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Sep 18 2018 06:50pm
interested in project server

let me know
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Sep 18 2018 08:18pm
Quote (Kayeto @ Sep 18 2018 03:14pm)
I tend to agree. However, I can't complain about what they are doing. Perhaps the test of putting up classic servers will lead us to the result we want.

They have to see, in action, that there is still a market of people who want to play a game like that.

Quote (Anton24 @ Sep 18 2018 04:02pm)
I totally agree. I'm one of those guys that is eternally optimistic about the game whenever it comes. It has good roots and the game has changed so much that some won't like it. Some will. It will never be that first day experience where you don't know where to go or what to do, but people will enjoy it. Some will relish it and it might be grand. I don't think it will ever take WoW back to that 12 million subscriber pool, but it will give people a different community to game and dominate in that is just so foreign from modern WoW.


majority of the current WoW has nothing similar to Vanilla, and if WoW tokens are available on Vanilla servers..
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Sep 23 2018 11:37am
if anyone is interested in a "project 80", there is a solid one starting next week
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Sep 24 2018 10:38am
Been watching Esfands classic cast the last couple weeks and he had one of the original development leads on the project. They were talking about Blizzcon and the guy said his gut tells him we won't get any Classic news this year.

They're apparently having issues finding developers because most new developers have ideas and want to put their own spin on what classic was. They don't want to just sit around and patch old content and adjust quality of life issues and stare at server status stability. We might not see classic for awhile.
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Sep 24 2018 09:16pm
Quote (Anton24 @ Sep 24 2018 11:38am)
Been watching Esfands classic cast the last couple weeks and he had one of the original development leads on the project. They were talking about Blizzcon and the guy said his gut tells him we won't get any Classic news this year.

They're apparently having issues finding developers because most new developers have ideas and want to put their own spin on what classic was. They don't want to just sit around and patch old content and adjust quality of life issues and stare at server status stability. We might not see classic for awhile.

Maybe they will use the possibility of future vanilla-inspired fresh content being down the line, as a carrot on a stick for good devs to want to jump on board.
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Sep 25 2018 04:12am
Quote (Anton24 @ Sep 24 2018 12:38pm)
They're apparently having issues finding developers because most new developers have ideas and want to put their own spin on what classic was.

Personally, I would have nothing but love for a classic launch that was essentially a vanilla "patch 1.13". As long as it adhered to the core concepts of vanilla (long leveling, no flying, no summon stones, no dungeon finder, focus on the world and social interactivity)

That would give them a way to offset one of the major problems of 1.12: the fact that players have so much experience with the existing game that they blow through the content. At the last big "60 server" launch it only took 3 days for the realm first level 60. That just shows how far the challenge of 1.12 has eroded.

They can give the game a facelift and just double down on the core concepts. Make players relearn things from scratch to bring back the good original time when it took 3 months to level. And we all have to learn new raid encounters.

This post was edited by Kayeto on Sep 25 2018 04:15am
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Sep 25 2018 03:58pm
Quote (Kayeto @ Sep 25 2018 03:12am)
Personally, I would have nothing but love for a classic launch that was essentially a vanilla "patch 1.13". As long as it adhered to the core concepts of vanilla (long leveling, no flying, no summon stones, no dungeon finder, focus on the world and social interactivity)

That would give them a way to offset one of the major problems of 1.12: the fact that players have so much experience with the existing game that they blow through the content. At the last big "60 server" launch it only took 3 days for the realm first level 60. That just shows how far the challenge of 1.12 has eroded.

They can give the game a facelift and just double down on the core concepts. Make players relearn things from scratch to bring back the good original time when it took 3 months to level. And we all have to learn new raid encounters.

Yeah I was part of that group in Progress that crushed the content the first week, just because we've done it now for 6 or 7 years on just as many servers. Vanilla content is a joke in how easy it is compared to modern raiding, yet those core values you listed are still feats in and of themselves to the modern player.

I've been one of the guys championing the "no changes" phrase, but the longer we go without any new information and the old devs watercooler talks not giving us a lot of hope really changes the entire dynamic. I'd be ok with some changes. We just gotta bring the community back to the game. After taking a break from retail from the end of Throne of Thunder until 10 days ago, it's even more evident how segregated the community is. The first step would be like you said, no flying, no stones, no dungeon or raid finder, and having people actually get out into the world. If they added new content and made raids as difficult as they are now, they'd probably do very well. I'm ok with a little chocolate syrup in my vanilla ice cream.
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Sep 25 2018 04:56pm
People have this wild idea of difficulty but private servers have been going on for years and years. Every encounter is down to a science now. The quickest lvling path, the best rotation, everything that you had to solve back then is known.

It was great because we didn't use guides or dbm, but those things exist now and that experience is long gone.

The game used to be great because you played with your points, you wiped and tried again you failed and failed and failed. There's no more of that. Everyone will know everything and if they don't you will either be yelled at to go watch YouTube or you will feel inferior and slow and look it up yourself.

Guides ruined wow. The best x, the fastest x,. You gonna handicap yourself and not play it, probably not.

This post was edited by SBD on Sep 25 2018 04:59pm
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Sep 25 2018 06:23pm
Quote (SBD @ Sep 25 2018 03:56pm)
People have this wild idea of difficulty but private servers have been going on for years and years. Every encounter is down to a science now. The quickest lvling path, the best rotation, everything that you had to solve back then is known.

It was great because we didn't use guides or dbm, but those things exist now and that experience is long gone.

The game used to be great because you played with your points, you wiped and tried again you failed and failed and failed. There's no more of that. Everyone will know everything and if they don't you will either be yelled at to go watch YouTube or you will feel inferior and slow and look it up yourself.

Guides ruined wow. The best x, the fastest x,. You gonna handicap yourself and not play it, probably not.

It's not so bad. People still fail mechanics and even reading guides and following the script, people can't do it like Method or people that spend 16 hours a day on it. I would agree that the entirety of Vanilla is completely meta-gamed if you want to call it that, but there are still outliers like Perplexity that are so good at PvP they are constantly changing the landscape of that part of the game. On an encounter to encounter basis, it's not only mapped out like Encyclopedia Britannica, it's just so basic. The tryhards are gonna yell but there are plenty of shitter guilds that let people roll meme spec and play for fun. They damn sure don't gear as fast as the tryhards but they're all different.

Learning encounters for me, personally, was a very fun aspect of the game, but a small one that I don't stay glued to. What's fun for me in Vanilla is the whole spectrum of unique players and friends I've made from back in 2004 to now. Some of whom I've spent real world hours with outside of the game due to our shared love. If they can bring back the community and elaborate a bit, it could be grand. Perhaps I'm just blinded by nostalgia and eternally optimistic to a fault.
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Sep 26 2018 12:54pm
Classic Demo @ Blizzcon. Playable at home with virtual ticket. Probably some good updates and seeing how far along with the project they are. Great news.
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