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Poll > What Musical Instrument Do You Play?
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Posts: 21,426
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Oct 28 2014 05:20am
If there is more than one, just vote the one you play and you love most.

I wrote more than 22 answers, but then i read it must have up to 10.

So if I didnt list it here, please choose others and comment below

Personally I play flutes.

My warm regards to all musicians
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Nov 1 2014 06:46am
guitar! :)
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Nov 3 2014 09:33pm
Other (mayonnaise)
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Nov 7 2014 11:16am
other (other)
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Nov 9 2014 09:18pm
Used to play All brass, bass clef and treble clef. Mainly Trumpet but also trombone, sousaphone, french horn, baritone, Piccolo trumpet, Cornet. Also got into Acoustic Guitar and Piano but mainly brass.
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Nov 10 2014 03:37pm
guitar and bass. i do want to expand to violin and piano
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Nov 11 2014 03:36pm
my option isnt up there
but i play the skin flute
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Nov 15 2014 03:45pm
Guitar and bass.
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Nov 20 2014 02:28pm
Guitar, Ukulele, and drums on every thing under the sun besides a drum set.
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Dec 4 2014 10:33am
Quote (EA7 @ Nov 3 2014 09:33pm)
Other (mayonnaise)

Okay Patrick..
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