* Do you have vent?
Yes ofc
* What is your P2P combat level?
* What type of weapons do you use?
I've got a friend that has sgs, and if its avaliable i can lend it. I got some fg to lend other gs if that wont do.
If im not using a gs im gonna bring dfs+whip
* What type of armour do you use?
I'm gonna be using bcp, tassets, nez, rol, fury, barrows gloves, d boots, fire cape etc. The common one i guess
* What is your summoning level?
* What is your range level?
* What is your agilty level?
* Have you done summers end quest yet?
uhm yeh thats about it, plz pm me if u let me in or not
This post was edited by HereToOwn on Jan 26 2010 01:16pm