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Sep 18 2018 01:06pm
Aparté: gaijin

Why don't you just wait she becomes poor?

Or perhaps you should better marry a bag lady (homeless).
If she rejects you, then you do not care.

My advice is: you date a lot of girls.
If she is black, you don't have sex with her.

Japanese do that: they wait in the street and they talk to girls.
There is a word in Japanese for that.



You need to do gaijin buddy.
You will lose your self-esteem & lose your honor.

That's how every couple begins.

My advice is to never marry a girl.
And just do gaijin when you want to have sex.
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Sep 18 2018 03:26pm
Aparté: les musulmans

Quote (Beowulf @ Sep 9 2018 09:26pm)
Good God man

and if they as a group were as dangerous as you think they are we would all be dead

before getting into serious convo you might wanna research your 9gag pics

I lived for 2500 years in a Muslim country.
And I have one thing to say about the Muslims.

Muslims are the tormentors of their own children.

I rather like the muslims, tho.
They aren't so bad.
But they are the tormentors of their own children.

Their will torment your children if you are not watchful.

I know that.


Muslims like to torture children.

Look at History.

The Muslims attacked the Maghreb, and they converted it by force.


Catholics used Catholicism to unite their people, but they did not impose the religion.
They scared people with hellish stories, but they did not threaten to kill them.

Islam is the only religion that forbids not to believe in God.

The reason we are not all dead is because Muslims are not very smart.
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Sep 18 2018 03:48pm
Aparté: contrôler l'asthénie

Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Sep 18 2018 11:17pm)
Can confirm chev’s understanding of the antibody response to HIV infection is flawed :lol:

the body just produces a ton of immunoglobulin G (IgG) without destroying the virus

there is nothing funny

you live
you live
you live
you live

while your body stops producing IgG, you die

The IgG can destroy the HIV virions.
Unfortunately, there is a reservoir of the virus in the deep ganglia, and the immune system does not succeed in destroying these viruses.
They are hidden and inaccessible.

I want a HIV infection without the reservoir in my deep ganglia.
So that I can stop the disease when I want.

Perhaps a person of the future has gone in the past to create HIV to give us the idea of controlling asthenia.
That's what I believe.

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Sep 19 2018 12:53am
Aparté: les alphas condamnent l'humanité

Girls are just a way to reproduce imo
They are dangerous allies because of their stupidity.

Alphas are traitors.
They want to have fun with girls, even if it means betraying all the other boys.

That's a shame.

Girls aren't smart enough to make humanity live.
With girls
--> no computers
--> no technology
--> nothing
--> we would still be monkeys

Instead of marrying women, boys should rather marry female monkeys.
They are equally intelligent.

Alphas are traitors.
And they are idiots if they believe they are safe.
Because they aren't.

Judaisme & Islam teach us to separate the girls from the boys.
Because girls are stupid while boys are smart.

Alphas are that kind of person who believe in girls intelligence and that will cause the end of humanity.
Alphas condemn humanity.

And they must be fought.
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Sep 20 2018 04:08am
Aparté: mes théories

It was John Snow who made one of the oldest and best scientific investigations.

He saw cholera disease, and he suspected a "particle" in the water. There was no reason for him to suspect the water.

Yet he suspected the water. and he did some research and he listed all cases of cholera on a map of London.

He discovered that all cases of cholera were around a water point. 3 days after closing this water point, there was no more cholera in London.

Most of the people in the world are stupid idiots.
And few people are smart, just like me & John Snow.

I create theories and there is nothing wrong in creating theories.

What is wrong is to experiment without making theories, as did the Nazis.
Or not to experiment at all, and never to progress.
Or to condemn a theory without explaining why this theory can not be true.

I create theories that are plausible, and that can bring great benefit to humanity.
Maybe all my theories are wrong, and that would be a pity. And maybe one of my theories is true, and it could change the world.

Creativity is something indispensable to a good scientist. And there are many scientists who lack creativity, and who can not discover new things.

I am a very creative person. And that makes me a good scientist. So, please, respect me & respect my theories.

It's not because I do not have the time or the money to test my theories that they do not have value. It's true that I need help. It is true that to create theories without testing them, it may seem useless, but it is not.

One day, I will test my theories, and then I will perhaps receive a Nobel Prize, who knows?
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Sep 20 2018 04:19am
Aparté: corps & esprit

I do not resist the temptation of women.
I just fuck them & I move on to something else.

One can't stay a virgin for life.
One day, you need to have sex.

It's just curiosity & it's normal.

Only the Germans want to dominate their own body & their own biology.
It's a terrible idea.

Your body is your ally.
Your body is part of you.

I believe in the peticular & psychic worlds.
And they are connected.


You can't be smart if you live in a small body.
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Sep 20 2018 05:51am
Aparté: no hope in Israel

I understand almost everything.
Mathematics, physics...
I always understand everything very fast.

Understandings are my home.
And you pretend you know my home better than I do.
You are wrong on this point.

Globally, my understandings are far better than anyone else's.

Jews understand things.
That's a reflex.
When I wake up on the morning, the first thing I do is not breathing. I prefere understand things. That's a reflex. I spend most of my time to understand things.
By reflex.
Not because I am a psychopath.
It's a reflex.

I live in a dangerous country with dangerous people.
Donald Trump said it.
And he is right.
I need to understand to survive.

Understandings are my home.
And I know my home better than you do.

The second point is: there is no hope for me. I can see there is no hope for me. I can't test my theories in time. I am so lonely & so poor.
There is no hope for me.
I can't convince people to test my theories.

Only Jews can be smart enough to test my theories.

So I need the Jews.
I am waiting for the Jews to read my theories, because I know they will give a try to them.

I need the Jews.

But most of the Jews are idiot.

The Jews are simultaneously powerful & idiots.
Yet they are the only ones who can appreciate my theories.

I need to wait for them.

I need to wait for Israel to become a strong country.

I contacted Israel several times.
I regularly send messages to the ambassador of Israel in France, Aliza Bin-Noun.

I even contacted the Mossad to ask for them to read my theories.
I also contacted CIA & MI6 for fun.
Hah !

No way.
They don't give a shit.

I need to wait Israel to become a strong country.

In few months, there will be no hope in Israel anymore.
I know that.
When a country can't listen to his own scientists, there is no hope anymore.

Soon, there will be no hope in Israel.
And there will be a war.

I hope Germany will get destroyed.
Because I dislike Germany.

I am waiting for Israel to nuke Germany.
At this moment, I will give a try again and contact Israel again.

I have rights you know.
And I refuse to waste my time for people who do not listen to me.

Soon, Israel will nuke Germany.
And it will be a good day for the world.

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Sep 20 2018 08:06am
Aparté: des amis

pour avoir des amis, c'est pas si compliqué
avoir des nouveaux amis, ce n'est pas très difficile
ce qui est dur, c'est de les garder

pour garder des amis, il faut:

• être ni dominant ni dominé
ni dominateur ni soumis
c'est très important (c'est la première cause d'échec d'une amitié)

• avoir un peu de chacune des 10 intelligences

• avoir un peu de chacune des 9 caractéristiques du guerrier
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Sep 20 2018 09:24am
Aparté: le problème allemand

Quote (Crud1ty @ Sep 20 2018 04:54pm)
Justice, Revenge, who cares no1 wants to be too meticulous. Btw what Germans have done to deserve genocide?

they destroyed Jewish power, and they continue to pose a threat today to the Jewish community

they did not just make a very serious and horrific genocide
they are deeply bad people

and if the world society can not punish them, then the Jews must take revenge
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Sep 20 2018 10:35am
Aparté: pragmatisme & innocence

Quote (Beowulf @ Sep 20 2018 06:24pm)
I should go off what is right and that's that using mental illness and diagnosis as a political weapon is wrong

it's wrong for the country, it's destructive, and it contributes to stigmas for people suffering from mental illness

Trump has twice picked qualified serious people for the court meaning he has listened to those around him much smarter than he. This is huge because it's a massively powerful decision and opportunity for a President and he showed the ability to listen and choose reasonably

He brought on mattis. A strong warrior that also believes in compassion and has shown empathy, great strengths for a defense leader. Another sign of reason within a decision of great power

Trump is a shit human, he's never even tried to improve himself. I dislike nearly everything about him and do not like his style of leadership at all nor his emboldening of the worst of his faithful followers but using mental health as a weapon against him or anyone I disagree with would make me as unprincipled as him and you supporting that sort of tactic does make you as unprincipled as him. So what are you fighting for if you're willing to do wrong like your enemy?

50% of the time you need to "do wrong like your enemy".
This is called pragmatism.

50% of the time you need to do good.
This is called innocence/naivety.
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