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May 19 2010 06:42am
How does this ladder tour work?

- You can call players out that are 1 or 2 ranks above you
- If you have been called out, you can't call someone else out
- The dodge limit is 3 days; 3 consecutive dodges means getting kicked from the tour
- If you won or lost a duel you must wait 1 hour before calling someone else out (this is to give people under you a chance to duel you) (this does not apply if the people 1 and 2 spots under you are dueling)
- Post your call-out in this topic and PM the user if possible
- If you lose a duel, you must wait 1 day in order to duel the same player again
- You can't call players out who already have been called out
- If you want to change your build or char, you must leave and re-enter the tour

- The tour will start when 10 players have been signed up
- The first players who signs up gets the last places (from 10, 9, 8, etc); when the tour starts, players will enter as last ofcourse
- There is no limit of players

- The ladder will reset if a player holds #1 spot for 1 month
- I will personally donate 100 fg to the winner

How to sign up
Just write your [*Diablo Account] / [Charname] / [Char type] / [D2jsp account] down in this topic.
Example : *Gad / Joke / Hammerdin full HS build / UndeadGad

Since the pvp eu community is known for its high multi-content, I do allow switching jsp accs if an account gets banned; at your own risk ofcourse.
Locked people or people with 70% warn are also allowed, but make sure people can contact you and the other way around!
Changing chars or builds however, is banned.

The ladder tour will be held by Op Duel rules with NL modifications:

The differences and some added rules are:

- All the duels are FT5
- When both players die in a round, it's a draw and the score remains the same
- Some charges from items are allowed; Charges from hoto, wisp, carrion wind and nature's piece are allowed
- Games are played on Hell
- Games are played on bridge-wp or town-bridge maps without a box; unless both players don't care about it (Leaving this area will cost you the round)
- Necs are not allowed to use bone prison or bone wall
- Prayer auras are allowed to use; however, more than 1 point in prayer is banned; and abusing prayer auras will get you kicked from the tour (so rather don't use it when low, but die like a man)
- Paladin is allowed to use holy freeze vs smiters and ww barbs only
- 90% fire res is allowed on any char except c/c assas and es sorces who can only wear 80% max fire res
- Precasting is only allowed for ES sorces; rest of the chars is allowed to use cube in inv casting
- 100% ow weapons are not allowed; however, there is no cap on total ow% for now
- Tokens are not allowed to change builds

Abusing the following rules will gain you an auto-lose in the current round:

- Leaving the duel area (mistakes can happen like accidentally tele in town; that is no problem)
- Using bone prison or bone wall on a nec (so just don't hotkey it)

Abusing the following rules will gain you an auto-lose in the current FT5:

- Getting busted on precasting when you're not a sorc
- Getting busted on using more abs or max res than allowed
- Getting busted on using 100% ow weapons

If you have been caught abusing those rules 3 times; you are kicked from the tour

Abusing the following rules will get you banned from the tour and all tours hosted by me in the future:

- Hacking in any way
- Using tokens to change builds to gain advantage

Current ladder ranking:

1. *Danylo[wHy] / wHy_Spite / Trapper / DaNy-Lo^
2. *Lag / Elite / HS Hammerdin / SCABANDIisCOOl
3. *illume / Griswold / HS with +1 foh Hammerdin / Jason_Voorhees
4. *927 / Opium / es fb / partypoker
5. *opxiix[zt] / zT-Amsterdam / paladin( Smite/foh) / pari
6. *tudey / Eero / block nec / tudey
7. *NK. / Gozu / Hs Lr Build Hdin / Xenojaeger
8. *Kazper / Respect / Trapper ( max MB build ) / kaspermusen
9. *Ganja[WeP] / Pala / Hdin HS build / dj_wubs01
10. *PvP / Jsv / Bowzon (vita) / JsV

For tour discussion about rules or questions:


Always check the last page for updates in rules and ranking!

This post was edited by Pari on May 19 2010 07:08am
Posts: 28,817
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May 19 2010 06:43am
*PvP / Jsv / Zon (vita built) / JsV
Posts: 7,699
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Warn: 20%
May 19 2010 06:44am
*Ganja[WeP] / Paia / Hdin
Posts: 29,677
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May 19 2010 06:44am
Current ladder ranking:
1. GeV

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May 19 2010 06:45am
*Kazper / Respect / Trapper ( max MB build ) / kaspermusen

This post was edited by kaspermusen on May 19 2010 06:49am
Posts: 36,523
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May 19 2010 06:46am
Quote (JsV @ May 19 2010 12:43pm)
*PvP / Jsv / Zon (vita built) / JsV

Posts: 27,749
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May 19 2010 06:47am
NK. / Gozu / Hs Lr Build Hdin / Xenojaeger

This post was edited by Xenojaeger on May 19 2010 06:47am
Posts: 32,036
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May 19 2010 06:47am
Am I good enough to join?

Posts: 32,368
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May 19 2010 06:50am
- 100% ow weapons are allowed; however, there is no cap on total ow% for now

you mean not allowed yea?

*tudey / eero / block nec / tudey

This post was edited by tudey on May 19 2010 06:51am
Posts: 7,699
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May 19 2010 06:51am
I guess only 10 spots for now, until more join .. best to start when there is like 20 or so.
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