Quote (xanadue @ Jun 24 2016 07:48pm)
So if a thief in a stolen car pulls up and hands the keys over to me, it's mine and I'm not morally and legally obligated to return it to the owner? Diablo 2 doesn't have laws, and if the meds did shit at all then he would and SHOULD be locked just as fast as the actual scammer.
There is absolutely an obligation to return stolen goods if you know they're stolen when you receive them, which it's 100% clear GT did. You little fucks are just pubescent teens on an internet forum and can't comprehend the general concept of human morality. Now, we're on JSP so this isn't surprising at all - but stop defending the low life piece of shit, because that's exactly what GT is.
If the meds did anything to begin with people wouldn't be put in such positions to buy stolen goods
There would be precedents set, and people would be more aware of the consequences of such actions
Real life logic doesn't apply on jsp. Instead people know buying scammed items won't get you locked. People know if you scam, get caught and tagged that creating a new identity is readily available
We registered to a site where we obey by their
rules command. Paul's a smart man, this is his enterprise
Take a look at all the new users on other sub forums
BnP, there's an exceedingly large number of 2016's with over 50,000 fg and 1,000 posts
People know the system is broken, and they are the ones who take advantage of it