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May 8 2019 04:21pm
Hey guys,
It is me again, Ahirun.

I'm here with a new suggestion that is more meaningful, a system of tier list on the form of championship (ladder).

If you have some time to hear me, I would be grateful.

Let me explain my self, but first i'll make a little summary for the people that do not know me :

First attempt of helping this game was to offer a ranking system to Diablo 2 players from, Europe and East, so they could have data as there is no existing ranking system known to date.
This attempt did not been successfully, but I won't give up so fast, I will in the upcoming months, collect as much data as I can, making a system that truly means something and talk to players with a system of points collect.
How will my system work is easy:
I'll give you a little example:

There is probably at best in Diablo 2 Europe + East Realms 50-60 players left.
With partners, co-workers, maybe we could make those players encounter and fight for an absolute tittle but also with those battles we could set up a ranking that has a meaning.
How would it work, It could take the form of tournaments (I have seen plenty of tournaments going on, but did not see anything between realms going on yet).

Maybe at a very first point I and my co-workers could determinate the approximate tier of the 50-60 players left to rank them. A system of championship with maybe 10 players per tier except maybe for the highest tier that would fight and the 2 or 3 first get promoted to the next tier while the tier above will fight on their turn to determinate the two that will rank up but also the 2 or 3 that will go down. It's a system at stretched flow, which will motivate people to try hard to get to the tier above, but also duelist to not go down.
Some people might have doubts on how it works, but I have a clear idea on how it would happen, but I will need some time to find the good co-workers to make it happen. Also, some peoples maybe would be worried about the ping, but there is Asgard, which is a solution for both East and European players. There are three existing realms on there, and maybe with reversed matchups or by changing the form of the duel that both sides of the players agree it could work (2x First to three duels).
The system would be, basically, after having determinate which tiers are players like this with co-workers or people that are the most accurate / powerful (Piwah as an exemple or JohnSex).

tier 1 : 5-8 players (Consider the number as false, It is a simple exemple) ( 0 up - 2 down )

tier 2 : 8 players ( 2 up - 3 down )

tier 3 : 15 players ( 3 up - 4 down )

tier 4 : 15 players ( 4 up - 5 down )

tier 5 : 20 players ( 5 up - 0 down, if you consider tier 5 as lowest tier).

Every championship per tier will start and end at the same moment, and the number chosen of Up and Down people will be done at the end of those.
This could be done every 2 months with each tier having a topic dedicated to not spam too much.
If I manage to find co-workers, maybe I could find some people that also could offer rewards or an additional goal for some players with forum gold.
It is not the best shape of my project for now, but I wanted to share you my idea, which could really work with everyone's advice, with helping hands and the good guys to work with.

I believe in every single of you to let me know your thoughts, your sincere advices and eventual feedbacks.
Thanks everyone to hear me, it's all for me for today, I am reachable by private message if you ever want to,
Be careful
Best regards,

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May 8 2019 04:23pm
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May 8 2019 04:24pm
Quote (loftyEs @ May 8 2019 12:23pm)

Ofc u dont t5

Good job ahirun keep up the good work!!

Making our guild look good
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May 8 2019 04:25pm
Quote (DrFaGgIt @ May 8 2019 05:24pm)
Ofc u dont t5

Good job ahirun keep up the good work!!

Making our guild look good

beat U
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May 8 2019 04:27pm
I would love to be a tier ambassador. I have dispatched a short list of my qualifications to your inbox, along with a small "processing fee" to hasten my instatement
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May 8 2019 04:28pm
Seems interesting. I think peoples busy lives may add a barrier however to the overall speed of the process. Causing people to have to opt out at certain points
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May 8 2019 04:29pm
This is some silly stuff
I could easily defeat every single person in this sf with my arctic blast druid
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May 8 2019 04:29pm
Unless u plan on doing 2k - 5k fg tournies, no one is going to be incentivized to play multiple matchups on multiple Asgard servers per “ranking match”
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May 8 2019 04:40pm
I've been put in tier 4 or 5 for years. Still don't care.
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May 8 2019 04:49pm
Quote (StebenSeagull @ May 8 2019 06:40pm)
I've been put in tier 4 or 5 for years. Still don't care.

I made T3 in this d2jsp pvp data scientists popularity list. No big deal, I also don’t care B) barely even tried
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