Guess ill put this here again: going to add, alrdy limiting prayer to 1 point is really the best we can do b/c you cant restrict a main synergy / skill from being skilled ~~
Outright removing that skill, even thou its limited to the lowest possible enforceable healing really isnt something east rules have ever done. We dont ban decrep, we dont ban sm, and thats because we try to allow all matchups to have as much diversity as possible.
Though, there are some of those game breaking skills like iron maiden, holy bolt in teams, bw which have been banned/accepted as a community.
If we wanted to mitigate the max rep a hdin or any paladin has, the best we could do is limit rep to 33 max if using the medi skill. Any less than hoto/dungos just isnt fair to the build.
Also, we could ban def gcs on paladins all together. Theres really no purpose to these on a pvp char other than healing lol
Pretty much agree with this.
I think we should consider something about limiting PDR, though.