First time playing in ladder 2.6 finally.
I don't plan on playing ladder much at all. This was only to do some testing on this new meta (I believe) for bowzon.
GMB Aura13 up can reach 7 frame with on 44ias IF you have lvl1 burst of speed buff from Hustle bow. That means you can just have 45ias from 3os helm or 30ias from 2os helm with 20ias from glove, then you are rocking your big boy GMB Faith at 7 frame!
That means you have free amulet and belt slot. The best in slot ammy and belt for any bowzon is Atma and Razortail.
This means now GMB Bowzons can enjoy the amp curse from atma and 100% pierce from razortail+1 point on pierce.
The lvl 1 BoS lasts for 120 seconds so that's good for most chaos runs. I'm guessing this will take little less than 2 mins and 30 seconds to clear the P8 Chaos so would just need to switch to Hustle and strafe once to proc the BoS quick and move on. Very easy.
I'm only LVL80 in this. Have a ton more dmg to extract from lvl stats and skills.
So I will get this zon up to lvl 90 - 92 or 93 ish then do some P8 runs to show the new meta later.
If you are a bowzon and have been enjoying her in 2.6, post some insights! for your insights. I used this post a while ago and made a great bow zon.
I'll have to try this hustle one out.