1. constrict // sleeper // Bone nec // tete
2. IVIenos // IVIenos // Blizz sorc // IvIenos
3. gXc-bisu // stus-legend // kick/trap // stus-legend
4. Another // Random. // Vt // EastCoastKiller
5. Nwa-CarlCarter // oldirtybastard // Windy // Jointz
6. iHasty // Niaoki. // Trapper // S2Gamble
7. NzN // SickT // Necro // SickT
8. EzFb // Fixed // EsFb // Bullies
9. CUPCAKE // poof // Bvc // Gspurs
10. Amplifying. // Amplifying // bone nec // Smitey888
11. Gishy // Gishy // Hybrid Sin // ZiggyStardust
12. Muffinnator // Rocks. // Melee Javazon // Pat_Man
13. Darkknight11 // Oakleys // Bow Zon // UnwantedSoldier
14. Greg // Gregs // Ele druid // Gregs_D2
15. Budiu22 // z[brunny] // Orkut // budiu22
#14 vs #12: Day 2
#11 vs #9: Day 1
#4 vs #3: Day 1
#10 vs #8: Day 1
#7 vs #6: Day 1
Dodge counts:
S2Gamble: 1
GSpurs: 1
Misc Rules:
- 3 days without duel or response = you lose your spot.
- 3 dodges result in being removed completely from this thread.
- You have to wait 2 days to re-challenge the same person.
- There is no time limit from when you win a duel, until you can challenge someone else.
- Es sorcs may not use mana potions.
- Please Pay Attention to my postings only.
- You can challenege someone 1 or 2 spots above you.
- Nec vs Nec duels is spear and teeth only.
Banned user list: