Quote (barberajsp @ Nov 14 2021 10:48pm)
LMK when you have the unified theory of D2 summaries into one plug and play formula.
I have it here.. Mostly
[] floor
{} ceiling
Eias = [120*ias/(120+ias)+SIAS-WSM]
Standard attack = {FramesPerDirection * 256 / [animspeed*(100+EIAS)/100]}-1
Serial attacks = {[FramesPerDirection/2*(rollback%/100)+1] * 256 / [animspeed*(100+EIAS)/100]}
Special cases:
- Sorc and ama skip 2 pictures except bow, crossbow, 2 handed spears. So u subtracks 2 from their FramesPrDirection on their normal and first attack in a serie like zeal.
They skip 1 picture if they attack with hands.
- Sequence attacks like jab forexample gets a penalty of +30 wsm.
Dual wep attacks:
Dragon claw/frenzy/double throw = [70 + RealWsm + SIAS + (120*ias*(120+ias))]
Double swing = [120 + RealWsm + SIAS + (120*ias/(120+ias))]
Fpa double throw = {256 * 12 / [256 * Vinc / 100]} / 2
Fpa dc/frenzy/double swing = {256 * 17 / [256 * Vinc / 100]} / 2
Shape Formulas:
Delay = [256*(WeaponBase) / [(weapon ias+wsm+100)*AnimRate/100]]
Anim speed = [NU * 256 / delay]
Speed increase/EIAS = [120 * ias / (120 + ias)] + skill ias + wsm *(IAS is both wep and gear as usual formula)
FramesSerial = {256*7/[(AnimRate1 + Speed increase)/100*Anim speed]}
Frames WolfPaw = {256*13/[(AnimRate1 + Speed increase)/100*Anim speed]}- 1
Frames Biting = {256*10/[(AnimRate1 + Speed increase)/100*Anim speed]}- 1
Frames BearPaw = {256*12/[(AnimRate1 + Speed increase)/100*Anim speed]}- 1