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Jun 18 2024 12:50am
23. A Dark Pit

The hills grow higher and the wilderness wilder. The Tamoe Highlands await the three and the conquered Rogue monastery will soon be in their sights. Charsi has issued a bounty on the foul demon smith that has taken up residence in her former quarters and stolen her enchanted hammer. Wilma takes the lead while Wanja and Wilhelmina busy themselves with something of doubtlessly paramount importance.

The Black Marsh continues to be a vile place of vile people. It has now also become a place of vile weather, such as sudden snow in autumn.

In the Tamoe Highlands dark stalkers and spearwomen roam the land. They are dark blue, though how much of it that stems from demonic corruption and how much from the unwholesome practise of residing in mountainous lands without anything but tattered rags to wear in open for debate.

Frostbitten or not, dark stalkers are no joke when they are led by enchanted captains.

Wilma is arguably the worst trained to deal with such an adversary. Her chain lightning is slow, costly, underdeveloped and specialised for groups of enemies. She would probably have been quite concerned about that had she not spent the time practising archery instead of lightning spells. With the belt of Hwanin, an unassuming item, one shot is enough to make even the most resistant enemy's demise a matter of time and mana.

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Jun 18 2024 12:53am
Wilma is a consummate sniper, fighting enemies at best from as far away as possible. The concept works and works quite well in some situations, but she fights over huge distances to be safe which has the drawback of requiring huge distances. If Wilma is pursued by a fast enemy her best option is to retreat to some sort of obstacle, no matter how far away really. Teleport makes a joke of even the most arduous distances and the opportunity to not only defeat but trick the enemy can hardly be turned down by any self-respecting wicked witch.

The pit lies unexplored, and that can not be allowed. So down it is into the dark.

Tight passages and confined spaces like caves and tunnels can be a trap for any mage and all depends on securing an area where the sorceress can teleport around and cast spells from a distance. Wilma sends her hydras ahead to scout. It looks like they have picked up something.

After a tense battle with scattered devilkin and a bone warrior captain Wilma holds the entrance. No more enemies are coming at her and there is enough space to teleport around to evade capture. Victory in the battle for the first level is hers then and there.

The pit holds scary archers and fast close quarter rogues that present a very real danger but the outcome is predetermined barring an outright mistake from the witch.

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Jun 18 2024 12:57am
The second levels of such caves could often be tight and excellent spots for a trap, or so it is said that it is said among experienced adventurers. Devilkin appears next to the entrance, costing valuable effort since Wilma lacks a reliable means of quickly killing single fire immune monsters.

The devilkin are under the command of the local captain Soul Eater - dual immune, resistant to crossbow bolts and hitting hard. He corners Wilma and forces her to teleport into partially unknown areas to the east of the entrance where other devilkin comes at her. Wilma has to stay away from Soul Eater while she waits for blizzards to hit the common devilkin and most importantly their shamans, in order to clear a space where she can fight the captain without being interrupted.

Eventually Wilma and Haphet can teleport east and west across the narrow upper path of the cave that makes up the second level of the pit and Wilma's chain lightning can eat through him in time after he has lost his regeneration ability.

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Jun 18 2024 01:02am
The pit has one last scare. Mind Eye the Dead, a walking trap of sorcery and tougher than most for an elemental spellcaster to damage. You would not want to be near when this one falls apart. Wilma casts chain lightning and shoots at him. The first issomewhat reliable damage, though still with the lightning's unpredictable wide damage range, but requires her to remain in place for a long time casting it. Shooting with her crossbow is unreliable but very quickly done and lets her teleport away before coming into the dangerous area of the frost nova range. She and Haphet moves across most of the huge hall that is the second level and at last the pit is conquered and the WWW can move forward.

Only a complete idiot would want to set his or hers foot here a second time. Running into pits is certainly a pastime for those of a feeble mind.
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Jun 19 2024 10:35am
Quote (Maltacus @ Apr 26 2024 05:36am)
3. Concerning Skill Choices

There are several ways to pick skills to focus in for an archmage. She might want to focus in only fast cast skills so that she can take full advantage of improved cast rate from her equipment, or only focus in skills with a cast delay so that she has almost no need for faster cast rate and can dedicate all equipment to skill levels and mana and so on. Both approaches make a lot of sense. Furthermore, she could choose skills that are as similar to one another as possible, so that she can use mostly the same tactics and playstyle no matter what damage type she delivers. Fireball and glacial spike is one example. The WWW will however take a mixed approach and each pick one fast cast spell, one area bombardment spell and one support spell with a longer duration that can be cast and deal damage over time while they do something else. In addition, they will use whatever one-point wonder spells that they have together with item charges and of course a great deal of footwork. Last but not least, each will hire a fellow mage of the flamboyantly garbed iron wolves to aid her and complement her skill choices to some extent. While built to be evenly matched each will have a couple of special strengths and aces up their sleeves.

Iron Wolf: Fire
Fast Cast Spell: Chain Lightning
Bombardment: Blizzard
Support Spell: Hydra
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Wilmas definite trump card are the hydras. Aside from being the best spell in the whole game because it SUMMONS DRAGONS, the hydras give her the ability to attack any non-immune enemy from beyond its range and from around corners. With the least powerful mercenary and lack of freezing her best option looks to be long range combat. When cornered, Wilma will be at her weakest but at least blizzard synergizes the freeze length of glacial spike which allows short time area freezing. Blizzard in itself is also very powerful against a small group of enemies and easy to use for long range bombardment. Blizzard is like the mortar of the cold skills while frozen orb is the canister shot. Chain lightning will be both the strongest and weakest component damage-wise. It can be boosted by faster cast rate and hit a ridiculous amount of enemies in ideal conditions. On the other hand those ideal conditions are rare and the casting animation is a bit long.

Iron Wolf: Cold
Fast Cast Spell: Lightning
Bombardment: Frozen Orb
Support Spell: Fire Wall
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Wanja mirrors Wilma in many ways but seems to be a more short-ranged version. She has the most powerful mercenary and together with the large area of effect from frozen orb the chilling and freezing will be her trump card. Fire wall has a huge damage potential and can be used to attack around corners but it will be notoriously difficult to use effectively against mobile enemies. As long as they can be frozen, her mercenary will likely ensure that they stay in one place long enough to be set on fire. Lightning is better than chain lightning against individual targets and tightly packed rows of enemies but lacks the devastating power against large spread out groups. Like Wilma, Wanjas great dread would be some extremely fast cold and fire immune enemy.

Iron Wolf: Lightning
Fast Cast Spell: Glacial Spike
Bombardment: Meteor
Support Spell: Thunder Storm
Strengths and Weaknesses:
While Wilma and Wanja have many similarities, Wilhelmina sticks out with a cold fast cast spell and thunder storm as support. Glacial spike has a small round area of effect like fireball which can be better or worse than the lightning bolts depending on the situation although the casting animation is shorter which is very useful. And of course, lightning does not freeze the enemy in their place, nor does it synergize the freeze length of ice blast to dwarf any competitor in that field, and here is Wilhelminas trump card. If the enemy is immune to that and too fast, she can stay out of reach with teleport and wait for thunderstorm to pick them off, making her arguably the safest of the three. She also has the mercenary with greatest damage potential, complementing the thunder storm with fast lightning area attacks. Meteor will obviously work great if the enemy can be frozen long enough for it to fall into place. Otherwise it can still cause huge damage but the question is how successfully she can aim it against a mobile enemy.

Since the sorceress is so focused on direct damage she has fewer one-point wonder skills and support skills than the other classes. The archmages will have to make use of all she can as well as skills from items if she can make room for it among all other properties that she requires from her equipment. These are likely to be the most important.

- Teleport, the sorceress most game-changing ability. Unrestricted mobility as long as the mana bulb can handle it. The archmage is likely to use it a lot to stay out of harms way and get in the best firing position for her spells.
- Static Field is the ultimate tool for disposing of act bosses even though it requires a dangerously short range. The rune word Memory, quite affordable with Lum as the highest rune, is of particular interest to potentially boost static field range to make it useful in many more situations.
- Telekinesis can be cast rapidly and knock an enemy back but the knockback is unreliable. With lots of faster cast rate it could be an excellent tool to keep individual enemies pinned against a wall.
- Ice blast, even when unsynergized, can be enough to keep the enemy frozen with a lot of fast casting and thus opens up for corpse control even if you deal damage mainly with another spell.
- Energy Shield, even when uneconomical due to lacking telekinesis points, can be a life-saver.
- Frozen armor, for no sorceress looks complete without it and the minor freezing might be enought o help the sorceress escape a second hit.
- Lower Resist charges can obviously be of great value since there will be none immune to three damage types but quite possibly highly resistant to the third. It can spawn on staves, and an arch-angels staff with this suffix and some skill bonus from the staff itself is possible to buy and nothing to sneeze at.
- Weaken charges, obtainable from the practical Smoke runeword or gloves, or a wand if one has to be that unstylish, is a very cheap way of increasing your survivability.
- Corpse Explosion from the Black runeword makes for a huge damage bonus in the right situation and corpse control when enemies can't be frozen.
- Grim Ward charges, which are pretty rare and something of a novelty, could be useful if the sorceress could find the space to reach one corpse in time and of course as corpse control of cold immunes.
- Weapon damage and effects, while being a vulgar thing and not something the archmages really wish to lower themselves to if they can avoid it, can be quite important, especially to prevent enemy healing since the sorceress does not inflict poison damage. With no attack rating, something lowering enemy defense and preferably being fast and ranged would be preferable to stop the healing, or possibly slow the foe. A last resort for the truly desperate spellcaster.

I like how you broke the spells into Far Cast, Bombardment and support, reminds me of old RPGs. <3
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Jun 20 2024 02:38pm
Quote (Tarisus @ Jun 19 2024 05:35pm)
I like how you broke the spells into Far Cast, Bombardment and support, reminds me of old RPGs. <3

I will consider that among the highest of compliments :)

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Jun 22 2024 04:28am
Quote (Maltacus @ Jun 18 2024 03:47pm)
Real life has that ugly tendency to get in the way... Hopefully it will turn around for the better.


Good to see you back with the updates
Hope you are doing well in life as well!
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Jun 25 2024 02:02am
Quote (Lazybumi @ Jun 22 2024 11:28am)
Good to see you back with the updates
Hope you are doing well in life as well!

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Jun 25 2024 01:45pm
24. A Holy Hammer

The mere appearance of the holier-than-thou habitat is enough to make the WWW slightly nauseous. Prim prayers and condescending commandments are practically saturating the place. Black rogues, probably some sort of former nuns in dull garments, litter the place and take out their frustration on any newcomer. Or at least attempt to. They must be suffering from a lack of better things to do, or perhaps a lack of unicorns to play with. Those would be better to search for in another potential multiverse Sanctuary where things are twisted to whimsy and unworthy ways.

The Outer Cloister offers amusing opportunities to trap enemies behind stone bars and other funny games. Wilhelmina makes a mental note to lead the most pompous enemies to the outside to trap them in a corner in humiliating ways.

The insides of the monastery holds more dissatisfied nuns and skeletons of priests and dark one choir boys. Some goats inhabit the alcoves as well. Some of them are quite volatile.

Some are just dry and stiff old skeletons from someone's closet. Embarrassing, as skeletons from cupboards tend to be.

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Jun 25 2024 01:47pm
Wilhelmina does however soon after encounter serious trouble. Green auras of faulty environmental policies shine ahead. The corridors with doors in the middle of the wall are excellent ambush spots and with a fearsome aura like that the WWW would be wiser to find another path.

Aura...make that auras.

None the less, Wilhelmina manages to attract minions and managers alike. The desecration of the monastery can continue.

The death clan goats are not immune to anything but they are resistant and tough, taking some time to pick apart, which is something of an issue considering their speed and skill at arms. Freezing them is definitely not to be neglected. The dark ones are a mere nuisance for all but Wilma, who has only the costly and inaccurate blizzards or likewise chain lightning to deal effectively with them. Bone archers are the more dangerous to the WWW than their mage counterparts, due to their faster and less visible projectiles. Against their iron wolves, archers are a joke unless backed by serious enchantments from a captain.

Interesting as comparative necrodemonological studies are, the witches do after all have a more prioritized mission. Capitalistic overlords are enacting hostile takeovers of innocent little smiths weapons industries and Wilma, Wanja and Wilhelmin are the rare item stock market sharks of choice to orchestrate a hostile retrieval and payback. After confusing his subordinate secretaries and useless exchange brokers with their erratic movements and investment advice shouted across the halls, Wilhelmina finally lures the Smith to the corner of the Outer Cloister in a smooth display of sorcerous strategical thinking.

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