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Oct 27 2012 03:26pm
nice breh
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Oct 28 2012 11:17am
tele'd the hell out of the maps getting organs

and found this keeper charm

guess i tele'd a bit too far... so just started clicking poppables in LK.. found these pretty quickly, but no good :\

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Oct 28 2012 11:28am
went back and took the brain. first time around, i had to s&e b/c there was no way i was killing all those tiny extra fast fucks when they couldn't be frozen/slowed with cold, and nearly died teleporting into where the chest was. 2nd time, i was able to grab it successfully.

guess i double screenshotted without saving... grabbed the heart and did another LK run since it was a fresh game. found a sharkskin belt & crafted

did a few LK's since everyone's raving about them, just to test my luck. did about 20. i did get runes, but they were ith/eth/nef/sol/amns. decided to push it to trav and probably commit suicide.

NEARLY DID, the damned mobs that self-heal and cast lightnings/blizzards were a BITCH and there were hundreds swarming around the wp area. so i tele'd around the back of the council area and cleaned up the 4-5 that were behind there, and went after the council.

it took FOREVER. some cold immune, some fire immune, one both.. i cleared out the fire immunes first since they could be slowed and they were a lot easier to pick off. then the cold immunes, leaving the big boys left. the one that was fire and cold immune took FOREVER. my merc kept dying too quickly, so i'd have to run to town 5 times rezzing him. once he was down, i managed to get the last one stuck, thankfully, since he was LE/mana burn. i suspect meph would be a lot simpler and easier.

This post was edited by tehtwitchy on Oct 28 2012 11:40am
Posts: 8,696
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Oct 28 2012 11:36am
Wow, hell travi is one of the most difficult areas for a low-gear sorc, good job!
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Oct 28 2012 11:48am
your silly council members can't stop me, meph!

not bad :P

took a little longer than i'd hope, but easy nonetheless, and did the cake walk after that crazy trav.

no way in hell i'm progressing atm. i'll be doing some andy/meph/maybe LK runs for a while. i'm only 85.5 maybe i'll try a4 around 89-90 but it sure sounds suicide :\

This post was edited by tehtwitchy on Oct 28 2012 11:49am
Posts: 5,569
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Oct 28 2012 11:56am
dat stormshield ^_^
nice one, can't remember who was the one who made a hydra sorc before, but he managed to ancients and then accidentally died or smth
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Oct 28 2012 12:04pm
more needed res! from LK

+10 mana meph sc... rerolled once and got this beauty

:( was +1 sorc +2 orb

This post was edited by tehtwitchy on Oct 28 2012 12:06pm
Posts: 41,666
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Oct 28 2012 01:00pm
replaced with a 8 life sc

lots of stuff o_o

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Oct 28 2012 01:32pm

mosers. sexy shield, but i have ss on atm.. idk, maybe i'll use it later and x2 sol it for 14 dr since it gives a resist boost.. or maybe just fuck dr and x2 pdia since my res aren't super great atm. (-1/61/41/18 & 42 dr with ss to 24/26/41/43 & 7 dr with mosers 2os) ofc with mb. any thoughts?

lol aldurs. yoink'd the magefists though =)

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Oct 28 2012 02:13pm
another resist sc!

CoT.. more +LL for merc, yay

trangs... sold since i previously found magefist... which i'll take the +1 fire skills and mana regen over cold res when it's my highest res (61)

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