Quote (Stefbef @ Jan 22 2021 06:23pm)
might consider selling this 50/50 sosa
she has 74% es 20 tk so sop is GM. 3350 mana tanks an additional 4466 dmg worth of life (vs certain opponents that is) on top of that basically almost having the same life as a normal vita sorc.
dmg setup is 26k dmg and normal hoto setup is 23k dmg. screenshot is with just bo. (no oak from hoto)
char is 100% fullbugged, even shako like so:
2 sorc 20 fcr 3 fireball 2 fire mastery 57 life 77 mana 48 lr orb (20 life 30 lr in)
30 frw 10 fhr 32 mana 37 lr 38 fr half freeze boots
amu 2 sorc 10 fcr 29 str 8 life 71 mana 17@
eod wyrm perf
sop mon 35-112-4
shako 141 (7 fhr 9 str 10@ 31 pr)
2x soj orange
20-20 torch
20-20 anni
10x 20-17 sc m
5x 44 life eye
1x 43 life eye
3x 40 life spag (needs swap)
memory 9 es 3 ca 3 enchant (not needed, but some extra es when needed)
death web gloves (anti psn)
jade tan do 121 pr (anti psn)
tg belt (bm abs)
trang belt (cnbf)
2x raven coral (bm abs)
2x carrion wind crown (bm abs)
2x wisp20 small blue (bm abs)
2x dwarf big blue (bm abs) cringe char name , free up for mediocre gear/ mediocre build