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Jan 25 2021 07:55pm
I took a long hiatus from D2, but used to melee a ton back in 2006/2007, so count me in! Will be a while to get a char together, so don't add me to the ladder yet. Nemo-dude (name tbd), Zealer

There seems to be quite a few rule changes since I last did melee and I was reading some of the old threads, Exile is banned but dracs aren't? Lifetap from Dracs allowed?

Would really appreciate if someone has time I can ask them a few questions about typical builds now with the new bans, plan on making a zealer (used to always be eth shaft+Exile or levi+exile+coa etc.) But that has seemed to change.
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Jan 25 2021 08:26pm
Quote (Nemo-dude @ Jan 25 2021 08:55pm)
I took a long hiatus from D2, but used to melee a ton back in 2006/2007, so count me in! Will be a while to get a char together, so don't add me to the ladder yet. Nemo-dude (name tbd), Zealer

There seems to be quite a few rule changes since I last did melee and I was reading some of the old threads, Exile is banned but dracs aren't? Lifetap from Dracs allowed?

Would really appreciate if someone has time I can ask them a few questions about typical builds now with the new bans, plan on making a zealer (used to always be eth shaft+Exile or levi+exile+coa etc.) But that has seemed to change.


Dracs are banned, not sure why they're not on the ban list but will be added.

I can definitely help you with the current builds, ill PM you in a bit
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Jan 26 2021 07:31am
Quote (Nemo-dude @ Jan 25 2021 08:55pm)
I took a long hiatus from D2, but used to melee a ton back in 2006/2007, so count me in! Will be a while to get a char together, so don't add me to the ladder yet. Nemo-dude (name tbd), Zealer

There seems to be quite a few rule changes since I last did melee and I was reading some of the old threads, Exile is banned but dracs aren't? Lifetap from Dracs allowed?

Would really appreciate if someone has time I can ask them a few questions about typical builds now with the new bans, plan on making a zealer (used to always be eth shaft+Exile or levi+exile+coa etc.) But that has seemed to change.

Happy to help as well!
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Jan 26 2021 07:48am
Add my zeal

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Jan 26 2021 12:31pm

Season 19 ESCL Melee Ladder

Season 20 ESCL Melee Ladder

Ladder Rules

[Duel] A winner will be decided by a best of three series. A series is a first to five duels where victory is decided by a margin of two duels

[Start] Both duelers must have "go" over head before walking towards one another to duel

[Running] Point awarded to opponent

[Gear Change] You may change gear twice during a set and once between each set, you can use a token between sets. All buffs and casts must be cleared before changing gear

[Miss-Click] Continue fighting

[Draw] If neither player survives the walk back to town then neither player is awarded a point

[Strength Glitch] Automatic disqualification is a body cannot be picked up

[Inventory] No items may be used in inventory other then charms

[Token] Automatic disqualification if a token is used mid duel

[Holyshield] May not be used prior to changing gear. Holyshield must wear off or the user may ask to be killed off to remove the casted skill before changing gear

[Chilling Armor] - May be carried over from one duel to the next by non-Zeal classes.

[Inner Sight] - May be cast by Jab classes versus Conc and Zeal classes. Inner Sight is not permitted versus Fury and Wolfbarb classes

[Werewolf] - May be re-cast by Fury and Wolfbarb classes versus all classes except for Conc class

[Gear Check] - You may ask your opponent to show their gear set and/or entire inventory. Blatant cheaters will be banned for the season on 1st offense.

Challenge System

Want to be added to the ladder? Post your Character name - Class *do not post your account names in this thread*
You may challenge up to two ranks ahead of yourself until you've become top three. You must then challenge one at a time
As the challenger, you must private message the challenged and then post the challenge in this thread
If you cancel your match then you must wait 12 hours until you can challenge someone else
If you lose your challenge then you must wait 48 hours to re-challenge the same person
The duel must be completed within three days and if not then your challenge will be nulled
If you cannot complete your challenge on time then it is the responsibility of the challenged to post why it wasn't completed
If none of you post why it wasn't completed then both parties will receive a dodge
You will be removed from the ladder if you accumulate two consecutive dodges

>> Our intention is to update the ladder's rules as new imbalances are identified. This is a community ladder and we will go with what the majority want. <<

Banned Items

*** Phoenix is allowed. However, zealers may only use phoenix in zeal vs. zeal***

*** Prudence may only be used in zeal vs zeal and by conc barbs ***


Cranebeak (War Spike)
Hell Slayer (Decapitator)
Messerschmidt's Reaver (Champion Axe)
Fleshripper (Fanged Knifte)
Nord's Tenderizer (Truncheon)
Demon Limb (Tyrant Club)
Dracul's Grasp
Baranar's Star (Devil Star)
Horizon's Tornado (Scourge)
Stormlash (Scourge)
Schaefer's Hammer (Legendary Mallet)
Windhammer (Ogre Maul)
Astreon's Iron Ward (Caduceus)
Djinn Slayer (Ataghan)
Lightsabre (Phase Blade)
Azurewrath (Phase Blade)
Frostwind (Cryptic Sword)
Flamebellow (Balrog Blade)
Nosferatu's Coil (Vampirefang Belt)
Arachnid Mesh (Spiderweb Sash)
Cleglaw's Pincers (Set gloves)
Andariel's Visage (Demonhead)
Blackhorn's Face (Death Mask)
Giant Skull (Bone Visage)

Any combination of items with more than 300 total elemental damage
Any poison damage
Any item with Knockback
Any item that casts slow or amplify curse
Any item that casts an elemental skill over level five (Phoenix exempt)
Any item that is ethereal and neither indestructible or contains a self repair mod

A special thank you to for allowing us to build off the Crown Melee Ladder

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Jan 26 2021 12:32pm

Class Champions

Top Conc Vacant
Top Fury Vacant
Top Jab Vacant
Top Wolfbarb Vacant
Top Zeal Vacant

Ladder Rankings

1. madesaq / Dcalpha - Zeal

2. Gbravo / Gjab - Jab

3. Foxnews / Scabies- Conc

4. TomWhite89 / Wendell - Zeal

5. chuuey / Zealr - Zeal

6. Greniator / Rotainerg - Zeal

7. ShadowsWill / HD - Zeal

8. GoW_T / TaiChi - Jab

9. TeH_bUd_MaN / LongMoney - Zeal

10. Greniator / T-M - Jab

11. dougflutie / Bronson - Zeal

Present and Pending Duels

11. dougflutie / Bronson - Zeal VS 10. Greniator / T-M - Jab [01/26]

5. chuuey / Zealr - Zeal VS 4. TomWhite89 / Wendell - Zeal [01/26]

Ladder Committee Members
Please feel free to message any Committee Members with questions about the rules or recent updates,
current meta imbalances or general help with or about the Melee Community

dougflutie Greniator

Active Appointed Updaters
Please feel free to message any Active Appointed Updaters with questions about the rules or recent updates
dougflutie Greniator

☼ Current Rules ☼

This post was edited by dougflutie on Jan 26 2021 12:39pm
Posts: 6,158
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Jan 26 2021 12:36pm
The ladder is officially active. The initial rankings you see above were generated randomly, the rankings will sort themselves out naturally.

Please re-read the rules and PM me or if you have any questions.

I'll challenge 10. Greniator / T-M - Jab to start
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Jan 26 2021 12:36pm
I'll challenge:

4. TomWhite89 / Wendell - Zeal

This post was edited by chuuey on Jan 26 2021 12:36pm
Posts: 3,804
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Jan 27 2021 07:15am
Challenge 1. madesaq / Dcalpha - Zeal

Sending pm!
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Jan 27 2021 08:52pm
8. GoW_T / TaiChi - Jab


6. / Rotainerg - Zeal
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