Quote (Golden_Order @ Aug 28 2013 01:12pm)
Just look who owns PMS and you will see it's one of Steve's multis.
When he stole the stuff he replaced each character with dead level 1 characters and sold the stuff to itemshops
Because blizzard's item shops needs inventory from me? Because they are not the monopoly of the item currency?
God, you exposed me.
I've purchased code from Ryan.
Ryan's helped me code BMPK to what it is today.
And I definitely like to spend 1 + hours to set my clan mates up with BMPK, to jack them at a later date, to play on a realm I have shitty ping on.
I'm so open of a book.
Where the fuck do these stories come from?
This post was edited by 0bjectivity on Aug 28 2013 02:17pm