Quote (Tusebruto @ Aug 28 2022 08:36am)
If you want to go cheap the shaft build works.
Can use your 30frw tiara / 4015 shaft / swordback on switch
You lose leach swirls if you don't find a good ll ring tho.
awesome ill get that too!
Quote (jordang @ Aug 28 2022 08:38am)
basically start off with your zva setup, then after a few zvz sessions, you can start to determine your budget and we can help you go from there
swordback is great but it needs to be used in conjunction with 160-60, dungos.
there's a pretty large quantum leap going from zva gear to zvz. in amapk/1 scrims, we are lax; the specifics will come into focus more once the ranked ladder is rebooted. as of now, we are leaning toward keeping impale and strafe unregulated/unbanned, because they force players to update their game sense and movement. we don't want to create a bubble where we're isolating ourselves from the creative changes the devs are making, and we want to keep scrims and ft5 ranked accessible to people who are using their zva gears or slightly adjusted setups with minimal cost, for the sake of accessibility.
that is really neat and thoughtful!
excited to start to dueling with you guys