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Posts: 22,157
Joined: May 29 2007
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Jun 20 2016 09:36am
Looking for a 1985-86 stratocaster mij Japan made fender contemporary electric guitar

It' has to be an ugly like green

"The story"

My dad was in a old school rock band in the 80's and this was hands down his favorite guitar, he claims the sound is absolutely superior and has never heard another of its quality of sound.
About 15 years ago it was stolen along with a same exact one that was pearl, he hasn't seen another one since then... And is convinced that his "rock soul" resides in this guitar

I have an exact picture that I'll post later once I have time

As I said, any help would be great and I'm buying this anyway I can

(Disclaimer: If you don't know what you are looking at/for, and are only on jsp to trade and make a quick $, then look elsewhere as I'm not settling for "close" or "unoriginal" so if you locate one or know someone with it, once confirmed as "what I'm ISO" we will proceed from there. As I said, this is a very specific ISO and this thread can't be posted anywhere else... At this point in time, I'm trying just to locate one...)
Posts: 8,263
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Jul 14 2016 01:01pm
that's a pretty awesome story. hope you find that guitar man.
Posts: 42,653
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Jul 29 2016 12:47pm
I'm in the UK so unlikely i'll find this, but I will check the local stores just in case ;) Any distinguishing marks on the body or neck?
Posts: 38,714
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Aug 9 2016 10:35am
gl with your iso! hope you find one for your dad.
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Aug 12 2016 12:59am
The really early MIJ strats were of exceptional quality, and I believe the ones you're looking for are the serials starting in A through C for 85-86 (though I believe the quality was consistent up until around 1990). I've heard them called better than the American strats of the time, and from what I know, the early models built in Japan were really well done and considered a sort of way to prove they could make good instruments, similar to the early Unsung-built Epiphones. The grading of wood wasn't quite as intense then, so many pieces that now would end up being sent to a pricier manufacturer ended up in affordable guitars.

I don't have much advice for finding one, but I've hardly seen a green strat, ever. I suppose it is mostly persistence and trawling through listings on many sites, but when you do find one like this, it'll feel like a steal.
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