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Sep 2 2013 03:07pm
Recent Private Duped Items: ESCNL

Bitter Mask - 2nec/20fcr/30frw/44lifer/82ed/2os
Pain Circlet - 2/3/2/10/31 21 fire res red antlers
Fiend Visage - 2/3/2/10/39 red hawk
Raven Emblem - 2 sin/18 fcr/55 life/26 str/19 mana
Death Grip - 10fcr/21str/60life/10all res crafted ring
Dread Hold - 10 fcr/23str/59 life/11 all res crafted ring
Eagle Gutter - 2java 20ias 358ed matriarchal javelin
Rune Crest - 2 druid 20 fcr 30 frw 30 str 25 fire res 2os druid circlet
Armageddon Visage - 2 necro 20 fcr 30 frw 16 dex 2os necro circlet

This post was edited by RyanBlunt on Sep 2 2013 03:08pm
Posts: 19,534
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Sep 6 2013 01:10am
How amp works

Scenario: you're the mighty melanee, spewing magic and shit.
You also have 0% dr due to retarded gear planning.

You take 2000 damage per whirlwind hit.

Amplify damage reduces your dr by 100

Your new dr is -100
You now take 4000 damage per hit, which is double the damage you took before amp.

Melanee buys a stormshield and dungos to hit 50% dr
2000 damage per hit becomes 1000 damage per hit.
You take 1000 damage per whirlwind hit.

Amplify damage lowers dr by 100
Your dr is now -50

You now take 3000 damage per hit, which is triple the damage you took before amp.

This post was edited by RyanBlunt on Sep 6 2013 01:18am
Posts: 19,534
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Sep 6 2013 01:18am
.08 Item Listing


.08 Item listing


This post was edited by RyanBlunt on Sep 6 2013 01:20am
Posts: 19,534
Joined: Jan 19 2010
Gold: 265.00
Sep 23 2013 04:30am
Clvl- Level of character with which we buys items/crafts them

Qlvl- Quality level.
Can be never higher than ilvl of item, so if qlvl > ilvl, then qlvl = ilvl.
Few qlvls of items which we uses for crafting:
Light Belt - qlvl 7
Leather Boots - qlvl 3
Light Plated Boots - qlvl 20

You can find qlvls of all items here: http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/items/weaponsandarmor.shtml

Ilvl- Item level.
In our case for magic (blue) items it depends on character level with which we buys our items and on difficulty level
Normally item level of vendor's items is equal to character level +5, but on norm it's additionally capped (act 1:12, act 2:20, act 3:28, act 4:36, act 5:45).
The ilvl of a crafted item is equal to half the level of the crafting character (rounded down) plus half the ilvl of the input item (rounded down):
new ilvl of craft = int(.5 * clvl) + int(.5 * old ilvl of base item)

Alvl - Affix level.
For an item this is the level that is used to compare to the level and max level as found in the prefix and suffix tables.
When referring to aprefix/suffix it is the value listed in the level column.
To calculate alvl of crafting item we must go through the following four steeps:

(1)ilvl = int(.5 * clvl) + int(.5 * ilvl)
The ilvl calculated in (1) has to undergo two checks and possible modifications. First, ilvl is capped at 99:
(2) if ilvl > 99 then ilvl = 99
Then qlvl and ilvl are compared. The higher number is used for further calculations:
(3)if qlvl > ilvl then ilvl = qlvl
The final step is to determine the affix level. If the ilvl is smaller than 99 - int(qlvl/2) then the affix level is ilvl - int(qlvl/2). Otherwise the affix level is ilvl*2 - 99:
(4) if ilvl < (99 - int(qlvl/2)= then affix level = ilvl - int(qlvl/2) else affix level = ilvl * 2 - 99.
It's also worth noting that the ilvl, the quality and the properties of the jewel are completely irrelevant and don't affect the outcome at all.

Affixes - Mods that our crafted item can have (not including fixed properties, which each craft have also)
Crafted Items have 1-4 Random Magical Prefixes/Suffixes (but no more than 3 of each).
On top of those fixed properties, a Crafted Item can have from 1-4 standard Rare and Magic Prefix and Suffixes. These are generated pretty much the same way as a Rare item.

At ilvls 1-30, there's a 40% chance of 1 affix and a 20% chance each of 2, 3 or 4 affixes.
At ilvls 31-50, there's a 60% chance of 2 affixes and a 20% chance each of 3 or 4 affixes.
At ilvls 51-70, there's an 80% chance of 3 affixes and a 20% chance of 4 affixes.
At ilvls 71+, there's a 100% chance of 4 affixes.

Remember that ilvl in this case means ilvl of craft, not ilvl of base item.

Rlvl- Required level.
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods


Common problems and misunderstandings

Low ilvl/alvl mit- Lowest possible ilvl/alvl is the best, because useless high level mods can't spawn
It's false because it's not the best, however most people seems to believe in that. I think it will be easiest to prove using simple example.
So let's consider caster belt with 3-5 rl and 24 fhr suffixes:

CodeName | Alvl | Rlvl | Freq. | Stats
of Regeneration | 10 | 7 | 4 | Replenish Life +3 to +5
of Stability | 18 | 13 | 4 | +24% Faster Hit Recovery
Since highest rlvl is 13 (in the german affixes calculator it's called Level-req.), then according to our formula, with just 2 mods, final lvl req of our craft will be:
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 13 + 10 + 3*2 = 29
With one more prefix/suffix lvl req would be 32 at least, so we need 2 and only 2 affixes.
The best chance for this we have with ilvls 31-50 (at ilvls 31-50, there's a 60% chance of 2 affixes and a 20% chance each of 3 or 4 affixes)
On the other hand we also want alvl 18 (or as close to it as possible, but never less) because it's needed for 24 fhr (in the german affixes calculator alvl column is called Level-req).
Since in our case affix level = ilvl-int(qlvl/2) = ilvl-7/2 = ilvl-3, it's impossible to have ilvl 31 and alvl 18 at same timebr>
Ok, so what is worse, higher alvl (more useless mods can spawn) or lower ilvl (only 20% chance of 2 affixes)?
Let's calculate chances for right suffixes with alvl 18 and ilvl 21.
[If you are not familiar with crafting math you can skip this part]

CodeWe want to get 2 affixes, so we can get fhr first and rl after it, or rl first, and fhr after it.
For rl first we have chance equal to 4/51 and then 4/47 for fhr (we can't pick rl again obviously).
For fhr first we have chance equal to 4/51 and then 4/39 for rl (we can't pick any of affixes in fhr group again).
Total chance should be equal to (4/51)*(4/47)+(4/51)*(4/39) = (4/51)*((4/47)+(4/39)) = 0.0147192538 = ~1,47%

With ilvl 21 we have 20% chance to get exactly 2 affixes, and since this affixes can be prefixes or suffixes, next 25% chance to get 2 suffixes.
It means that chance to to get 2 suffixes with ilvl 21 is equal to (1/4)*(1/5)=1/20
So in our case it would be 1,47192538% * 0.05 = 0,073596269%So we get0,0736% chance to roll 24fhr and 3-5rl with alvl 18 and ilvl 21. With the same calculations for ilvl 31 and alvl 28 it's 0.118% chance.
Our chances are 60% better in second case!

Base magic item ilvl problems - when you can buy right item only on Normal difficulty
Sometimes you need to have magic item with ilvl over 20, but it's possible to buy it only in act I and II on Normal difficulty.
Solution is of course simple. Since we can't adjust ilvl of magic item, we need to change char lvl to ensure that craft ilvl will stay the same.
So don't be surprised if you will see 90 lvl char required in lld/mld guide. It's only because caps on ilvl of some items.

Wishfull thinking - when something seems correct and you don't care about details anymore ^^
Simple example can be Hit Points gloves with 20 ias. 20 ias have rlvl 35, so if it's only affix then lvl req of the craft should be:
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 35 + 10 + 3 = 48
What we forgot about? 20 ias have also alvl 43 (and even higher ilvl) which means we will never get only one affix, always more.
Always remember to check everything ;)


LLD Crafts



Caster Belts

Formula: Magic Light Belt + Ith Rune + Perfect Amethyst + Any Jewel

Belt #1

Best affixes: 24 fhr + any affix from the list: 5 rl, 20 life, 20 mana, 5 str, 30 cr/lr
Comments: Since 24fhr suffix have rlvl 13, then according to our formula, with just 2 mods, final lvl req of our craft will be:
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 13 + 10 + 3*2 = 29 This means if we want 24 fhr on our belt we can get only one more affix with lower rlvl.
In this case chance to get 2 affixes is more important that chance to get only important affixes (look at Common problems and misunderstandings for further explanations).
So we clearly need ilvl 31.
Where to buy magic light belts: Charsi (Nightmare), Gheed (Nightmare), Elzix (Nightmare) except:
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 29

Belt #2

Best affixes: 17 fhr + any 2 affixes from the list: 5 rl, 20 life, 20 mana, 5 str, 20 cr/lr [17 fhr / 5 rl / 20 life for example]
Comments: Yes, it's possible on lvl 30, and it's probably even better than 24fhr 5rl. 20life suffix have highest rlvl which is equal to 11.
New rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 11 + 10 + 3*3 = 30
As we seen in previous example high chance for correct amount of affixes is better than as low as possible alvl.
At ilvls 51-70, there's an 80% chance of 3 affixes and a 20% chance of 4 affixes, so that's what we want.
Chance to get all this 3 mods is 0.0945%, so of course lower than for 24fhr/5rl belt. Also it's harder to get both rl and life perfect than just rl.
Where to buy magic light belts: Charsi (Nightmare), Gheed (Nightmare), Elzix (Nightmare)
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 49.

Blood Belts

Formula: Magic Belt + Tal Rune + Perfect Ruby + Any Jewel

Belt #3 Same as Caster Belt #1

Belt #4 Same as Caster Belt #2



Caster Boots

Formula: Magic Boots + Thul Rune + Perfect Amethyst + Any Jewel

Boots #1

Best affixes: 30 cr/lr + any affix from the list: 3 dex, 10 fhr, 10 frw, Poison Length Reduced by 25%, Half Freeze Duration
Comments: Since 30 cr/lr have highest rlvl - equal 13 - it's exactly same situation as with Caster Belt #1. We can get only one other affix and lvl req of our craft will be 29.
Be aware that Magic Boots can be bought only on normal, so we can't get high ilvl on them. We will need to adjust clvl then (look at Common problems and misunderstandings for further explanations).
Where to buy magic magic boots: Charsi (Normal), Gheed (Normal), Elzix (Normal)
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 49. Belt must be bought from Elzix.
A slightly better would be Charsi or Gheed with char lvl 50, but with 49lvl many people can use mld chars, and 50 lvl gives you only like 1% better chance for roll resists rather than something useless.

Boots #2

Best affixes: Any 3 affixes from the list: 20 cr/lr, 3 dex, 10 fhr, 10 frw, Poison Length Reduced by 25%, Half Freeze Duration
Comments: Highest rlvl equal to 9 is owned by 3 dex and 20 cr/lr affixes, so with 3 random affixes from list we still can have 28 lvl req:
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 9 + 10 + 3*3 = 28
Since we need 3 affixes this situation is similar to Caster Belt #2. Be aware that Magic Boots can be bought only on normal, so we can't get high ilvl on them. We will need to adjust clvl then.
Where to buy magic magic boots: Charsi (Normal), Gheed (Normal)
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 90.

Blood Boots

Formula: Magic Light Plated Boots + Eth Rune + Perfect Ruby + Any Jewel

Boots #1

Best affixes: 30 cr/lr + any affix from the list: 3 dex, 10 fhr, 10 frw, Poison Length Reduced by 25%, Half Freeze Duration
Comments: Since 30 cr/lr have highest rlvl - equal 13 - it's exactly same situation as with Caster Belt #1. We can get only one other affix and lvl req of our craft will be 29.
Where to buy magic magic boots:Charsi (Nightmare), Fara (Nightmare), Asheara (Nightmare), Charsi (Hell), Gheed (Hell), Elzix (Hell), Charsi (Hell), Gheed (Hell), Fara (Hell), Elzix (Hell)
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 29.

Boots #2

Best affixes: Any 3 affixes from the list: 20 cr/lr, 3 dex, 10 fhr, 10 frw, Poison Length Reduced by 25%, Half Freeze Duration
Comments: Highest rlvl equal to 9 is owned by 3 dex and 20 cr/lr affixes, so with 3 random affixes from list we still can have 28 lvl req:
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 9 + 10 + 3*3 = 28 Since we need 3 affixes this situation is similar to Caster Belt #2.
Where to buy magic magic boots:Charsi (Nightmare), Fara (Nightmare), Asheara (Nightmare), Charsi (Hell), Gheed (Hell), Elzix (Hell), Charsi (Hell), Gheed (Hell), Fara (Hell), Elzix (Hell)
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 49.



Blood Gloves

Formula: Magic Heavy Gloves + Nef Rune + Perfect Ruby + Any Jewel

Gloves #1

Best affixes: Any 4 affixes from the list: 10cr/lr/ft, 2 dex, 2 str, Poison Length Reduced by 25%, Half Freeze Duration
Comments: Highest rlvl equal to 8 is owned by 2 str, so with 4 random affixes from list we still can have 30 lvl req at most:
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 8 + 10 + 4*3 = 30 Since we need 4 affixes best ilvl will be:
At ilvls 71+, there's a 100% chance of 4 affixes.
However in this case difference between crafting with ilvl 15 and ilvl 71 wont be too high. So it's more like your choice.
Where to buy magic heavy gloves: Charsi (Nightmare), Gheed (Nightmare), Elzix (Nightmare)
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 69 or character level 13.

Gloves #2

Best affixes: 20cr/lr/fr + any 2 affixes from the list: 2 dex, 2 str, Poison Length Reduced by 25%, Half Freeze Duration
Comments: Highest rlvl equal to 9 is owned by 20 cr/lr/fr, so with 2 random affixes from list our craft will have 28 lvl req.
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 9 + 10 + 3*3 = 28 Since we need 3 affixes best ilvl will be:
At ilvls 51-70, there's an 80% chance of 3 affixes and a 20% chance of 4 affixes.
Where to buy magic heavy gloves: Charsi (Nightmare), Gheed (Nightmare), Elzix (Nightmare)
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 49

Gloves #2

Best affixes: (30 cr/lr/fr or 5% to Attack Rating ) + any 1 affix from the list: 10cr/lr/fr, 2 dex, 2 str, Poison Length Reduced by 25%, Half Freeze Duration
Comments: Highest rlvl equal to 13 is owned by 30 cr/lr/fr, so with 1 random affix from list our craft will have 29 lvl req.
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 13 + 10 + 2*3 = 29 Since we need 2 affixes best ilvl will be:
At ilvls 31-50, there's a 60% chance of 2 affixes and a 20% chance each of 3 or 4 affixes.
Where to buy magic heavy gloves: Charsi (Nightmare), Gheed (Nightmare), Elzix (Nightmare)
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 29

Hit Power Gloves

Formula: Magic Chain Gloves + Ort Rune + Perfect Sapphire + Any Jewel

Gloves #3 Same as Blood Gloves #1, but use only higher character variant (qlvl of chain gloves is higher than heavy gloves which will case problems with too high alvls needed)

Gloves #4 Same as Blood Gloves #2

Gloves #5 Same as Blood Gloves #3



Blood Helms

Formula: Magic Helm + Ral Rune + Perfect Ruby + Any Jewel

Helm #1

Best affixes: 10 cr/lr/ft + 1-2 sockets + 10 fhr + Poison Length Reduced by 25%
Comments: Highest rlvl equal to 7 is owned by 1-2 sockets prefix, so with 4 affixes our craft will have 29 lvl req.
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 7 + 10 + 4*3 = 29 Since we need 4 affixes best ilvl will be:
At ilvls 71+, there's a 100% chance of 4 affixes.
Where to buy magic hemls: Charsi (Nightmare), Gheed (Nightmare), Elzix (Nightmare)
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 69.

Helm #2

Best affixes: ( 30 cr/lr/fr or 5% to Attack Rating or 6-10 life) + any 1 affix from the list: 1-2 sockets, 10 fhr, Poison Length Reduced by 25%
Comments: Highest rlvl equal to 13 is owned by 6-10 life suffix and 30 cr/lr/fr prefix, so with 1 random affix from list our craft will have 29 lvl req.
new rlvl= rlvl of highest affix + 10 + 3*amount of mods = 13 + 10 + 2*3 = 29 Since we need 2 affixes best ilvl will be:
At ilvls 31-50, there's a 60% chance of 2 affixes and a 20% chance each of 3 or 4 affixes.
Where to buy magic hemls: Charsi (Nightmare), Gheed (Nightmare), Elzix (Nightmare)
What char lvl we need: For both crafting and buying belts we need character level 29


MLD Crafts

This post was edited by RyanBlunt on Sep 23 2013 04:30am
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