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Jul 21 2018 05:27pm
Quote (Def_Not_Tim @ Jul 21 2018 02:41pm)
Yet you copy/paste my private msg in public(and yes, guild chats IS public domain), i am pretty sure that is against TOS, under name and shaming.. - reported!!! :thumbsup:

Edit : i bet you had a real toxic reply, but i cockblocked you with an easy add Phirip to blocklist!!!! :thumbsup:

#PhiRip for block list 2018!

E: sounds like a pretty good campaign slogan

This post was edited by Altrdwolf on Jul 21 2018 05:28pm
Posts: 59,723
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Jul 21 2018 07:51pm
Quote (Def_Not_Tim @ Jul 21 2018 05:41pm)
Yet you copy/paste my private msg in public(and yes, guild chats IS public domain), i am pretty sure that is against TOS, under name and shaming.. - reported!!! :thumbsup:

Edit : i bet you had a real toxic reply, but i cockblocked you with an easy add Phirip to blocklist!!!! :thumbsup:

You private msg flaming me then calling me toxic? Lol get over yourself. You flame everyone then call them toxic. Timmy the Toxic or Timmy the Triggered?

Edit- You are just upset that someone finally brought to light that you flamed someone and showed your true colors. ;)

Edit2- Go ahead post a single s/s of me flaming or being toxic toward you. Because I still have plenty of discord private msgs of you flaming me because you couldn't mooch gear and get paid for it anymore. :thumbsup:

This post was edited by PhiRip on Jul 21 2018 07:54pm
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Jul 22 2018 12:14am
Quote (PhiRip @ 22 Jul 2018 03:51)
You private msg flaming me then calling me toxic? Lol get over yourself. You flame everyone then call them toxic. Timmy the Toxic or Timmy the Triggered?

Edit- You are just upset that someone finally brought to light that you flamed someone and showed your true colors. ;)

Edit2- Go ahead post a single s/s of me flaming or being toxic toward you. Because I still have plenty of discord private msgs of you flaming me because you couldn't mooch gear and get paid for it anymore. :thumbsup:

Whatever makes you feel happy bro.. i love that you are creating this illusion that i couldnt gather gear, as what i remember is that i very fast collected fg and bought everything to be selfsustainable. but now that you mention it, i think we should get all the cards on the table, cuz you are outright lieing.

what really happened inside OC :

your version is that i needed gear from you from start till end, wich is a lie, i had caster gear, but you choose to lend me some of your caster gear to improve our overall climbs. ( no word about "lend geear = no fg from exchange) then i finally passed to HEADHUNTER, i had no axes, and before i could blink you sent your axes to me, ( still no word of no payment from exchange, i even was talkin with dan about gettin last fg, to buy his full axe set, so had MY OWN GEAR)

then i startet to ask in, about when i got the fg i allready had earned in my time in Outcast, you swept me of, basically just ignored my request, so i kept ask for those fg, and i felt the tention from you rise, and one day, 2-4 weeks after i asked first time, you suddently had figured out a way, for you to not pay me, you claimed, cuz i had lend gear from you, i was not in the position of gettin paid for my man hours put into the game,

mark my words, that was first time you ever mentioned this, u didnt tell me, when you lend me few pieces of your casting set, nor when you blindly sent me your axe set, that i couldnt get paid for my effort..
so all in all, you had no right to get annoyed with me askin for fg, it was my right, to get those fg, and no "leader" of outcast had told me this was the rules..

i made freakin 300 gp, for outcast, do you know how many man hours that was, and all i wanted was my rightfully 5 fg pr gp, and you turned around on me like this. that is disrespectfull, and def. not a sign of good leadership!

And you know, as soon as you told me these completely new made rules after weeks of me trying to get my nickles and dimes, i broke down, i felt betrayed, i actually thougt we had become buddies at t hat point, i sent ALL gear low lvl trash fill in as well as the axe set back, and 24 hour later i bought dans set.
the reason i want all gear of my own, is so things like this dont happen. but it did, and the creation of it was all on you.

i dont know what your real issue ever was, and i prolly never figure it out. its not a big deal any more honestly.

you can reply all you want, to make yourself look good, or some more passiv aggression towards me, i really dont care. i have no plans on going back to reply to anything you would ever have to write.. it rly has no value to me.
what i just stated, is what happened. i know Phil allways try to make himself the victim. but he is not, shady leader. with no respect for the man hours people put into his project

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Jul 22 2018 06:30am
Happy Sunday everyone :) gl on your keys! May many doors open.
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Jul 22 2018 06:54am
Quote (Def_Not_Tim @ Jul 22 2018 01:14am)
Whatever makes you feel happy bro.. i love that you are creating this illusion that i couldnt gather gear, as what i remember is that i very fast collected fg and bought everything to be selfsustainable. but now that you mention it, i think we should get all the cards on the table, cuz you are outright lieing.

what really happened inside OC :

your version is that i needed gear from you from start till end, wich is a lie, i had caster gear, but you choose to lend me some of your caster gear to improve our overall climbs. ( no word about "lend geear = no fg from exchange) then i finally passed to HEADHUNTER, i had no axes, and before i could blink you sent your axes to me, ( still no word of no payment from exchange, i even was talkin with dan about gettin last fg, to buy his full axe set, so had MY OWN GEAR)

then i startet to ask in, about when i got the fg i allready had earned in my time in Outcast, you swept me of, basically just ignored my request, so i kept ask for those fg, and i felt the tention from you rise, and one day, 2-4 weeks after i asked first time, you suddently had figured out a way, for you to not pay me, you claimed, cuz i had lend gear from you, i was not in the position of gettin paid for my man hours put into the game,

mark my words, that was first time you ever mentioned this, u didnt tell me, when you lend me few pieces of your casting set, nor when you blindly sent me your axe set, that i couldnt get paid for my effort..
so all in all, you had no right to get annoyed with me askin for fg, it was my right, to get those fg, and no "leader" of outcast had told me this was the rules..

i made freakin 300 gp, for outcast, do you know how many man hours that was, and all i wanted was my rightfully 5 fg pr gp, and you turned around on me like this. that is disrespectfull, and def. not a sign of good leadership!

And you know, as soon as you told me these completely new made rules after weeks of me trying to get my nickles and dimes, i broke down, i felt betrayed, i actually thougt we had become buddies at t hat point, i sent ALL gear low lvl trash fill in as well as the axe set back, and 24 hour later i bought dans set.
the reason i want all gear of my own, is so things like this dont happen. but it did, and the creation of it was all on you.

i dont know what your real issue ever was, and i prolly never figure it out. its not a big deal any more honestly.

you can reply all you want, to make yourself look good, or some more passiv aggression towards me, i really dont care. i have no plans on going back to reply to anything you would ever have to write.. it rly has no value to me.
what i just stated, is what happened. i know Phil allways try to make himself the victim. but he is not, shady leader. with no respect for the man hours people put into his project

Lol. That great your story is 100% amazing. But I can just go back and screenshot the entire convo considering instead of talking to anyone via voice in the guild about anything going on during your "few days off" which was actually a week that you avoided damn near everybody in the guild from Discord voice because you were upset that the rules had to change. Rules change in life all the time you couldn't deal with it because you become spoiled and selfish from being bottle fed by every guildmate because they just handed you gear. try and pretend like you didnt cry anytime anyone ever made a joke toward you or became a drama queen the instant something went the opposite of the wqay you wanted. You were paid for EVERY gp and you sent it back and threw a cry fit over it because you couldn't have your cake and eat it as well. That's too bad you didn't get what you want. Its life you won't always get what you want. Anyone else who comes into contact with you will soon realize this fact and see the repercussions of crossing you as you would say.
If you want to put it all on the table sure. lets. :) You sit back in that chair of yours and bad mouth EVERYONE. People who you are now guildmates with at this very moment you have flamed in LS and on our discord while they were not present. All you ever do is talk trash and start arguments with damn near everyone in this Ladder Slasher community. I do not live with my parents. I do not mooch off their money or my countries government. I have a job, a child, and responsibilities. All of that can be said the exact opposite for you. You spend every waking moment playing video games, fllaming people because they sold you an item for more than you wanted to pay or just did something you didn't like.
You keep throwing around this passive aggressive word. Do you eve know what it means?
of or denoting a type of behavior or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation, as in procrastinating, pouting, or misplacing important materials.

AKA you msging people and then trying to avoid them after. AKA you flaming me on discord before you left and blocking me on everything. You block everyone so they can't defend themselve and you can continue living in your head that everything you said or did was right and fuck the other guy.

That describes yours actions to the T. You refused to get on voice chat and talk to anyone before you had a mental breakdown and flamed me in discord via private chat. Its funny because all your flaming is done via private chat and nothing of what you truly want to say is ever put really into public. How indirect of you right? Many people I have talked with in discord can vouch that if I have an issue I have NO problem what so ever jumping right into voice chat and getting to the bottom. I don't avoid and I don't dilly dally around. I speak my mind if I am upset with anyone. Yoiu call me passive aggressive so now let me tell you what you are. Hypocrite. Good day to you and good riddance imo. Just like everyone else said when you left. Which had NOTHING to do with me as well as many departutres. I didnt edit your ranks and cause you to throw a hissy fit. Not even the person who acytually editted your rank is to blame. Its you and your defense mechsanism as you call it. You sit on voice and say messed up stuff and insults about yourself to draw attention away from anyone else messing with you. You can say all the se messed up thingds about yourself, but if anyone else calls you Jim by mistake you throw a tantrum. Please cease from posting here although you alrady agreed to do so. We can stay away from each other. I tried to not climb with you already if you hadnt noticed. I thought I made it obvious. Good day to you sir and good luck on your doors. :thumbsup:

This post was edited by PhiRip on Jul 22 2018 06:59am
Posts: 794
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Jul 22 2018 01:10pm
Quote (Legend_Dairy @ Jul 21 2018 12:57am)
fdf on monk, +1


fdf on monk, +1

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Jul 23 2018 12:59pm
Quote (Def_Not_Tim @ Jul 22 2018 12:14am)
Whatever makes you feel happy bro.. i love that you are creating this illusion that i couldnt gather gear, as what i remember is that i very fast collected fg and bought everything to be selfsustainable. but now that you mention it, i think we should get all the cards on the table, cuz you are outright lieing.

what really happened inside OC :

your version is that i needed gear from you from start till end, wich is a lie, i had caster gear, but you choose to lend me some of your caster gear to improve our overall climbs. ( no word about "lend geear = no fg from exchange) then i finally passed to HEADHUNTER, i had no axes, and before i could blink you sent your axes to me, ( still no word of no payment from exchange, i even was talkin with dan about gettin last fg, to buy his full axe set, so had MY OWN GEAR)

then i startet to ask in, about when i got the fg i allready had earned in my time in Outcast, you swept me of, basically just ignored my request, so i kept ask for those fg, and i felt the tention from you rise, and one day, 2-4 weeks after i asked first time, you suddently had figured out a way, for you to not pay me, you claimed, cuz i had lend gear from you, i was not in the position of gettin paid for my man hours put into the game,

mark my words, that was first time you ever mentioned this, u didnt tell me, when you lend me few pieces of your casting set, nor when you blindly sent me your axe set, that i couldnt get paid for my effort..
so all in all, you had no right to get annoyed with me askin for fg, it was my right, to get those fg, and no "leader" of outcast had told me this was the rules..

i made freakin 300 gp, for outcast, do you know how many man hours that was, and all i wanted was my rightfully 5 fg pr gp, and you turned around on me like this. that is disrespectfull, and def. not a sign of good leadership!

And you know, as soon as you told me these completely new made rules after weeks of me trying to get my nickles and dimes, i broke down, i felt betrayed, i actually thougt we had become buddies at t hat point, i sent ALL gear low lvl trash fill in as well as the axe set back, and 24 hour later i bought dans set.
the reason i want all gear of my own, is so things like this dont happen. but it did, and the creation of it was all on you.

i dont know what your real issue ever was, and i prolly never figure it out. its not a big deal any more honestly.

you can reply all you want, to make yourself look good, or some more passiv aggression towards me, i really dont care. i have no plans on going back to reply to anything you would ever have to write.. it rly has no value to me.
what i just stated, is what happened. i know Phil allways try to make himself the victim. but he is not, shady leader. with no respect for the man hours people put into his project

its kind of funny honestly.
you are throwing a huge fit. thinking that YOU are right.
but youre not. no one said you werent getting paid for the gps you put up.
once the rule came about, it was the gps AFTER that you wouldnt be paid for.
phil couldnt afford to pay you for the gps, and if you paid attention, you could have very well seen that.
you NEVER came to any of the other leaders looking for payment, which is what should have been done.
yet even when you DID get paid, you sent it back? then you threw the largest fit that i have ever seen a grown man throw.

you talked shit on anyone and everyone in the LS community. made jokes about people just kidding around ect.
but the VERY moment ANYONE made a joke about you just messing around, you got extremely upset and started pouting around.

you sit there and scream things like "yea daddy fuck me"
but you went off the handle when someone called you jim?

you have a very convoluted sense of reality because youre stuck in the world of video games.

you need to just grow up bud. no one is out to get you. but you get upset and blame everyone else for your own mistakes.

rules change man. ESPECIALLY in real life. laws change and new laws are made practically everyday.

i cant believe you are still upset about all this. move the hell on. maybe grow up a little bit and learn to talk things out instead of flaming people and then blocking them right away.

and before you go saying this has nothing to do with me.
you treated me like serious shit when all i was doing was trying to pay you.
i did absolutely nothing to you. never joked around or talked shit or made fun of you.
and you treated me like i was the source of all your problems.

your the source of your own problems. if you watch what you do and say. maybe things will get better for you.
but this pattern of flaming people and blocking them before they say anything. has got to stop.
its not helping you if you cant see both sides of the story. half the time you have a misconstrued sense of what actually is going on. yet you flame and then block them before anything can be straightened out.

if you cant accept your wrong from time to time. youre going to continue down a self destructive path that will make you feel like shit when you realize you have no friends or people who will help you.

+2 pass to samurai
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Jul 23 2018 06:22pm
Quote (Legend_Dairy @ Jul 22 2018 02:10pm)
fdf on monk, +1


fdf x2 on monk, +2

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Jul 24 2018 11:00am
Quote (Legend_Dairy @ Jul 23 2018 07:22pm)
fdf x2 on monk, +2


fdf on monk, +1

Posts: 794
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Gold: 22,639.55
Jul 24 2018 12:50pm
Quote (Legend_Dairy @ Jul 24 2018 12:00pm)
fdf on monk, +1


fdf on monk, +1

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