Episode 16. Magic Finding Finals Part 1Maltatai: Aaaaandlookattheoffensivepowerandtherewecanseethenewtacticbythebluesnowteamsteamcaptainwhatapowerdisplayandtheyscoooore!
Snövit: What are you doing?
Maltatai: Just trying to adapt to all the sports commentary that abound in the outer realm, with the Olympic games going on and such.
Snövit: Meaning…talking absurdly quick in order to squeeze as much comments into the reporting as possible, resulting in a messy nonsense containing more of the reporters views and opinions than what is actually going on in the contest?
Maltatai: Precisely. You are well acquainted with the job I hear. But I suppose the archery contests should prove interesting?
Rödluvan: Yes! But, meh…What meekly challenges, just shooting without having to dodge enemy projectiles, switch between different arrows and other skills and aiming at stationary targets! Quite laughable. And boring. If that is possible at the same time, hmm?
Snövit: Ha! So much for your enlightening free mass education programme!
Maltatai: Now show how it’s supposed to be done by enlightening us about your glimmering treasure findings.
Snövit: Glimmering it is! Glimmering shimmering swimmering in jewels! But it wasn’t so good, just 10 resist all. Still, may be useful in some situation.
Rödluvan: Material girl in a material difficulty level. Meshif better watch out for that golddigger.
Maltatai: Heh, you have a point since Snövit is wearing the chance guards and has the dwarf star to add even more.
Snövit: You slandering moron! I never dig for gold. I’m a capitalist – I take over the money from the monsters that dug it up!
Rödluvan: I rest my case.
Maltatai: What else did you find?
Snövit: A large axe that had a metallic voice shouting orders to me about doing push ups and standing in useless and unpractical formations on the town squares. Weird and useless in a real battle situation.
A short blade that wouldn’t look out of place in an arena. I wonder if the Barbarians I sold it to ever will arrange some contests among themselves too once this mess is over? Olympic slayi…fencing?
Maltatai: Actually there is fencing among the Olympic games, but it is a total joke. Not even real practise swords, just metal splinters that bend as soon as they make contact. Pathetic and not entertaining. With all the protection the participants wear, they could easily manage to fence with the real practise thing!
Snövit: Halberds would be cool too. I could join with Woestave. Every opponent would surely freeze in terror once hit, hehehee! I saw a nice little suit of armour at the Chaos Sanctuary. Pretty colour, but too little protection. The name is certainly worthy of me – Heavenly Garb for a heavenly babe!
Now, some sort of weird treasure god seems to have aparticularly twisted sense of humor or just bad eyes. I am not a PALADIN!
But then, those boots! Ooooh! Sooo stylish! Hahaa, I have the ultimate economy power with them and Chance guards. Now I would just need a Lem rune to make a wealthy armour too, and a second dwarf star or Nagelring.
Maltatai: Maybe even viable as main boots, if you can manage the resistances with other gear?
Snövit: Yeah, maybe. Kuko Shakaku is certainly low on the physical damage side. A nice little charm makes me even more charming and able to resist the indoctrinating “enlightenment” of the political socialist propaganda of Rödluvan. And I am NOT a Paladin!
Picture of snövits plundering
Snövit: Moving on, I have a crushing mace to crack open cocnuts back home but not much use for it otherwise I think – I’m no weapon-and-shield girl. And more of this religious nonsense! I am NOT A FREAKING PALADIN!
Then I found the spineripper too.
Maltatai: Y…
Snövit: NO, I will not upgrade it and become a daggerzon. Any Pul I get my hands on will go to the bow I use! So keep your mouth closed.
Using a lot of trips to the normal shadow realm and back I managed to make the path down to Mephistos storerooms look much shorter than before. Wooo! And WHAT A BELT I got down there!!!
Maltatai: Ooh, pretty. Should drive the scarabs nuts. And maybe you can use the lightning attacks against particularly immune foes, but don’t overdo it. The vitality should be welcome by the way, because you are a bit low on life, below 800.
Snövit: Yes, I feel much strengthened when wearing that thing. But not quite enough to wield the interesting French maul here. It would have been nice to be able to curse Rödluvan. And the ancients, of course.
The next piece of loot gave me a bit of a dilemma. Go for a one hand slowing weapon? Shields are after all useful and you can socket shining white diamonds in them. But not, what flail could possibly rival the epic power and hot looks of an amazon with a halberd?
Maltatai: Could not have said it better myself.
Snövit: The tusk of some demon was an interesting weapon I say!
Maltatai: Yeah, that thing has a very odd collection of mods. Could be really useful, though.
Snövit: And so, the totally fabulously charming grand charm of resistance to Rödluvan!
Maltatai: Scary. New slogan?
Rödluvan: Slogan? Do you take us for a company? This is my – our – political motto, not some marketing phrase.