Quote (Middy @ Dec 22 2009 07:32pm)
I agree. I heard that only blacks and mexicans can get free dental care while I sit here in pain dealing with my wisdom tooth that wants to fuckin come out. But can't, cause I have no insurance and no money to do it.
that is so true derrick,(mind u my wife is from south america adopted when she was 1) now since she married my white retarted ass, she cant catch any breaks any more cause of me, we have to pay full price for shots so she dont get preg, she almost died last year cause we didnt insurance for surgery
there went a fast 50k$ we brankrupt now and live in a 1 bedroom apt.
not tring to match u story for story but just ironic and how small the world really is ,and we all have damn near the same problems even such a long distance away