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> All Of These Items Vs Your Offer
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Posts: 13,879
Joined: Nov 17 2012
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Aug 18 2021 11:17am
yes, all of these items vs your offer
want to sell pack

offer me 400 fg and i set a 8 hour deal.

maybe 1-2 thing is missing from the list but nothing important (but i will give extra items, infy, enigma mp 15ed 775, cta..)

sorc torch 20/19
sorc torch 20/18
barb torch 20/15

40-50 token

5/5 light lvl blue
5-5 psn lvl up blue
5-5 psn blue die
5-5 psn lvl white
5-5 psn die red
5-5 psn lvl up red
5-5 psn die red
5-5 psn die pink

rare ring 10 fcr / 70 ar / 17 str / 12 stamina / cold res 12/ dr 1
rare ring: 10 fcr / 5% mana stolen / 45 ar / 12 str / psn res 18
rare ring: 10 fcr / 8%lifestolen / 8 dex / fire res 26
rare jewel: 7fhr/4 min dmg / 8dex / cold res 27
rare ring: 10 fcr //86 ar//19str//cold res 12// fire res 23//lvl2 confuse
rare tiara 2 ama/30frw/13dex/73 mana//57ed
rare ring 10 fcr // 39ar//4% Ls//15 str // 8 mana / fire res 16
rare ring 8 min dmg//106ar/5%ls/17 str/1 mana each kill/2 light radius
jewel: 27ed/7dex/22 stamina/23 fire res
rare gloves: 20 ias 14 str light res 30
jewel: fhr / 30 cold res / 1 str / 49 ar
rare lld ring: lvl req 9 10 fcr/72 ar/rep life 5 / 9 man / 12 max stamina
rare ring 10 fcr /17str/88ar/7min dmg
rare ring 10 fcr// 11 dex / 63 ar/ light res 9/ 5 max stamina
rare jewel 7fhr/5str/29 fire res
battle staff 20 fcr / 20 ias /lvl5 teleport charges 26-48/ +some other adds lvl req 24
rare ring 10fcr /10% lvl3 nova when struck/ 40ar/12dex/20mana/cold res 23
rare ring 10fcr / 70ar / 18 str / 7 life / cold res 17
rare jewel: 25ed /5mana/20 fire res
rare ring: 10fcr//17str//4max dmg//57 ar//5mana
rare jewel lvlreq 28: 1max dmg/36%dmg undead/47ar undead/6str/9dex
rare ring 10 fcr /11 dex /97ar/6mana/dr 2
rare gloves 1 matrial skills / 20 ias/ 3 manastolen/14dex/cold res 27
rare ring 10 fcr // 65ar// rep life 7 / cold res 12/ fire res 27/7mf
rare jewel 16 max dmg//48ar lvl req 27
rare sorc orb 8% cast lvl3 chain lightning on attack // 2fire skills// 3enchant// 1 fire mastery // 1 energy shield //1-307 light dmg // 19 energy / 6 life /rep life 3
rare gloves 2java//20ias//14dex//psn res 30
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 cold//10fcr//1 str//38life//16mana//all res 15
rare jewel 7fhr/7dex/-15req/15 stamina
rare sorc orb 2 sorc skill // 20fcr//2 frozen orb//3lightning/5% lvl3 lightning on attack//5 energy / 28 life / 67 mana / 1 sox
rare ring 10 fcr / 10 dex / 20 ar/ 6% manastolen / 7 max stamina
rare ring lvl req13 : 10fcr//2str//cold res 29//light res 23// fire res 20 / magic dam red 1
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 warcries / 6 energy / 59 life / rep life 4 / 6 max stamina
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 passive&magic skills/ 56 life / psn res 23 / dam red 4 / half freeze
rare ring lvl req 29: 10 fcr // 4 energy// rep life 4 // 71 mana
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 pala combat sk / 10 fcr / 8 dex /9 max stamina / allres 9 / dam red 2
rare ring lvl req 13: 10 fcr / 56 ar /4 life / fire res 26
rare ring lvl req 13 : 10 fcr 65 ar / 1 energy / light res 28 / psn lenght red 25%
rare ring lvl req 14: 10 fcr / 12 ar / light res 25 / psn res 5 / lvl 4 charged bolt
rare ring: 10 fcr / 113 ar / 4% lifestolen / 14 str / psn res 25
rare amu lvl req 27: 1 dru skill / 10 fcr / 59 life / rep life 3 / fire res 10
rare ring : 10 fcr / 18 str/ 3 energy / fire res 10
rare ring : 10 fcr // 18 ar / 5% lifestolen / 18 str / cold res 29 / psn res 30
rare jewel lvl req 27: 9 max dmg / 3 str / 8life/ 17 fire res
rare amu lvl req 45: 2 ele sk / 10 fcr / 5% lifestolen / light res 9 / fire res 15
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 fire /10fcr/ 46 life / cold res 19 / light res 11
rare jewel lvl req 30: 12 min dmg / 8dex /15 mana
rare ring : 10 fcr /102 ar / 11 str / 5 dex / 8mf
rare jewel lvl req 37: 26ed/-15req/6enery/2mana each kill
rare ring: 10 fcr / 20 str / 117 ar / psn res 16 / lvl 4 ice blast
rare boots: 30frw/10fhr/rep life 4 /cold res 25/fire res 40
rare circlet: 2 pala / 20fcr/ 18 str/ 34 mana /cold res 13 / lvl 1 tornado
coronet: 2 dru / 20 fcr / 41 life / fire res 32
gloves: 2 matrial arts / 20 ias / 12 str
druid pelt: 2 dru / 3 fury / 3 volcano / 16 life /psn res 29 / 10% lvl 3 charged bolt when struck
rare 5bo helm lvl req 30 eth selfrep 12% lvl4 charged bolt when struck/2wc/1battle command / 3 bo / 51 life/23 light res
rare amu lvl req 31: 2 shadow sk / 10 fcr / allres 18 // dam red 3 / 18 mf
rare ring lvl req 9: 1 max dmg / 61 ar / rep life 5 / 8 mana / psn res 11
rare ring lvl req 13: 10 fcr / 15 light res / 25 fire res / 1 mana each kill / 36 eg / 8 mf
rare ring lvl req 26: 10 fcr //111ar // 14energy/15 life/57 mana
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 matrial skill / rep life 10 / 53 mana / cold res 21 / dam red 1
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 trap/10fcr/12ar/cold res 12/dr 3
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 pnb skill / 10 fcr / 7 energy / psn res 22 / dr 4
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 traps / 10 fcr / 6 energy / 61 mana / psn res 17
rare ring: 9 min dmg / 4 max dmg / 108 ar / 18 str
rare war boots lvl req 26: 10 frw / 4 dex / cold res 34 / light res 27 / fire res 30/ rep dura
rare wyrmhide boots 5% nova when struck/20frw/10fhr/cold res 28/light res 31
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 shadow sk / rep life 5 / 72 mana / cold res 14
rare gloves: 20 ias / 3% lifestolen / 14 str / cold res 15 / light res 19
rare amu: 2 pala / 5% bonus ar / 9 str / 18 dex / psn res 16 / 5 light radius
rare eth grand crown lvl req 60: visio/ 40life/light res 10 /rep dura / 46ed / 249 def
rare boots: 10 frw/ 10 fhr / light res 28/fire res 37 / 66 eg
rare gauntlets: 2 martial skill / 20 ias / 15 dex / fire res 25
rare amu lvl req 30: 2 palacombat sk / 10 fcr / 4 energy / 7 allres /dr 2
rare amu lvl req 67: 2 baba skill / 1-5 cold dmg / 25 str /15energy / fire res 38
rare jewel: 7fhr/7dex/26 fire res / 9ed
rare gloves: 20 ias / 5% bonus ar /10 dex / cold res 9 / light res 10 / 5 light radius
rare greaves: 30frw/ 9dex/light res 40/fire res 23 / self rep

crafted ring lvl req 69: 10 fcr / 42 ar / 3% lifestolen / 14str/2dex/10life
crafted ring lvl 87: 18 ar / 10% lifestolen / 17 str / 17 life / 10 max stamina
crafted ring: 34 ar / 1-23 light dmg / 2% lifestolen / 21 str/ 18 life
crafted ring lvl req 88: 10 fcr / 106 ar / 1% lifestolen / 22 str / 19 life / 9 mana
crafted ring lvl req 88: 5% lifestolen / 22 str / 19 life / 9 max stamina / 22 psn res
crafted ring lvl req 25: 10 ar / 3% lifestolen / 5 str / 11 life / psn res 5 /10 mf
crafted amu 2 light skill//9fcr // 20 str / 10 mana/ reg mana 9/light res 40/psn res 6
crafted amu barb 10 fcr rand stats
crafet ring: 49 ar// 2% lifestolen / 20str / 2 dex / 14 life / psn res 28
crafted ring: 103 AR /1-13 light dmg / 3% lifestolen / 18 str / 14 life / lvl 4 telekinesis
crafted ring: 1 max dmg / 3% lifestolen / 22 str / 2 dex / 18 life / 15 mana
crafted ring lvl 88: 10 fcr / 2% lifestolen / 17 str / 12 life / 5 stamina / psn lenght red 25%
crafted ring: 10 fcr / 3% lifestolen / 2 str / 11 energy / 37 life / light res 23

pnb sk 12 fhr
pc sk
trap sk 22 life
trap sk
java sk 7frw
passive magic sk 12 fhr
java sk 4 dex
5xjava sk
1 shape sk 18 life
2xlight sk
7xcold sk
cold sk 3 str
cold sk 27 eg
dru summ sk
druid summ sk 5 dex
dru summ sk 6 dex
dru summ sk 4 dex
4xwc sk
2xwc sk 5 str
wc sk 6 str
offensive aura sk 29 life

3 sox eth diamond mail 1090 def
3 sox eth lacquered plate 1149 def
eth flail 4 sox
monarch 14ed no sox
petrified wand 3 decrepify/3 bone spear
polished wand 2 attract / 3 bone spear no sox
dusk 15ed 0 sox
demonhead 3 sox 15ed
3 sox scarab 15ed
suwayyah 2 dragon flight/2 lightning sentry / 2 cobra strike / 3 sox
2xeth 5 sox cs
eth sacred armor 4 sox 1293def
eth sacred armor 4 sox 1179def
eth lacquered plate 4 sox 1212def
eth shadow plate 3 sox 1131 def
eth loricated mail 4 sox 1108 def
eth loricated mail 4 sox 1054 def
4 sox flail
runic talons 2 dragon flight/ 3 mind blast
eth balorg skin 4 sox 1084 def
eth 3 sox diamond mail 1089 def
eth great haubrek 4 sox 1059 def
kurast shield 45 all res no sox
ap 14ed no sox
suwayyah 3ar/3 blade shield/ 2 dragon flight / 3 lightning sentry
eth ghostspear no sox 14ed
sacred rondache 3 sox 45 allres
demonhead 3 sox 15ed / 14 dura
sacred rondache 45 allres no sox
troll nest 15ed 14 dura no sox
2xscarab husk 15ed no sox
hydra bow 15ed no sox
eth 3 sox balorg blade
eth 4 sox hellforge plate 1125def
gmb 4 sox 3 skill 11ed
eth 4 sox balorg skin 1099def
eth 6 sox ba
eth 3 sox hellforge plate 1144 def
eth 3 sox loricated mail 1077 def
eth matriarchal pike 3java sk / 15ed/2ar/ no sox
5xeth ba no sox
eth 6 sox cs
eth decapitator 8ed 15 dura no sox
eth 4 sox shadow plate 1152 def
eth 4 sox great haubrek 1066def
eth 4 sox kraken 1156 def
eth 4 sox kraken 1176 def
greater talons: 2 dragon flight / 1 bades of ice / 2 mind blast / 3 sox
eth flail 5 sox 14ed / 10 dura
5 sox cs 10 dura
4 sox royal shield 42 allres
kurast shield no sox 45 allres
gmb 3 sox 4 skill
sr 4 sox 40allres
war axe 15ed 3ar
colossus crossbow 15ed 3ar
eth balorg blade 3 sox
sacred rondache 4 sox 44allres
sup stag bow 3 bow skill 15ed 3ar no sox, lvl req14
rondache 45allres 10ed-12dura 4 sox lvlreq 6
gmb 3 skill 4 sox
5sox cs 7ed 3 ar
eth gp 6 sox
akaran trage 45 allres no sox
great bow 15ed 2 ar no sox
crown 15ed 3ar
military pick 15ed 3ar no sox
white no sox suwayyah 1 phoenix strike / 2 mind blast / 3 lightning sentry
white no sox suwayyah 15ed 3ar
white no sox suwayyah 3 wake of inferno / 3 lightning sentry / 3 shadow warrior
pb 5 sox
eth loricated mail 4 sox 1059def
eth 3 sox loricated mail 1050 def
eth 3 sox shadow plate 1059 def
eth 4 sox great haubrek 1102 def
gilded shield 4 sox 41 allres
3x5 sox pb
colossus crossbow 15ed no sox
colossus crossbow 15ed 1ar no sox
runic talons 2 weapon block/3 wake of fire no sox
alpha helm lvl req 30 /3to fury / 1 to hear of wolverine no sox atm
eth 4 sox kraken 1095def
sacred rondache 3 sox 45 allres
spired helm 3 sox 15ed
eth colossus sword 3 sox
eth cs 6sox
eth upped troll nest 370def 4 sox
eth upped monarch 319def 4 sox
greater claw 1dragonflight/2wake of inferno/2 light sentry
dusk10ed no sox
eth 3 sox trollnest upped 387 def
eth boneweave 4 sox 1125 def
eth lacquered plate 4 sox 1099def
5sox flail 11ed
eth 4 sox lacquered plate 1129def
kurast shield 45 allres 0 sox
eth upped trollnest 382def
trollnest 15ed 0 sox
mp 14ed 15dura
4 sox eth hellforge plate 1116 def
4 sox eth balorg skin 1107 def
mp 12ed 13 dura no sox
7x 5 sox flail
eth matriarchal spear 3 java skill 9ed no sox
eth ghost spear 9ed 13 dura no sox
5 sox cs 13 dura
troll nest 14 ed 13 dura 3 sox
eth balorg skin 1081 def 4sox
flail 5 sox 14 ed
eth colossus sword 3 sox
troll nest 13ed no sox
crown 15ed 3 sox
4 sox wyrmhide 13 ed
eth balorg skin 4 sox 1162def
4 sox dusk 8 ed
eth upped trollnest 375 def 3 sox
mp 14ed 15dura no sox
low quality crown shield 65 ed 121 ar
war axe 15ed 3ar
crowbill 15ed 3ar 6 sox
5 sox war staff 3 es / 3ar
mp 14ed no sox
eth ghostspear 6 sox
eth ghostpear 6 sox 3 ar 11 dura
eth great poleaxe 6 sox 12 ed 10 dura
eth trollnest upped 3 sox 373 def
2xwire fleece 4 sox 14 ed
mp 11ed 11dura no sox
hydra bow 6 sox 12ed 3ar
war pike eth 6 sox
demon head eth upped 3 sox 310 def
crown 15 ed 3 sox
war staff 5 sox 3 es
gothic bow 4 sox
2xeth cv no sox
scarab 3 sox 10 ed 11 dura
eth warpike no sox
board sword 15ed 3 ar
2xeth ghostspear no sox
eth upped troll nest 3 sox 387 def
eth upped troll nest 3 sox 369 def
2xMatriarchal Bow 3 skill 4 sox
eth crown shield 37 allres no sox
troll nest eth no sox 250 def
st 3 sox 42 allres
ghost wand 2 bone prison/3 bone spear / no sox

19 life / 13 mana
5fhr / 11 light res
4x20 life
19 life/10 fire res
11x15 life
15 life / psn res 6
15 life / 4 mana
15 life / 4 mana
15 life / 20 def (lvl req 28)
2x19 life
19 life / 23 def
19 life/8def
2x18 life / fire res 5
18 life/10 cold res
2x7mf/17 mana
7mf/psn res 7
7 mf/10 fire res
7 mf / 4 light res
15x7mf sc
7 mf/19ar
7 mf/ 13 max stamina
7 mf / 8 stamina
2x5fhr/17 mana

5frw/6max/32 ar (lvl req 21)
6max/41ar/35 life
11ar/15 life (lvl 9)

7frw//10max//51 ar (lvl req 21)
125 ar / 36 life
104ar/36 life
100ar/38 life

eth gaze 6/6/17
eth skin of the flayed one
eth stormlash 286 ed
marrowwalk 1skil/20str
marrowwalk 2skill/20str
eth skullder 191 ed
eth shaft 206 ed
earth shifter 269ed (7ele skill)
earth shifter 275ed (7ele skill)
5x andy face
eth rockstopper
eth sands 15/12
eth shaft 203 ed
eth runemaster 5 sox 245 ed
eth ribcracker 299ed
gaze 7/7/16
black hades eth
wt 40
raven 188/20
raven 191 /20
raven 200/20
spirit forge armor 147 ed eth
eth crow craw armor 179 ed
shako 130
andy helm
gaze 8/6/19
raven 207/20
metalgrid 420/340/34
metalgrid 427 / 319 / 28
andy helm
gaze 8/7/15
2x highlord
arreat 6/157
zaka 171
steelrend 54/19
gaze 6/6/15
zaka 164
tg belt 200ed
arreat 5/189
shako 130
shako 140
eth runemaster 5 sox 249ed
eth horizons tornado 240ed
eth horizons tornado 243 ed
metalgrid 416/342/25
raven 221/20
wt 47
andy helm
2X hotspur
2xeth cot
2xeth suicide branch
andy helm non eth
4xunid deaths web
gaze 7/8/17
4x andy helm non eth
zaka 195
raven 230/20
ravenlore -15% fire / 18 allres
ARREAT 183/6
azurewrath 13 aura 268ed
azurewrath 13 aura 260ed
eth duriels 197ed
wisp ring 14 abs / 19 mf
eschuta 3/20fire/13 light/30 energy
eth shaft 188ed
shako 108
gaze 8/7/15
shako 134
shako 137
wt 39
metalgrid 435/313/25
zaka 192
eth duriell 189ed
shako 98
raven 249/19
zaka 169
dracul 8/12
eth hone sudan 187ed
gaze 7/8/18
eth lidless
arreat 200/6
tg belt 189
tg belt 197
warshrike 218ed
eth cot
2xunid storm
storm unid
eth warshike 219ed
shako 125
nagel 30
spirit forge linked mail
sands 14/15
arreat 3/199
raven 237/19
shako 132
raven 171 / 20
nature ring
dungo 31/15

raven 190/19
tg belt 191
dungo 30/14
seraph 2/2
eth toothrow 199ed
raven 194/19
nagel 30
shako 107
eth lidless
gore 194
shako 133
eth lidless
seraph 2/1
mara 21
mara 23
mara 28
dungo 37/12
eth toothrow 1115 def
tg belt 174
tg belt 191
shako 125
gore 180
dracul 10%ls/12 str
dracul 8%ls/14str
eth lidless
inferstode boots
goblin toe boots
dungo 34/14
eth fleshripper
ww 180/55
gore 187
dracul 8%ls/10str
light rbf 4/5
raven 187/15
2xnagel 30
raven 206/16
waterwalk 207/63
gore 174
gore 185
2xunid storm
gore 191
9xdwarf ring
gaze 7/8/18
nagel 30

3 passive magic sk / 20 ias gloves
amu 3 masteries / 30dex
jewel 15 max dmg / -15req
jewel 33ed/-15req
war scepter: 4 sox / 10 fcr / 1 redemption/1 holy shock / 1 vengeance
jewel 15 ias / 64 def
6 bo helm / horned helm no sox
15 ias / light res 20 jewel
gloves: 3bow/20ias
5bo helm 3wc/2bo 89 life no sox lion helm
jewel 32ed / -15req
war scepter 80 ar / lvl 11 sacrifice 71 charges / 50% dmg undead / 2 sox / lvl req 9
jewel 40ed //10 min dmg
circlet : 3shadow disciplines // 100 life // 2 sox
jewel -15req / 25 light res
jewel 14 max dmg lvl req18
jewel 27 max dmg
jewel 8 min dmg// lvl req6
jewel 7fhr/30 cold res
jewel fire res 29 / -15 req / lvl req 13
amu 2 shape skill rep life 15 lvlreq 30
jewel 20 max dmg
4 sox magic scepter 10 fcr // 1 sanctuary // 1 conversion
28 max dmg jewel
artisans scutum of deflecting shield lvlreq 25 str req71 3 sox 30%fbr 20%increased block
20 max dmg jewel
22 max dmg jewel
3 bo weapon glaive
circlet 2 amazon 20 fcr no sox
jewel 20 max dmg lvlreq 27
jewel 9str/20mana
3xamu 3 fire skill
amu 3 fire 4 dex
amu 3 fire skill 21 mf

sanctuary st 104 resist ( base res is 40+ , i can clean if you want)
3x silence ba
Perfect Spirit akaran trage in 15ed 13dura 45@ base lvl req 26
enigma MP 15ED 775DEF (perfect)
white polished wand 3bs/3golem mastery
eth splendor bone shield

2xIk armor
3xik helm
3x ik gloves
2x ik belt
2x ik boot
2x ik maul
5x gris armor
griswold helm
2xgriswold weapon
griswold shield
6xtal amu
5xtal orb unid
6xtal armor unid
2xtal mask
1x tal mask fal rune in
2xtal belt
trang gloves
3xcowking helm
2xcowking armor
4xcowking boots

This post was edited by balint0203 on Sep 7 2021 02:31pm
Posts: 10,663
Joined: Mar 28 2020
Gold: 5.00
Aug 18 2021 11:59am
Need 3soc scarab 15ed and jwl 15/20light
5bo helm
5wc sk
25 fgs
Posts: 13,879
Joined: Nov 17 2012
Gold: 9,554.60
Aug 18 2021 12:00pm
Quote (Lobziki @ Aug 18 2021 07:59pm)
Need 3soc scarab 15ed and jwl 15/20light
5bo helm
5wc sk
25 fgs

hey bro maybe im not clear i want to sell pack:D
Posts: 10,663
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Gold: 5.00
Aug 18 2021 12:19pm
Quote (balint0203 @ Aug 18 2021 10:00pm)
hey bro maybe im not clear i want to sell pack:D

Comon too difficult.
Make auction then.
If u can just deduct those items would be nice.
Posts: 13,879
Joined: Nov 17 2012
Gold: 9,554.60
Aug 18 2021 12:28pm
Quote (Lobziki @ Aug 18 2021 08:19pm)
Comon too difficult.
Make auction then.
If u can just deduct those items would be nice.

sadly this realm is to dead for auction

ofc if you need something you can list it and offer me fg in pm, maybe i like your offer

This post was edited by balint0203 on Aug 18 2021 12:28pm
Posts: 366
Joined: Jun 9 2020
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Aug 18 2021 12:28pm
Full IK set Price ?
Posts: 13,879
Joined: Nov 17 2012
Gold: 9,554.60
Aug 18 2021 12:30pm
Quote (Retor_93 @ Aug 18 2021 08:28pm)
Full IK set Price ?

hey bro maybe im not clear i want to sell pack

ofc if you need something you can list it and offer me fg in pm, maybe i like your offer

This post was edited by balint0203 on Aug 18 2021 12:30pm
Posts: 10,663
Joined: Mar 28 2020
Gold: 5.00
Aug 18 2021 01:36pm
148 fgs
Posts: 13,879
Joined: Nov 17 2012
Gold: 9,554.60
Aug 18 2021 01:41pm
Quote (Lobziki @ Aug 18 2021 09:36pm)
148 fgs

for everything?
Posts: 10,663
Joined: Mar 28 2020
Gold: 5.00
Aug 18 2021 01:57pm
Quote (balint0203 @ Aug 18 2021 11:41pm)
for everything?

U dont sell as parts. I can pick up some :)))
Take as start or bump :)
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