Once Again bumping the topic for Mr. Rick the bullly eradicator slayer Carson.
Folks on this forum who click this thread need to learn to appreciate you while you are here my friend.
Legendary heroic men only come around once in a life time and within a blink of an eye they can be gone tomorrow! And it will be to late for folks to truly have appreciated you while you are here and they will yearn for another hero like you to come around sir!
So my advice is to praise men like Mr. Carson, praise these kind of individuals and give them the utmost praise and respect that they deserve.
Because point blank, men like Mr. Carson represent light givers of righteousness and they are here to counter the devils work in regards to the never ending bullies and satanic posters that may come around.
A poster like Mr. Carson is a man who is here to clean up the evil and set example of what is justice serving with due diligence.
Rick Carson represents all that is good and goes against evil and eradicates it every time.
More power to him.
Very proud of you Rick my friend, so let this post be the daily bump of Mr. Carson's heroic accolades!
Sincerely, Johnathan Oscar Overmyer