 4x40ed/9str red - 1000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/LChwLGJ/Screenshot746.jpg
Runeword 100% Perfect Forti Sacred Armor 15/15 - 800fg
Tyrael's Might 150ed/29str/22@ sock with 30ed/46ar/9str/9dex blue - 1500 fg (TheShield)
Ancient armor 4sock 100life sock with 4x30ed/60ar/9str/9dex green = 6000 fg (char Mean)
Eth Rep Loricated Mail 60ed/120ar/194%ed/22str/18dex/4rep life/2sock(2x 30ed/60ar/9str/9dex green) - 5000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/PWcW7RG/Screenshot749.jpg
Eth Rep Shadow Plate Pain Suit : 56%edamage 6str 18dex 51life 8rep.life -30req self rep 190%edef 2sock 2279def (2x 28ed 9dex 4rep -15req red inside) = 5000 fg (char Mean) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/f8dqrGz/Screenshot686.jpg


Magic Diadem 3sock/100life - 500fg
Magic 5bo 3shout 87life 2sock helm (2x30/60/9/9 jewels inside) - 1000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/myC9Lfc/Screenshot756.jpg
Unique Perfect Harlequin crest shako sock 40/15ias (peach) - 120fg (jewel costs alone 180-200fg)
Unique 100% Perfect Vampire's Gaze - 150fg
Craft Armet 10%ds/visio/13life/36ed/10fhr/2sock - 2500fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/02wch7W/Screenshot733.jpg
Rare Diadem 2barb/60ed/120ar/46str/38dex/59life/2sock (2x30/60/9/9 green) - 8000 fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/dkSn5vS/Screenshot685.jpg
Rare 5bo visio helm white when worn carnage style - 500fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/82tsjdf/Screenshot757.jpg

Rare 5bo visio helm eth rep carnage style green when worn - 1500fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/kMH1QkC/Screenshot725.jpg
Rare 5bo visio helm arreat style blue when worn - 1500fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/wR6MTLc/Screenshot726.jpg


Jeweler's Monarch of Simplicity 4sock/-30requirements/136def/110str req - 350fg
Jewelers Sacred Targe of Deflecting (Jstod) 4s with 2x ed/str/dex/hp + jah + ber - 3000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/Kwr78Nq/Screenshot753.jpg
Rare Sacred Targe 2pala/30/20/a lot of def/ed/25plr/2sock - 4500fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/3kRMMbM/Screenshot754.jpg
Perfect Herold of Zakarum sock 30/60/9/9 green - 2500fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/JkNpwns/Screenshot630.jpg
Perfect Stormshield sock 30ed/40def/9str/12%damage goes to mana (green) - 2000 fg (Blademaster)
Perfect Stormshield sock 40def/9str/9dex/-15%req (white) - 2000 fg
Perfect Stormshield sock 18min dmg/9max dmg/56ar (pink) - 3000 fg (Invulnerable)
Perfect Stormshield sock 30ed/9str/9dex/-15req (white) - 6000 fg (TheShield)
Jewelers Monarch of Deflecting 30/20/4s sock 4x30/60/9/9 jewels green color = 7000 fg (TheShield)


Unique Perfect 1x upgr bloodfist 20ed/56def - 50fg
Unique Perfect 1x upgr magefist 30ed/71def (lvl 30req) - 50fg
Unique 100% Perfect Souldrainer Vambraches - 500fg
Unique 100% Perfect Dracul Grasp - 750fg
Rare bramble mitts 20ias/14ar/15str/15dex/30%cold res - 500fg
Rare gauntlets 2bow/20ias/15str/15dex - 800fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/ys3T3zy/Screenshot755.jpg
Craft Vampirebone gloves 20ias/1ll/10%cb/defense based on lvl/15str/8dex/20life (114def total on lvl 98) - 4000 fg (Mythical)


100% perfect upgraded thundergods vigor 213def (enigma setup) - 500fg


rare druid melee amu 2druid 29str 19dex 36life @all res - 2000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/C5rZ1Hb/Screenshot765.jpg
craft druid melee amu top2 in realm of this kind 2druid/10frw/8ll/30str/74life (sun) - 6000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/GxcHxHp/Screenshot763.jpg
craft barb amu 2barb 10%frw 9%ll 28str 73life penta = 3500 fg (Kraken) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/fqYFPkm/Screenshot738.jpg
rare barb amu 2barb 6ll 21str 54life 86mana 18@all res dot - 2000fg , picture : https://i.ibb.co/0jDm67R/Screenshot764.jpg
rare barb amu top1 in the realm 2barb 15ar 30str 19dex 54life 15@all res (dot) = 10k fg (char goldbarb) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/TkdSLpP/Screenshot766.jpg


112ar 2ll 25str 15dex 11life (orange) - 1500fg
9min 120ar 20str 12dex 19fr 7pr - 2000fg
116ar 16str 14dex 9repl.life 89mana (bigblue) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/dg6YYws/Screenshot1634.jpg [GzRings-I] - 2000fg
111ar 19str 37life 9repl.life 77mana 14cr, picture : https://i.ibb.co/T0t9vsY/Screenshot1633.jpg [GzRings-I] - 2000fg
119ar 3ll 22str 12dex 10life 9repl.life (crown) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/Thbg1cW/Screenshot1631.jpg [Kraken] - 2000fg
8min dmg/82ar/3ll/25str/49life (big blue) - 2000fg
3max 147ar 6%mana leech 6%life leech 33%psn res lvl 31req (coral) (prepatch 1.06 ver) (one of a kind) , picture : https://i.ibb.co/qWZfQBK/Screenshot1632.jpg - 5000fg


1x 30def/20life sc M= 50fg/each (Mythical)
3x 30def/20life scs bearfoot = 50fg/each (Mythical)
16x 36ar/20life scs brown = 50fg/each (char Mythical)
20x 36ar/20life scs bearfoot = 50fg/each (char Mythical)

Legacy Barb T 20/14/25% - 1500fg (char Mean)


40ed/10min dmg - 250fg/each (2x white 2x red 1x green 1x blue 1x peach)
10min dmg/9str/9dex/12%damage goes to mana = 7000 fg (red color , legit and one of a kind in the realm)

Top Names

Arrow - 1000fg
Jackass - 1000fg
World - 1000fg
Sry - 2000fg
Lamer - 2000fg
Art - 2000fg
Frenzy - 3000fg
Orange - 3000fg
Blue - 3000fg

Tags : Zvz Bvb Aow Melee


This post was edited by MrStyle on Mar 2 2024 09:49am
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Mar 5 2024 03:25pm
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