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Posts: 40,931
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Sep 15 2020 04:04am
Hiho, won't have any time except for the weekend so I give the win, gL in the tour :hug:
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Sep 15 2020 04:46am
Quote (loler1992 @ Sep 14 2020 07:03pm)

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Sep 15 2020 11:13am
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Sep 15 2020 12:01pm
5-0 vs jimmy




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Sep 15 2020 12:26pm
5-4 vs Skygge

GG mate!




This post was edited by serwork on Sep 15 2020 12:31pm
Posts: 854
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Sep 15 2020 01:10pm
win 5-3 vs 4ddi t4ds bro <3

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Sep 15 2020 02:08pm
Tour is up ---> https://challonge.com/hn1inrwk

The following matches must be done till 15/9:

Surferboy vs Lo0k
desk8 vs Trainhard
Ukip vs yoanv12

less than 2 hours left !!!!

The following matches must be done till 19/9:

serwork vs youshould
Antonio_77 vs winner of 6
Parker84 vs loler1992
Brewzer vs winner of 10
fen0 vs michalg111
atilaatila vs winner of 13
darkevil vs madz1

skygge vs yanushka
middles vs shadowhun73r
finalbossjim vs loser of 6
constant123 vs nom4da
raiden285 vs loser of 10
sidgy vs housetime

I encourage all participants to join our D2GM community!
Tons of GM duels, tvts and events all the time there!
For more info, contact a tour admin!

Furthermore, at least 1 person from each clan will be recording their duels and videos will be uploaded at our D2GM youtube channel.
Contact a tour admin and find out how you can join our community!


Tour admins:
Desk8 (Sm0kin#1161)
Michalg111 (Banjo#1209 @ Discord)
Trainhard (Trainhard#1549 @ Discord)
Fen0 (Fen0#6229 @ Discord)
Youshould (Vik#7425 @ Discord)
Diabloismybf (ZeN#5344 @ Discord)

Donators' list:
Kreata--> 2k fg + trophies
desk8--> 1.2k fg
FinalBossJim--> 1k fg
parker84--> 500 fg
michalg111--> 300 fg

Prize Pool = 5000 fg + trophies

The payout format will be:
1st place – 50% Total donations + trophy
2nd place – 30% Total donations + trophy
3rd place – 20% Total donations + trophy

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This post was edited by desk8 on Sep 15 2020 02:16pm
Posts: 3,325
Joined: Jun 26 2020
Gold: 217.00
Sep 15 2020 02:36pm
Quote (surferboy @ Sep 14 2020 09:54am)

Our matchup done, apperently you didnt see
Posts: 9,165
Joined: Feb 28 2014
Gold: 256.43
Sep 15 2020 02:41pm
YouShould 5 - 0 Serwork

t4ds man, gL further

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