If anyone wants to participate, I'm going to be hosting a mass dclone spawning party in my channel tonight. I'll have a ****load of characters in holding hell games waiting for a clone to pop. When one does I'll announce the game name to someone in my channel. 2 people will be the maximum to participate in this event - bring a zealer.
What do you do to kill a dclone?
if you don't already know simply use your hell Frigid Highlands waypoint and BO right next to it. Go north to Eldritch's normal location and kill the dclone that is spawned there - IT'S THAT EASY!
I will have 4 d2 screens waiting to mule annis but if you have a way to mule them yourself feel free. The annis will be split amongst the 2 that participate - I will be smiting dclones as well. (split amongst the 2 because this guy can't sell stuff on jsp
What you do with the annis is entirely your business. You can ID them, you can sell them unid, you can keep them on NL - idgaf.
Come to hp1//hp for details if you want to smite - it SHOULD start in 1 hour.. might start in 3 minutes I heard both times mentioned.