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May 27 2024 03:56pm
Quote (Takashi @ May 27 2024 11:51pm)
wenn du demon crest sells bist du nich mehr top1.. sondern akqj. du rutscht mit hl08 und dein rest eq quasi auf top2

ich weiss das du dcrest nicht abgibst.. deshalb sagte ich ja, ich bin der einzige, der akqj10 itemwise auf top1 bringen kann, da ghoul reaver > beast bite und 41k def oder 42k def beides wäre gut, dann lieber fools max dmg 2 soc mit 41k def statt 42k mit weniger dmg xd

deshalb ja,
ich war der einzige der akqj10 in jedem item slot top1 machen könnte, aber er denkt beast hood is das non plus ultra, tbh hätte ich meine carrion sa bzw die fools 288ed net verloren, hätte ich das angebot so nicht gemacht, für mich bleibt demon crest bis ich quitt. Hatte heute offiziell unentschieden demon crest für hoood und mangler abzugeben und ich weiss das ich dann demon crest nie wieder bekommen hätte. Es ist ein game changer, schau doch die turnier resultate bisher bei mir. Hab sogar ein Traum combo, dcrest+ carrion ich kann mein barb so lassen

zumal ich mit carrion ap + beast hood def probleme hätte, ergo werde ich heftig life und def verlieren. Ich bin nicht enttäuscht wenn Akqj net tradet, demon crest bleibt demon crest, in allen realms das teuerste rare rep helm, google aus fun d2jsp demon crest und schau dir an wie die preise so stabil waren und immer höher.. es ist DAS item was mit allen armors, waffen use funktioniert.

nein beast bite ist nicht besser wegen der def, das is nen bonus der bringt mehr auf 2 sock helm
beast bite is gg weil du damit top arr hast mit 2 stats ringen, wenn du mit 2s fools und 322 scs 2 mana ringe nimmst haste 22,3-4 k arr was total kacke is wenn wir von top reden, 22,7+ is nice fuer fools.
jedes 2sock fools is imo besser dran mit 1x raven die dmg reicht völlig aus das is egal ob 288ed oder 300 oder oder sonst was, mit 5,6+ arbeitet ds auf den punkt, alles drüber is bonus sollte aber die rest stats nicht vernachlässigen
deswegn will ich kein anderes ba als beast bite haben, niemals. aber ich weiß das keiner weiß wovon ich rede, aber überleg ma wieso marc beast bite 10jahre behalten hat und alle andren bas immer sold. ;)

letzten endes macht es mein barb auch vom collector wert einfach besser als so ne 2s fools womit ejder zweite barb rumläuft am ende. hätte ich ne 2 fools wäre ich nur ne schlechte sven kopie am ende
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May 28 2024 12:31am
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May 28 2024 12:49am
Quote (Takashi @ May 28 2024 08:31am)

aber du weißt das beste is, ohne mangler hat er nix was jemand will, maximal ne carrion shell xD

akqj hat style auseinander genomm xD
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May 28 2024 01:13am
Quote (Takashi @ May 28 2024 08:31am)

oak pelt 30k ~ (caster knows oak useless, oak dies first , the live add is pure fake i was lucky akqj cashed me the pelt back then, and when u use diadem+hoto+soj u got also same oak level as 5oak pelt, thats why the pelt was long sold befor i started split my casters + the name on it kill the helm, bossdemon didnt wanted too buy cuz named back then)

mallet 60k ~ (only akqj offerd that high too me)

ba 120k ~ (also only akqj offert me 120k, and not even full also added 2x steels, 37x 322 + i wanted 130 so did even 10less all end)

cruel sword 100-150k ~ (this sword is for conc any aow player knows it, for aow this sword is general a high ed/dmg 1 sock weapon) + who buy it op? i wont buy the scammed sword from coe for op. paranoide?

08storm 50-60k? ~ (but only if akqj consider too rebuy, else who pays more then 30k for a 08 storm here? worst choice too use only for style.. less def and high req? lol, 09 ftw or regular . )

so if u manage too sell it at the prices above u got a max at 420k, and now try get all sold for the max too x)

akqj did a super deal. with mangler. looks like even too me he aimed it,
he keepd buy all value items he could from me, and started offers right after he bought the items xD
im pretty sure vasya would never accept the deal, i did vasya better offers that he refused even xD

im so hpyed too see how the legend make the profit comes true, as i did :D
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May 28 2024 01:19am
Quote (AKQJ10 @ 27 May 2024 19:21)
Upload 2024 years Top1 Cruel Ba D Mangler Powaaaa Selling and Buy in Market Price Record

Congratulations on getting that mangler. Vasya's barb is really scary now, so you will be also really strong. :thumbsup:
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May 28 2024 01:30am
Quote (BillitheKid @ 28 May 2024 09:13)

im so hpyed too see how the legend make the profit comes true, as i did :D


are you kidding?
he did fail trade giving top1 demon crest + top1 carrion sa vs top2 armor with 55 life psn res xd and dcrest > hl08
there are atleast 4 hl08 in eu
there are max 3 demon crest if you count norway.


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May 28 2024 01:39am
Quote (Takashi @ May 28 2024 09:30am)

are you kidding?
he did fail trade giving top1 demon crest + top1 carrion sa vs top2 armor with 55 life psn res xd and dcrest > hl08
there are atleast 4 hl08 in eu
there are max 3 demon crest if you count norway.


100% true known are 3 hl's , wich i also rly saw .

demon crest is imo 250k with alot of luck mayb 300k fg (but hard too find some1 who pay rly all in any currency and not adding items for 80% of value again wich are XXX worth in theory)
but all end u can say yours is the last for sale, i doubt some1 can pay me the price i would sell mine or think about it. coe will never. so only yours. from that part u can try a good eal no doubt if u find a similar payer as paranoide or me.
since the other just offer u storm mantle vs top1 ap and things its fair cause resocked jools for op xD

those ppls who talking about the biggest number, price there items after purchase for like 200%
but tell me that i bought my valk for 120k so its today also only 120k worth xDDDDDD

i love the logic <3
i will sit back from now and lol about the gozu trades happen here

while sven/marc goin into sunset with a real value, and not theory items
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May 28 2024 02:25am
Quote (BillitheKid @ 28 May 2024 09:39)
100% true known are 3 hl's , wich i also rly saw .

demon crest is imo 250k with alot of luck mayb 300k fg

not agree, its a top kind of item in any realm and since we have no rollers for such thing, we can be sure demon crest will be for ever top1 most expensive rare erep,
in this case the seller has right to ask any price, like you can also do for hl08 and valk08 as example, because these will also not come again, and everytime a top1 is deleted / broke / banned / expired what ever, the value of that goes to the other rest items.

Example, Carrion Shell AP was 2x in EU, price maybe 60-80k last year end?
Stefan2k char expired (he has my old carrion ap with dtgm 2x 30 9 9 12dtgm (xd 24%dtgm) -> his 80k from carrion ap worth + add to mine, coz only 1 left in EU = i can ask minimum 2x price for top1.

logic understand?

3x Demon Crest in EU left? Price atm each 350k?++
CoE expired char, only akh and me left? the 350k from CoE goes 50% value to akhis dcrest and 50% to my dcrest. so 175k + to akhi 350k dcrest = 525k now, akhi and mine dcrest coz coe expired.


but thats my example how i count, ofc any top1 item can be handled to any value, depending how much is it worth for seller and buyer and how hard buyer wants and seller not.

Just my 2 cent.

now i need to work. nn spammore.

those ppls who talking about the biggest number, price there items after purchase for like 200%
but tell me that i bought my valk for 120k so its today also only 120k worth xDDDDDD

i love the logic <3
i will sit back from now and lol about the gozu trades happen here

while sven/marc goin into sunset with a real value, and not theory items

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May 28 2024 02:31am
Quote (Takashi @ May 28 2024 10:25am)
not agree, its a top kind of item in any realm and since we have no rollers for such thing, we can be sure demon crest will be for ever top1 most expensive rare erep,
in this case the seller has right to ask any price, like you can also do for hl08 and valk08 as example, because these will also not come again, and everytime a top1 is deleted / broke / banned / expired what ever, the value of that goes to the other rest items.

Example, Carrion Shell AP was 2x in EU, price maybe 60-80k last year end?
Stefan2k char expired (he has my old carrion ap with dtgm 2x 30 9 9 12dtgm (xd 24%dtgm) -> his 80k from carrion ap worth + add to mine, coz only 1 left in EU = i can ask minimum 2x price for top1.

logic understand?

3x Demon Crest in EU left? Price atm each 350k?++
CoE expired char, only akh and me left? the 350k from CoE goes 50% value to akhis dcrest and 50% to my dcrest. so 175k + to akhi 350k dcrest = 525k now, akhi and mine dcrest coz coe expired.


but thats my example how i count, ofc any top1 item can be handled to any value, depending how much is it worth for seller and buyer and how hard buyer wants and seller not.

Just my 2 cent.

now i need to work. nn spammore.

those ppls who talking about the biggest number, price there items after purchase for like 200%
but tell me that i bought my valk for 120k so its today also only 120k worth xDDDDDD

i love the logic <3
i will sit back from now and lol about the gozu trades happen here

while sven/marc goin into sunset with a real value, and not theory items

u cant set prices like u want, the items worth 0.00 fg aslong u dont find the one who pay 300k. thats facts about how a market works

as i told it again and again, u all keep talking about values that all end in my eyes max paranoide could pay(but he wont anymore) or me in europe.
all other wont or cant do it.

who pays a fuckin small car in 2024 for pixel when youre not rich? and even rich ppls dont become rich because they throw the money out with both hands...
gucci luiv and oall the big brands dont aim top statrs too buy, they creat there items for the middle part of humans, those who cannot pay it normally.
no1 of u here is real ''rich''

the logic u ment above is all dream talking out payments I DID
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May 28 2024 02:34am
Quote (Takashi @ May 28 2024 10:25am)
not agree, its a top kind of item in any realm and since we have no rollers for such thing, we can be sure demon crest will be for ever top1 most expensive rare erep,
in this case the seller has right to ask any price, like you can also do for hl08 and valk08 as example, because these will also not come again, and everytime a top1 is deleted / broke / banned / expired what ever, the value of that goes to the other rest items.

Example, Carrion Shell AP was 2x in EU, price maybe 60-80k last year end?
Stefan2k char expired (he has my old carrion ap with dtgm 2x 30 9 9 12dtgm (xd 24%dtgm) -> his 80k from carrion ap worth + add to mine, coz only 1 left in EU = i can ask minimum 2x price for top1.

logic understand?

3x Demon Crest in EU left? Price atm each 350k?++
CoE expired char, only akh and me left? the 350k from CoE goes 50% value to akhis dcrest and 50% to my dcrest. so 175k + to akhi 350k dcrest = 525k now, akhi and mine dcrest coz coe expired.


but thats my example how i count, ofc any top1 item can be handled to any value, depending how much is it worth for seller and buyer and how hard buyer wants and seller not.

Just my 2 cent.

now i need to work. nn spammore.

those ppls who talking about the biggest number, price there items after purchase for like 200%
but tell me that i bought my valk for 120k so its today also only 120k worth xDDDDDD

i love the logic <3
i will sit back from now and lol about the gozu trades happen here

while sven/marc goin into sunset with a real value, and not theory items

they way u calculate u just count for the demand, but not counting the ''offer'' right

the price of an items is not maded by how many left + how many ask only.
it depends WHO ask and it depends what is the interested willing too pay, or he can pay.

too say 2-3 left now price is 100k cause i not sell right now when items got hyped, dont means this is a price u can ask
thats a price u wish
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