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Posts: 122,694
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Feb 1 2017 12:10pm
I'm trying to learn Luke Cage's talents and traits. Sweet Christmas!
I like that two of his "Heroes for Hire" friends can be active at all times.
Seems like his opener and finisher attacks are still a nice little combo.
But I need to gear him properly. I'm just playing him for fun right now.

Another hero that I used to enjoy but it will take me time to re-adjust is Black Widow. She has voltage-fueled powers now.
With soon to be over 60 playable heroes, once Beast (very soon), Nick Fury and Black Bolt come out, I've only mastered a handful at best.

It's a lot of stuff to go through but I always have fun playing this game. It just takes a lot of time to figure things out.

In the mean time I'm saving up more eternity splinters and grinding some infinity gem points.
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Feb 2 2017 10:10pm
I had unlocked Beast earlier in the evening after the latest patch. He is pretty fun and I leveled him to 42 only.
I'm going to unlock Jubilee once I save up to 600 eternity splinters. Beast cost me 400 and I only had 50 left over.

Oh my stars and garters, Beast joins Marvel Heroes 2016 as the 60th playable Super Hero!

This post was edited by Madmartigan on Feb 2 2017 10:12pm
Posts: 122,694
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Feb 5 2017 05:25am
Beast is so awesome! I'd already be closer to cosmic prestige on him by now.
But I'm taking my time and finishing all of the story mode for infinity points.

I've been going 1-to-60 in the patrol zones and completing the random daily shared quests, influence missions & terminals.
It takes longer but it will net you more infinity points at a faster pace if you're patient enough to blaze through the story mode afterwards.

Beast is the type of hero I've been waiting for. He just plays to my style for some reason.
This game is becoming the greatest game ever made. I can't wait for the omega items to come out.

The cosmic artifacts are out but I haven't found any yet. My friend has already found six of them. Crazy! LOL.
But I haven't done much cosmic difficulty content. I'm too busy focusing on the infinity points and stuff.
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Feb 5 2017 05:30am
Quote (Madmartigan @ Feb 5 2017 07:25am)
Beast is so awesome! I'd already be closer to cosmic prestige on him by now.
But I'm taking my time and finishing all of the story mode for infinity points.

I've been going 1-to-60 in the patrol zones and completing the random daily shared quests, influence missions & terminals.
It takes longer but it will net you more infinity points at a faster pace if you're patient enough to blaze through the story mode afterwards.

Beast is the type of hero I've been waiting for. He just plays to my style for some reason.
This game is becoming the greatest game ever made. I can't wait for the omega items to come out.

The cosmic artifacts are out but I haven't found any yet. My friend has already found six of them. Crazy! LOL.
But I haven't done much cosmic difficulty content. I'm too busy focusing on the infinity points and stuff.

I really truly dislike that cosmic artis are not tradeable.... except for acoc.
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Feb 5 2017 02:53pm
Quote (chelsea11 @ Feb 5 2017 06:30am)
I really truly dislike that cosmic artis are not tradeable.... except for acoc.

I found two lottery jackpots this weekend - each dropped 20 eternity splinters (easy 40) but no cosmic artifacts yet. LOL

I've found a few of the new artifacts but plain ones without the extra cosmic affixes...

I also wish they were tradeable. Maybe one day they will be. That would set the in-game trade market to say the least.
Probably even more people would be trading in these sub-forums. This game is still going to get a lot better soon.

Once the omega difficulty sliders and gear is out we'll be really tested to improve. I'm feeilng pretty anxious but excited about it.
Most of my heroes struggle in cosmic difficulty. But my American Dream, which I built into a tank and healer, can handle anything.

I'm great for party play with my American Dream because I can keep my allies alive. So it's probably best for me to join up with people.
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Feb 9 2017 11:47pm
chelsea, we handled those cosmic Midtown boss waves rather swiftly this morning. LOL
That is supposed to be hard but it seemed easy for some reason. I felt like I was unstoppable.
I think just the two of us could be good enough but we may need two or three others for the upcoming omega difficulty sliders.

I'm in a Supergroup called "League of Assassins" so it won't be hard to put a group together at any time.

Hopefully we can find some omega gear to create some powerful heroes. I would say mid to late March (perhaps early April) is when it will be out.
The developers are working hard and keep teasing us with more amazing additions to the game. I'm so anxious and excited to see it.

There is a patch tomorrow with a special Valentine's event running for the following four days until Tuesday. To go along with the cosmic event.

This post was edited by Madmartigan on Feb 9 2017 11:49pm
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