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Posts: 66,684
Joined: Feb 4 2010
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Feb 7 2016 10:24am

I would start this by asking for "no spam please" but I know you guys better than that.
This is the 2nd version of the betting guide. Things will likely be missing from this. Please post any recommendations for things that should be added in this thread or via PM.
Compliments to Pilot and all past list runners for previous guides that this one is mostly plagiarized from.
These rules do NOT apply in Hockey, Soccer, Bar & Pub Games, or any other forum except for Football/Baseball/Basketball.
Important: It must be noted that jsp does NOT support gambling or betting with fg. If you get welched/bm'd there is NOTHING we can do about it Outside of putting welchers on the welcher list.

BET SAFE! Use an unofficial sports Mediators below!


Table Of Contents:

Commonly Used Phrases/Terms
Safe Betting Techniques
Unofficial Bettors List


Commonly Used Phrases/Terms

Unofficial Bettors List - A compilation of Mediator, Trusted, Active, Unknown, Welchers, and Blacklist. Look to these Lists as guidelines when making bets. Nominations for these lists are done by members of the community. (see below for more info)

Confirm - Self-explanatory. Verbiage used to confirm a bet once it is proposed. BOTH sides of a bet must confirm it for it to be valid on a thread. Any private message bets are "at your own risk" basis and it is not supported by the unofficial bettors affiliates. Common Abbreviations: cd, c/d c'd,

The "cool gl" rule - For a bet to be official it is 100% necessary to CONFIRM. Just getting the "idea of confirming" IS NOT enough.


NOT a bet
Stupid Bettor 1: 100 fg on my Cowboys
Stupid Bettor 2: I'll take it.
Stupid Bettor 1: Cool gl

A bet
Smart Bettor 1: 100 fg on my Cowboys
Smart Bettor 2: I'll take this. 100 fg on my Giants. Confirmed.
Smart Bettor 1: Confirmed, good luck!

Auto-Confirm - Bettor A posts that he/she is betting on Team 1, Bettor B posts that he/she will bet xxx fg on Team 2 and that he auto-confirms the bet. This means that Bettor B automatically confirms the bet for the specified amount if Bettor A confirms it. Note: Bettor A decides to bet a different amount of fg, Bettor B will have to post back to confirm the new amount for it to be valid. Common Abbreviations: AC, A/C'd. AC for such and such user.

This is not recommended for new bettors. A/Cing a bet is tricky because sometimes people will confirm bets beyond the max amount that was intended by the opening poster. Be sure to clarify before auto confirming a bet how much FG you are willing to wager because we are not responsible for your oversight and math errors.


In this scenario Bettor 1 has a large quantity of FG and is looking to bet on the Raiders to beat the Chiefs.

Raider bettor: My Raiders to beat the chiefs tonight. 5000FG A/C all bets up to my max. afk
Chief bettor 1: My Chiefs 1k C'D
Chief Bettor 2: My Chiefs 1k C'D
Chief Bettor 3: My Chiefs 5k C'D

In this case bettors 1 and 2 will have their bets in first because they posted first. Each of their bets is CONFIRMED. Chief Bettor 3 will only have 3k of his bet confirmed because the opening poster has only AUTO CONFIRMED bets up to his MAX (5k).
Any posts with bets after Chief Bettor 3's will NOT be auto confirmed. The opening poster would have to CONFIRM the remaining bets. This is why auto confirming is not recommended for new bettors.

Paying Out A Bet - A great rule of thumb is to pay right away after the game ends and the scores are final. This will get rid of all sorts of problem and complication. For most bets, there is a grace period of "24 hour period" if the user is logged off from the site. If the user is online and active while holding the fg, simply PM them and if they still don't respond, PM one of the mediators and we will PM them for you and hopefully it'll resolve the issue. This does not mean we support overbetting of any kind and if you are guilty of overbetting (which means that you are purposely OR mistakenly betting more fg than you actually have), you will be immediately tagged as welcher and you will have a chance to be welcher paid back if you pay the bet back.

Retract- Retracting a bet means that you are withdrawing your offer. Although some bettors find it annoying (and sometimes bad mannered) if someone retracts a bet after it's confirmed, but a bet can be retracted up until game time (unless otherwise specified by the bettors) and it must be done on the thread where the bet is confirmed (to show the time stamp).

Spread- Pretty simple, really. Let's say the official spread on a game is Cleveland +5 vs. Dallas; if I were to bet on Cleveland, I would add five points to Cleveland's final score and if that is greater than Dallas' score, I would win the bet. If I were to bet on Dallas, the spread would be Dallas -5; thus, I would subtract five points from Dallas' final score and if it is greater than Cleveland's score, I would win the bet. A lot of times, you will see spreads with .5 points, this is to eliminate the possibility of a tie.

Moneyline and how to determine Odds - This is used by sportsbooks to determine odds on a "straight up" (no spread) bet. They will be posted as Team A -###, or Team B +###. Example- Detroit -110 vs Tampa Bay +120. In this case, Detroit is favored to win the game. If I were to bet on Detroit, I would have to bet 110 to win 100, thus -110; if I were to bet on Tampa Bay, I would bet 100 to win 120, thus +120. A simplified way to use Moneylines is for odds. In the example of Detroit -110/Tampa +120, if I were to bet on Detroit, I would offer 1.1:1 odds on my bets (X*1.1:X); Tampa, I would get 1:1.2 odds (X:X*1.2).

Sending Upfront - This means that in order to confirm your bet, you would send your fg upfront to the person with whom you are betting with. You should only do this with Trusted/Mediator bettors. Mostly, this is asked of bettors that have just started in the community by more established members to protect from welching. Once again, use your own discretion when being asked to send upfront. One alternative to sending upfront is using an unofficial mediator for your bet, I would recommend this over sending upfront to everybody. Common Abbreviations: u/f, uf. (send u/f to confirm) Do NOT send upfront to unknown users or Welchers/welchers paid-back. If you feel comfortable sending upfront to an Active+ user do so at your own risk. Remember that Mediators are always willing to help.

Parlay- In a parlay bet, you bet one amount on a certain number of picks (usually 3-8) for a certain day. If you correctly pick all of the chosen games, you receive odds depending on how many games you choose. Example, a three-game parlay might have 3:1 odds, so if you correctly pick three out of three games, you would win 3x the amount you bet. The more games you choose, the higher the odds, since the probability of picking the correct winner of five, six, seven, eight or more games is increasingly difficult. Example: http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?showtopic=21705284&f=201&st=0

Pick Challenge - A flat amount or a bet per game on all of the games for a certain day (or week); picks are usually done in a serpentine order (ABBAABBAAB...). Example: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=49074099&f=204


Safe Betting Techniques

d2jsp.org does NOT support Sports Betting of any kind. So, if you are welched, there's nothing the site will do for you. (You are free to file an scammer accusation to see if you can get the person locked for taking your fg, but once again, nothing may happen from it). You are betting at your own risk.

There is a reason the Unofficial Bettors Lists are labeled as "Unofficial," they are run by members of the betting community and people are nominated by their peers. We all make mistakes on who we deem trustworthy, but for the most part, the lists are an accurate display of the community.

Do not bet with a past Welcher. Make them pay back their welch before you bet with them!

Don't send upfront to everyone and their mother. Check the Unofficial List. Be Smart about who you bet with/upfront your fg to.

Use an unofficial mediator for bets that you don't feel comfortable with, that's what they're there for. If someone wants you to send upfront and you don't feel comfortable with it, suggest to use a Mediator instead, everybody wins.

Don't overbet. Keep a good tab on the bets you have (Track the topics and label them) and how much fg you have left for other bets. If you do overbet and can't pay a bet you will be listed as a Welcher. (Overbetting is a serious offense and you will immediately be put on Welcher. 24 hour pay rule does not apply here).

Some people post in-game bets, or bets after the game has already started. These bets cannot be retracted and do NOT edit your posts on in-game bets, to avoid any confusion and future blacklisting, etc. If you do an in game bet make sure both sides understand the terms of the bet to avoid confusion/welcher accusations.

Be smart. Ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask someone to use a med for your bet.

Using a mediator for dummies:

Let's say two people who are unknown would like to make a bet.

Noob Bettor 1: I'd like to bet on my Bears -6 to beat the Packers.
Noob Bettor 2: I'll take this. Would you like to use a mediator?
Noob Bettor 1: Yeah, that's betting smart. Please send to Slowtoanger and post your gold logs.
Noob Bettor 2: (Gold log: Sent xxx FG to Slowtoanger"My Packers +6 > Noob Bettor 1's Bears") Sent! Good luck!
Noob Bettor 1: (Gold log: Sent xxx FG to Slowtoanger "My Bears -6 > Noob Bettor 2's Packers") Also sent! Good luck.

When sending FG to a mediator for courtesy purposes be sure to LABEL the bet with the game and the name of the person you're betting against. Don't over-complicate it.

Also when using a mediator BOTH PARTIES must send their FG to the mediator before kickoff/tipoff/first pitch. If ONE PARTY sends their FG and the other does not the sending party will recieve their FG back at the mediator's earliest convenience as this is NOT a confirmed bet. When using a mediator for a bet, sending the forum gold is the equivalent of confirming.


Unofficial Bettor List:

Summary - This feature of the sports forums is ran completely by regulars of the community. There are seven different groups of people listed.

Mediators- Highest on the list you will never have a problem with these users 99% of the time. They will mediate your bets for you.

Trusted- Highest on the list you will never have a problem with these users 99% of the time. Trusted are same as Mediator, but they prefer not to mediate which means that they are interchangeable.

Active- They have done many bets with no problem and have been voted by those on the list already to be on this status. If unsure always use a Mediator.

Unknown - Yet to prove themselves as trustworthy. Be safe use a med. Do NOT send large bets upfront to anyone who is Unknown.

Welcher Paid-Back - These users have welched a bet and chose to repay their welch. Once on this list you may not become Unknown+. A lot of WPB have become part of the forum community again and are actively betting; however using a mediator when betting with these users is a good idea but it is up to your discretion.

Welcher- These users have welched a bet and not paid it back. Do not bet against an Welcher because if everything is business as usual even with the tag, they will not have any incentives at all to repay their welch. Mediators and Trusted will not mediate a bet for a Welcher. If you feel the need to bet with a welcher, it is at your own discretion and it will have some consideration as to your chances to making the Unknown+ list.

Blacklist- The lowest possible group of users. Generally blacklisted users have welched large amounts of FG, sold FG for pancakes, or have done something else pretty bad to land in this spot. No Mediators will mediate for Blacklisted users. Best bet; don't bet with them. We are confident there will be other users that you can bet with instead.

How to become Active:

Active bettors are regular bettors who have made bets frequently and have had no issues in paying out bets. Bettors receive nominations in the "My Events" thread listed below and are then voted on by Trusted/Mediator listed members of the community. Becoming an Active listed bettor takes time so be patient and just keep doing the right thing as a GM bettor. Asking when you're going to be listed and/or nominating yourself will be viewed as negatively against your nomination. Actives are also NOT allowed to actively seeking to mediate bets. We ask that mediating bets be between the two parties involved and a Trusteds/Mediators.

Things that will help you receive consideration for Active status:

GM betting practices
Betting frequently
Helping new users

Things that will NOT help your consideration for Active status:

Demanding FG upfront for bets
Refusing to use mediators
Being a tryhard
BM betting practices

How to become Trusted:

Trusted listed bettors are long-standing members of the Sports Coliseum community and have earned the highest status. After becoming Active these users have spent time helping new bettors and making proper bets. Actives can be nominated via the "My Events" thread listed below and will be voted on by current Mediator/Trusted.


Nomination thread: http://forums.d2jsp.org/events.php?e=131440
Link to Bettor Status: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/16123-bettor-status

Please feel free to PM me or ask any of the other regulars if you have any questions. We always welcome new members to this community.

Big thank you to those volunteering their time to run the Unofficial Bettors Status, and also those of you that contribute to the Sports Betting community.

Hopefully with this, new bettors and those less experienced can learn how to bet safely and minimize the risk of welchers.

This post was edited by Slowtoanger on Feb 7 2016 10:27am
Posts: 43,836
Joined: Aug 2 2015
Gold: 44.20
Feb 7 2016 10:25am
Posts: 30,314
Joined: Nov 7 2015
Gold: 17.10
Feb 7 2016 10:26am
Like anyone that comes here knows how to read rolf
Posts: 66,684
Joined: Feb 4 2010
Gold: 158,523.85
Feb 7 2016 10:29am
If you have Betting guide linked somewhere with your account, please update it to this one.

The guide will have more regular updates hopefully. Hope the next one isn't going to be another 2 years later :D
Posts: 66,684
Joined: Feb 4 2010
Gold: 158,523.85
Feb 7 2016 11:40am
If you're new, we encourage you to use a med today.

Have a safe time betting!

This post was edited by Slowtoanger on Feb 7 2016 11:40am
Posts: 28,172
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Feb 7 2016 12:03pm
In on 1st page
Posts: 8,630
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Feb 7 2016 02:25pm
I won't get reprimanded for bumping this one I hope :lol:
Posts: 64,443
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Feb 7 2016 02:30pm
Much needed
Posts: 3,061
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Feb 7 2016 02:35pm
i send all my meds to prone and have had 0 problems.
meds like diggins has stated that he and other meds have skewed blind odds or held small winnings in their favor.
trust who you want, not who is just friends aka the list meds
Posts: 8,630
Joined: Mar 24 2009
Gold: 8,000.00
Feb 7 2016 02:55pm
I use wydz because nobody uses wydz.. :(
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