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Dec 4 2009 04:24pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Dec 4 2009 05:19pm)
the most painful week in a long time is awaiting you ^_^

cu on tuesday^^

Hopefully a great game on tuesday.
If Juventus lose tomorrow, even more pressure, even if they get the result, still lots of pressure on both teams.
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Dec 5 2009 02:15am
Quote (kbk @ 2 Dec 2009 23:39)
December 5th.
Juventus vs. Inter Milan.

This game will make or break Juventus' season, I believe a tie is a good result, but to really set a statement a dominating performance with a win is what Juve should be aiming to do.
This game could silence the critics, could set the foundation for all other Juventus games, could be the start of something amazing.
Will we see the real Diego? Some Del Piero Magic? Commanding performances by Cannavaro & Chiellini respectively?
I hope.

This game could go the opposite, and see Inter 11 pts clear in Serie A, making another scudetto more than likely.
This game could mark the decline of Juventus, next step would be for them to bow out in the group stage of the CL.

I hope for the first, but we'll have to wait to see who shows up, I believe a Juventus side playing to potential can crush Inter.

Key factors:
I am not sure which defensive midfielders will start out of Sissoko/Marchisio/Poulsen/Melo, but midfield must be controlled by Juventus, that is where the ball must be won, and the pace will be decided. Let Inter play Juventus' game.
Diego, must perform, must have a monster game, create space for himself and others, use the ball as best as he can.
Camoranesi, must create magic down the right, the wings are important.
Amauri needs to be consistent, and play at his best, must not get frusturated by Inter's defense, and stay on the agressive side of his game.
Del Piero, must turn back the clock and become that hungry kid again, this will be his night.
Chiellini, must play like he has been this year, no mistakes, no nonsense, hard clean tackles, and great on set plays.
Cannavaro, turn back the clock, be the Italy captain of 2006, the player of the year, the best defender in the world, must neutralize Inter's strikeforce, and spark the Juventus team, show leadership, and responsibility must be the example on the field for other players.

Just something I took the time to type, completely my opinion.

Out of the key factors. Sissoko is the only one that MUST start. He has shown he can shine when all the rest of the team fails. Melo... well, one can't deny his worth, but also, one can't deny he's only human and FFS he's tired as hell. Marchisio is and for a few years to come will be a gamble, good night and he will score a beauty like he did against Roma, bad night and well, he resembles Molinaro. Poulsen, I don't know, that pass to Caceres against Udinese was just pure class, as well as the rest of his performance that night, but then again, he IS Poulsen, one good night doesn't make up for his 9 shitty nights.
Diego must perform? He hasn't in what? 6 games or so (correct me if I'm wrong). Last game he performed was the Samp game and well, let's be honest, that Samp wasn't exactly a tough test on Juve's credentials. Plus Mourinho isn't stupid, he's not afraid to tell 3-4 of his players to mark him and nullify him no matter what, just the Stankovic-Cambiasso partnership makes me wonder if Diego has it at the moment to shine against Inter, or in italian football at all. That is not to say he can't shine, I'm just of the belief that he will take around 2-3 years to do so.
Agreed Camo must do that, but then again, he just might get himself a red, just like against Chelsea last year. This implies that just like he had a beautiful first game, the second leg he just sucked, and hard (or was it the first sucking and the playing well, don't remember exactly the order of the legs, sorry). In other words, a gamble, and he has always been like that.
Completely agree on Amauri. But then again, he's a target man, and Diego and Ciro's tactical scheme prefers a striker that constantly moves, fights for balls, etc, etc. Pretty much if we get Milito to switch places with Amauri we'd be perfect :P
On Pinturicchio, one can only hope he finds his 9th.
Agreed on Chiellini, and well, he has juve in his heart so I'm quite sure he will deliver.
Canna? I'm afraid turning back the clock is easier said than done, at this point I see him just like Melo: asking for a rest. Although Melo deserves it a lot more, Seriously, give the man a break...

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Dec 5 2009 03:16am
wow diego is going to bayern this winter... such a short stay:S
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Dec 5 2009 03:22am
Quote (Esna @ Dec 5 2009 10:16am)
wow diego is going to bayern this winter... such a short stay:S

-.- where you got that news from ?
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Dec 5 2009 05:12am
Quote (frankie5 @ 5 Dec 2009 11:22)
-.- where you got that news from ?

just another rumour, but would be SICK
though we'd need to offer Toni + cash ofc :)
I'd love Toni again^^

kbk, is Diego rly unhappy at Juve? if yes, I doubt he shows it openly

/e for the Gers:

This post was edited by ZlatanI on Dec 5 2009 05:12am
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Dec 5 2009 10:24am
Quote (ZlatanI @ Dec 5 2009 06:12am)
just another rumour, but would be SICK
though we'd need to offer Toni + cash ofc :)
I'd love Toni again^^

kbk, is Diego rly unhappy at Juve? if yes, I doubt he shows it openly

/e for the Gers:

He criticized the coach after the Bordeaux game, but I believe he had every right to criticize the teams preformance.
He doesn't seem unhappy, but at the moment he is not fitting in the way he should.
However, he will not be sold, and for Toni? LOL, what use does Juventus have for another tall, old striker? Not much.
Honestly, if that pushed Giovinco to the middle I wouldn't mind the transfer, but it won't happen, Diego needs to wake the fuck up and prove his worth.
I know for a fact though, that Juventus has no use for Toni.
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Dec 5 2009 11:04am
we germans have followed diego for several years and he is absolutely sick when in good form. u would be extreme fools to let him go.
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Dec 5 2009 11:07am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Dec 5 2009 12:04pm)
we germans have followed diego for several years and he is absolutely sick when in good form. u would be extreme fools to let him go.

I watched him play for Werder, I used to watch more BL but I don't watch as much anymore.
I know he is amazing when on form, and Juventus won't sell him, but if you watch Juventus, he is not the same Diego from Werder.
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Dec 5 2009 11:09am
Brazilians happen to peek in an early age.
Hope this doesn't apply to Diego
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Dec 5 2009 11:11am
Quote (Sunshines @ Dec 5 2009 12:09pm)
Brazilians happen to peek in an early age.
Hope this doesn't apply to Diego

I think he just needs time to settle to be honest, but this season there is no time, there is no feel out process, he came to become the playmaker for Juventus, there is no one else for that position at the moment. (Giovinco benched/on the left)

It happens, Sissoko came in, and was amazing, so was Amauri, but no has lost form.
Poulsen was TERRIBLE last year, this year he is twice the player he was last year.
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