I came from Ladder, I only play ladder. One of the few who truly enjoy the game. Each season I try to compile all interest into making 1 top 5 pvp chars. I also make the best PvM barb on east, prolly all realms.. Well my buddy would say he's #1. That's why he's my buddy. All items are legit, I heard you kids be like #WherethatHistory? I have found the most. I have sold a lot. I have traded a lot. None of you guys need to listen to all these words. Because I could honestly give a fuck less. ;p . I just care about selling her. Gimme them Mario coins. Thanks.You don't need to worry about your gear missing. 1000+ duel games and maybe 20,000 random pub games for mfing and skills.Please do not spam this thread with advice. I do not nor/need advice from anyone. That means.. Don't say you have a better item or say any items aren't that great. Just offer on the gear. Thanks. But, if you want to say how great this thread is that's fine!. <3 :hail:
This is a Pure WW/Dragon/Kick Sin. She's based aroung using a Bramble. Does she have tele? Of course. That's what makes this pvper top 5. Nobody has this build because they were to slow to find/get the teleport helms that make it possible. If you don't understand why being able to teleport and have Bramble on then you don't need to bid. Arreat Summit Bramble armor then compare it to enigma for a WW Sin.Many different builds!
http://s3.postimg.org/mgozai9gz/sin.png15/15 Perfect dusk Bramble
2x 3/20/20 think football and coin
120 arach
250/20 raven
2/25/97 ed dancers
74 trangs
20/20 sin torch
20/20/5 anni
15% ed 775 enigma dusk
Prolly like 5 more Chaos claws.. runics/Suwayah with skills like LS/DF/Shadow/fade/blade shield etc. They sit on her back up gear mule. They all have gfg stats.
Complete awful build. Only thing good is the fcr/ar/str/life/mana/res ring. And it is only a good temp