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Oct 1 2018 07:00am
Aparté: l'immunité chinoise

Quote (harg @ Oct 1 2018 02:25pm)
tout ce que je comprends, c'est que tu trouves normal qu'un état espionne l'intégralité de sa propre population et celles de ses alliés par-dessus le marché XD

Les chinois agressent et volent.
Et c'est autrement plus redoutable que le fait d'être espionné.
Ils viennent sur l'ordinateur des journalistes français qui leur plaisent pas.
Et ils font disparaître tout ce qu'ils aiment pas.

Tu trouves ça normal peut-être?
Tu te sentirais comment si demain tous tes fichiers informatiques étaient effacés par des chinois?

Moi je me sentirais violé.

C'est un problème majeur.
C'est une menace énorme.

C'est ça qui devrait être notre préoccupation première.

Il faut arrêter les deux poids deux mesures.
Sous prétexte que les chinois sont des orientaux, alors ils peuvent faire tout ce qu'ils veulent et ça dérange personne.

Les americains par contre sont des occidentaux et doivent filer droit.

C'est quoi?
Tu veux jouer à qui a la plus grosse avec l'orient?
C'est n'importe quoi.

L'agression chinoise est autrement plus menaçante que l'agression américaine.

Les chinois sont des petits enfoirés qui se croient tout permis.
Ils bouffent pas de lysine et après ils viennent nous emmerder.

C'est mal ce qu'ils font.
Même si ils sont stupides, ils devraient quand même être jugés comme les autres.

C'est trop facile sinon, de se priver de lysine, pour être stupide, et pour avoir une sorte d'immunité.

C'est trop facile ce que font les chinois.

Moi aussi je peux me priver de lysine.
Moi aussi je peux devenir con comme un chinois.

Mais à quoi ça rime?
Le progrès, c'est l'accroissement de l'intelligence.
Les chinois vont dans l'autre sens.
C'est rentable pour leur économie, mais c'est mauvais pour la société mondiale.

Comment on ferait pour contenir les tensions nucléaires, si tout le monde se privait de lysine comme un chinois?

On échouerait.
Une guerre nucléaire serait déclenchée.

C'est ça que tu veux?
Récompenser la stupidité?
Donner une immunité aux chinois parce qu'ils se privent de lysine?
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Oct 1 2018 01:28pm
Aparté: le handball

Au handball, comment on fait pour tirer fort?
Soit on tourne, soit on pousse.

Si on est droitier de la main:

Soit on se met sur le pied gauche, et on tourne les hanches dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre.
Soit on se met sur le pied droit, et on pousse avec le pied vers l'avant.

Chaque technique a ses avantage et ses inconvénients.

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Oct 1 2018 01:28pm
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Oct 1 2018 11:23pm
Aparté: le sionisme

Quote (Melatonina @ Oct 1 2018 04:46pm)
Les sionistes ont une approche toute personnelle du mot "trahison"

Le sionisme, c'est le mot que vous utilisez, vous autres racistes, pour parler de la fierté nationale des israéliens.

Mais en fait, le sionisme a disparu en 1947 lors de la création d'Israel.
À ce moment, les sionistes sont devenus des israéliens fiers de leur pays.
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Oct 2 2018 05:26am
Aparté: How Israel Can Become One Of The Richest And Most Powerful Countries In The World

For a long time, the French were afraid that if Israel was created, Israel would have an inferiority complex and would begin to colonize the surrounding territories.
I will tell you why Israel does not need to colonize surrounding territories to become powerful.

And I still think it would be good if Israel had more territories to cultivate the particular intelligence of Jewish culture.

In the world, people are stupid.
Jews do not study for long because they like money.
Jews do long studies because they love intelligence.
Money is only a collateral effect of studies.
If Wikipedia was more complete and better organized, I think that few Jews would go on to long studies.

Jews love intelligence because it is intelligence that brings freedom.
If China can today have an authoritarian policy, it is because most Chinese have not studied, and are not educated.

Jews believe in God, and one must be free to believe in God.

There are two ways in which Israel can become a rich and powerful country:
  • thanks to superior intelligence (Jews are not born smarter than others, but they have a greater love than others for intelligence)
  • thanks to energy production

In France, higher education is cheap, but it is mediocre.

The buildings are dirty, as you can see in this picture.
It has been several years since this table was not cleaned.


Tall and intelligent people are disadvantaged to go to higher education in France because the environment is hostile.
There is a natural selection that is made, and that is favorable to the small and stupid people.
They continue to study even when there are dangers around them.

In the USA, education is good, but it is expensive.

In France, teachers do not pronounce the words correctly.

For example, I have a teacher who does not pronounce "désialylée" correctly.
Instead, she pronounces: "désialylalylée".
For several hours of classes, she always makes this big mistake.

We also have foreign teachers who forget to pronounce certain syllables.

Our teachers tell us about things that are out of date.

I have a professor who has spent a lot of time talking about Gilles-Eric Seralini's studies on GMOs, while this work has been invalidated.
According to this professor, there is evidence that has been demonstrated between GMOs (without glyphosate) and cancers.

In Jewish culture, it is very important to pronounce the syllables correctly.
During the reading of the Torah, if a syllable is badly pronounced, then the reader is interrupted, and he must pronounce the syllable correctly.

In France, even people of French culture pronounce the words badly.

In France, teachers are obliged to do scientific research.
There is no work at the chain, there is no Fordism.
The teachers are incompetent because they are not dedicated to their profession.
They do other things in parallel.

There is no work at the chain, so our teachers are not very efficient in their work.
They teach things badly.

If Israel puts in place an effective and powerful education system, then Israel can have enormous wealth.
Instruction is power, instruction is wealth.
If Elon Musk is rich today, it's because he read a lot of books when he was little, and learned a lot.

If Israel puts in place an effective and powerful education system, then Israel could launch projects of an ambition equal to or even superior to the projects of Elon Musk.

Energy production.

The production of energy is something extremely important.
For a country to be developed, it needs to be able to produce energy.

And yet, most developed countries use non-renewable energy sources such as gas, uranium or oil.

In the near future, those who have developed technologies on thorium power plants will become very rich.

And Israel can become rich thanks to thorium plants.
Israel can become very rich.


Contrary to what Catholics believe, Israel does not need to colonize large territories to be a powerful country.

Israel needs social intelligence to raise the level of education, and to develop new technologies that are very valuable to the global society.

And there is already an elaborate social intelligence, since it is I who created it.

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Oct 2 2018 05:37am
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Oct 2 2018 01:02pm
Aparté: délire de persécution

Quote (dijonnais @ Oct 2 2018 08:13pm)
C'est pourtant au nom du sionisme qu'Israël s'étend en pillant les terres des Palestiniens ... Le sionisme n'a pas disparu, il a changé de forme.
S'il était légitime lors de la création de l'Etat d'Israël en 1948 (et prenait la forme du droit à avoir un Etat), il est désormais illégitime (et prend la forme d'une occupation illégale de territoires palestiniens et un outil de discrimination.
Il n'y a ainsi aucun racisme à décrire ce qu'a été et ce qu'est désormais le sionisme.
Ce n'est pas moi qui le dit, c'est un ancien Président de la Knesset (le Parlement israélien), Avraham Burg.



La plupart des juifs sont des idiots.
C'est quand même triste que la plupart des arguments utilisés contre les juifs aient été créés par des juifs.

Il faut pas prendre tout ce que disent les juifs au pied de la lettre.
La plupart des juifs ont un délire de persécution, et c'est pour ça qu'ils sont petits.

L'auto-critique est souvent excessive dans la culture juive.

Ce n'est pas parce que certains juifs disent ça que c'est vrai.
Israel a failli être détruite par une coalition des pays arabes alentours.

Et ça, c'est pas du délire de persécution.
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Oct 2 2018 03:14pm
Aparté: conseils aveugles

Quote (Ramy @ Oct 2 2018 10:53pm)
no go work then

Quote (ALD52 @ Oct 2 2018 10:52pm)
Change careers

You Americans make me laugh.
You do not even know what job he does, and you advise him to stop.

Imagine if M240B is part of the government.
Imagine if M240B is a safety officer in a nuclear power plant.
You give blind advice.

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Oct 3 2018 05:12am
Aparté: très supersticieux

According to the Native Americans, photography steals the soul.

I am a very superstitious person.
Many people are very superstitious in my family, and I do not want my soul to be stolen.

I draw a lot, because I do not like photos.


This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Oct 3 2018 05:15am
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Oct 3 2018 07:11am
Aparté: superstitions & photographie

Quote (Beowulf @ Oct 3 2018 01:36pm)
When something unknown and unbelievable is introduced into an unlearned community fear, rumor and curiosity take over

many different people were fearful of introduced technology at first especially something as incredible as the ability to photograph which is why you can find similar stories from entirely different areas

to this day we still see people having exaggerated fears of advancing technologies much less shocking than those exposed to it for the very first time

same goes for science and nature especially by the spiritual or religious

Do you pretend there is nothing magical about photography?

There are many things that remain mysterious in the world, and even Richard Dawkins says that he is not certain that God does not exist.

Quote (Richard Dawkins)
I can't be sure God does not exist... On a scale of seven, where one means I know he exists, and seven I know he doesn't, I call myself a six... That doesn't mean I'm absolutely confident, that I absolutely know, because I don't.

I do not think superstitions about photography are just about fear, rumor and curiosity.

I think photography is something dangerous.

There is little social intelligence in society. Some theories exist, but none of them occupies an important place in society.

Most people do not see the world as it is because they are too subjective. But photography is something that offers a very objective overview of the world, and it's potentially dangerous.
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Oct 3 2018 07:24am
Aparté: humains & animaux, le contrôle du temps

The only thing that is really important is having your family around you.
Life deserves to be lived even if there is no strong moment.

The only thing that is important is to live around well-intentioned people, who are also working to improve the world.
In my opinion, the most important thing is to transform Homo sapiens into Homo subtiliter.

It is necessary that the human becomes stronger, and that it acquires a better control of its emotions, so that all the miseries that have undergone humanity have a meaning.

We can not let people die just because a criminal tyrant has decided to kill them.
We must give meaning to their death.

Humans control time, and that's what makes them different from animals.

Humans can remember.

Humans can perpetuate ideas and dreams over time.
A dolphin mother can teach her child to fish, but she will never be able to teach him/her to empathize or have compassion.


We can not prevent all the criminals from killing people, but we can make sense of the deaths of those who have been cruelly murdered.

We do not need "precogs" in society.

What we need is people making a memory effort.

What we need is people who are really trying to stop misery by creating social intelligence. We need a common ideology.

Some people like capitalism, and others prefer communism. This is not a problem.
What would be a problem is that we do not have at least one common ideology.

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Oct 3 2018 07:34am
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Oct 3 2018 09:18am
Aparté: sois original

Quote (Bogs @ Oct 3 2018 04:54pm)
Early access
25 dollars

No fucking way am I getting sucked into buying a game that has the possibility of never being complete.

Open your mind.
The beta games are the best.
Be creative.
Do not lock yourself into a systematic and automatic positive reinforcement system.
Be imaginative.
Spend money where nobody expects it.
Change the world.

You will not change the world by doing the things everyone does.
You will change the world by doing original things.
It's a good thing to be original.
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