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d2jsp Forums > Diablo II > Archives > HC USWest 2007 > What's The Best Charry To Start Hc On? > Im New To Hc
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Dec 29 2007 12:16pm
any suggestions
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Dec 29 2007 12:17pm
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Dec 29 2007 12:17pm
Quote (thenaaronsays @ Sat, Dec 29 2007, 06:17pm)

doesn't help at all
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Dec 29 2007 12:17pm
best not to start people are just haters and will ruin ur fun
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Dec 29 2007 12:17pm
Sorc lol, because you can tele smile.gif
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Dec 29 2007 12:18pm
Quote (drbluesky @ Sat, Dec 29 2007, 06:16pm)
any suggestions

sup doc i just started to
i went with ele druid bcuz oak
i would think baba or hdin or ele maybe even lightning sorc
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Dec 29 2007 12:18pm
Quote (DC-Gothic @ Sat, Dec 29 2007, 06:17pm)
Sorc lol, because you can tele smile.gif

wouldn't the immunes getcha?
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Dec 29 2007 12:18pm
hammer s the toughest one but if die....

sorcer s the cheapest but always die

nec s cheap and kinda tough but pretty slow...

maybe learn things with sorcer and later get nec or hammer?
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Dec 29 2007 12:19pm
lol pally's are tanks.

make a hammerdin

put everything into vitality.

max synergies to hammers

and concentration
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Dec 29 2007 12:20pm
Quote (GreyKarasu @ Sat, Dec 29 2007, 10:18am)
hammer s the toughest one but if die....

sorcer s the cheapest but always die

nec s cheap and kinda tough but pretty slow...

maybe learn things with sorcer and later get nec or hammer?

blizz sorc to mf hell andy intill u get bedy gear then h-din

But whatca out ppl well ruin your fun ILubPandaz is right
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